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Subject:[Info-WASD] phpRTE v2.0.00020 / 0000
Date:Fri, 18 Oct 2024 13:04:30 +1030  [18-OCT-2024 13:04]

PHP is an almost universally deployed, powerful, cross-platform,
HTML-embedded scripting language (

WASD has provided an RTE engine for PHP for 20+ years when in 2002 an HP VMS
port was designed for and built against the source release of CSWS PHP v1.1
(PHP 4.1.1).

The next in 2004 was with CSWS PHP 1.2 (PHP 4.3.2).

And the following Great Leap Forward of 2009 comprised CPQ AXPVMS CSWS_PHP
V2.0 (PHP 5.2.6).

From 2014 the WASD PHP engine relied entirely on a PHP port from Mark
Berryman (MB).  Generally more capable and kept up-to-date by Mark, using the
MB engine was the easy way out for WASD.  The MB infrastructure did not
provide PHP header files making it more difficult to maintain the WASD kit,
which sat at the 2014 v1.4.5 release for that decade.

Now VSI have released a port of V8.0-1A PHP (PHP 8.0.10) for use with but
independent of their CSWS.  VSI PHP is available for x86-64 and Itanium, not
Alpha.  There are header files included in the kit.  So WASD has built a
recent kit supporting the VSI release.

The original RTE was named PHPWASD and this VSI-based RTE differentiates
itself as phpRTE.  It works in much the same manner and so the two
conceivably could be operated concurrently.

The MB kit is currently at 8.1.23, so a little in advance of the VSI release.
Whether that is material to your use is of course your call.  The MB kit
easily can be integrated into the phpRTE production environment.  A wrapper
procedure massages the essential differences in the two environments.

This item is one of a collection at
