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(but self-evident)
  Anyone, who using social-media, forms an opinion regarding anything other than the relative cuteness of this or that puppy-dog, needs seriously to examine their critical thinking.
Home of WASD
  Adelaide, South Australia
VMS   ->lists   Now including x86-64 VMS!
Mailing List   Current year archive: 2025
Not (exactly) a Blog  
Just a collection of occasional thoughts …
(… or perhaps a regular duodecimal collection)
12-MAR-2025 INTRUspect - browser based intrusion reporting
20-FEB-2025 wuCME again (not a problem this time :-)
21-NOV-2024 CGI/CGIplus/RTE Bandwidth
18-OCT-2024 phpRTE v2.0.0
16-SEP-2024 Latency and back-ends
29-AUG-2024 In The Weeds
25-JUL-2024 Quick and Dirty LOG STATisticS
20-JUN-2024 VMS is VMS is VMS is VMS – Thirty years of WASD
16-MAY-2024 Wrangling Disparate Systems – a recent exercise
18-APR-2024 x86-64 Python
20-MAR-2024 Oversize Tools – A Cautionary Tale
15-FEB-2024 WASD v12.2 ACCEPT and REJECT
21-NOV-2023 DDoS in the Real (WASD) World
24-OCT-2023 HTTP/2 in the Real (WASD) World
28-SEP-2023 Monitor de Sistema (Re)visited
not X86 VMS performance
28-AUG-2023 HTTPdMon Revisited
19-JUL-2023 The Hunting of the Snark
29-JUN-2023 OpenVMS x86-64 V9.2-1 CPU profile
VSI OpenVMS Forum discussion continued
25-MAY-2023 PerlRTE, PyRTE, and script activation
27-APR-2023 OpenVMS x86-64 V9.2 and Alpha V8.4-2L1 CPU profiles
VSI OpenVMS Forum discussion
29-MAR-2023 WASD/Apache benchmark on X86
23-FEB-2023 wuCME versatility
20-JAN-2023 WASD OpenSSL 3.0 transition from 1.1.1
plus WASD OpenSSL 3.1
14-DEC-2022 WASD distribution -- DCL and MMS
16-NOV-2022 WASD installation strategies
WASD Startup using 'Hard Links'
07-OCT-2022 WASD HTTPd command-line directives (/DO=)
WASD's Own x86-64
Porting Effort
29-SEP-2023 MonDeSi, not X86 VMS performance
29-JUN-2023 OpenVMS x86-64 V9.2-1 CPU profile
VSI OpenVMS Forum discussion continued
27-APR-2023 OpenVMS x86-64 V9.2 and Alpha V8.4-2L1 CPU profiles
VSI OpenVMS Forum discussion
15-FEB-2023 WASD x86-64 v12.1 and VSI C X7.4-726
addendum: WASD x86-64 v12.1 and VSI C X7.4-726
07-NOV-2022 WASD x86-64 and WASD v12.1
correction: Too good to be true!
07-APR-2022 VMS is VMS is VMS is VMS
Presentation to VMSgenerations on WASD port
Same with presenter notes
19-DEC-2021 Commodity x86-64 (and WASD v12.0)
07-NOV-2021 WASD v12.0 released
19-OCT-2021 WASD x86-64 son of samsara
11-AUG-2021 WASD x86-64 samsara
19-APR-2021 WASD x86-64 reiterated all over again
20-DEC-2020 WASD x86-64 reprised
04-NOV-2020 WASD x86-64 quietly humming
22-SEP-2020 WASD x86-64 running, jumping, standing still
19-SEP-2020 WASD x86-64 now a toddler
WASD x86-64 on OpenVMS V9.0-D EAK after less than 8 hours...
17-SEP-2020 They say the journey of a thousand miles...
Technical Articles
  Submissions welcome…
looking back
... over twenty years

 Last revised March 2025