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Subject:[Info-WASD] WASD x86-64 samsara0063 / 0000
Date:Wed, 11 Aug 2021 23:11:46 +0930  [11-AUG-2021 23:11]

This has now seen WASD reborn under V9.1 (hopefully a more blessed realm) but
finding itself in a vastly different environment to EAK incarnations
(currently a MacBook Pro, Intel Core i5, 2.7 GHz, 8GB).

There appears to be few changes in this initial V9.1, since the final EAK,
that WASD might specifically be interested in.

Nevertheless, these days it's just a matter of performing a standard
installation, so what the hey.  Without native compilers, this still involved
(cross-)compiling on IA64, then linking on the VM.  I ZIPed "-V" the object
files from VSM, transferred the archive, restored and linked on the MacBook
(VBox) VM.

My (now ancient) desktop Mac Pro does does not pass the
(primarily lacking XSAVE) but my (sufficiently less ancient) MacBook Pro
passed with enough colour to be a viable VMS platform and so now is a
portable VMS node.  Seems a usable VMS system.  Boots promptly.  CLI responds
without hesitation.  WASD performs well.  All on a fairly basic laptop.  I
really must try clustering it with my even more ancient PWS.

A v12.0.0b4 server code archive soon will be released for field test on
existing Alpha and IA64 WASD sites.

Regards, Mark.

PS. getting the VirtualBox VM settings right (enough) was a bit of a
challenge.  Tried a number of permutations until these seemed usable.

Hint: for the MacBook i5; used (non-default)
System / Memory / 4096 GB
       / Chipset / ICH9
       / Enable EFI
Storage / Attributes / Type / AHCI
Network / Bridged Adapter / en5 USB 10/100/1000 LAN (external net adapter)
Ports / COM1 / Mode / TCP / 2023

Of course, YMMV,

Image: 1st click 100%, 2nd actual size, 3rd default again