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User's Guide for OpenVMS Systems

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This function removes an entry from a quadword queue. This function must have write access to header and queue entries.

This function has the following format:

int  __PAL_REMQUEQ (void *entry, void **removed_entry); 


A pointer to the queue entry to be removed.


A pointer to the address of the entry removed from the queue.

There are three possible return values:

  • --1 if the queue was empty
  • 0 if the entry was removed and the queue is now empty
  • 1 if the entry was removed and the queue has remaining entries __PAL_REMQUEQ_D

This function removes an entry from a quadword queue deferred. This function must have write access to header and queue entries.

This function has the following format:

int   __PAL_REMQUEQ_D (void **entry, void **removed_entry);    /* Deferred */ 


A pointer to a pointer to the queue entry to be removed.


A pointer to the address of the entry removed from the queue.

There are three possible return values:

  • --1 if the queue was empty
  • 0 if the entry was removed and the queue is now empty
  • 1 if the entry was removed and the queue has remaining entries __PAL_SWPCTX

This function returns ownership of the data structure that contains the current hardware privileged context (the HWPCB) to the operating system and passes ownership of the new HWPCB to the processor.

This function has the following format:

void   __PAL_SWPCTX (void *address); 


A pointer to the new HWPCB. __PAL_SWASTEN

This function swaps the previous state of the Asynchronous System Trap (AST) enable bit for the new state. The new state is supplied in bit 0 of new_state_mask. The previous state is returned, zero-extended.

A check is made to determine if an AST is pending. If the enabling conditions are present for an AST at the completion of this instruction, the AST occurs before the next instruction.

This function has the following format:

unsigned int   __PAL_SWASTEN (int new_state_mask); 


An integer whose 0 bit is the new state of the AST enable bit. __PAL_WR_PS_SW

This function writes the low-order three bits of mask into the Processor Status software field (PS<SW>).

This function has the following format:

void  __PAL_WR_PS_SW (int mask); 


An integer whose low-order three bits are written into PS<SW>. _popcnt

The _popcnt built-in function returns the number of "1" bits (0 to 64) in its argument. For example, _popcnt(12) returns 2.

This function has the following format:

int64 _popcnt (unsigned int64); _poppar

The _poppar built-in function returns 1 if the number of "1" bits in its argument is odd; otherwise it returns 0. For example, _poppar(12) returns 0.

This function has the following format:

int64 _poppar (unsigned int64); Read Process Cycle Counter ( __RPCC)

The __RPCC function reads the current process cycle counter.

This function has the following format:

uint64  __RPCC (void); Sine ( __SIN)

The __SIN built-in is functionally equivalent to its counterpart, sin, in the standard header file <math.h>.

Its format is also the same:

#include <math.h> 

double __SIN (double x);


A radian value.

This built-in offers performance improvements because there is less call overhead associated with its use.

If you include <math.h>, the built-in is automatically used for all occurrences of sin. To disable the built-in, use #undef sin. Single-Precision, Floating-Point Arithmetic Built-in Functions

The following built-in functions provide single-precision, floating-point chopped arithmetic:

They have the following format:

float  __op{F,S}_C (float operand1, float operand2); 

Where op is one of ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV, and {F,S} represents VAX or IEEE floating-point arithmetic, respectively.

The result of the arithmetic operation is returned. Test for Bit Clear then Clear Bit Interlocked (__INTERLOCKED_TESTBITCC_QUAD)

The __INTERLOCKED_TESTBITCC_QUAD function performs the following functions in interlocked fashion:

  1. Returns the complement of the specified bit before being cleared.
  2. Clears the bit.

This function has the following formats:

int  __INTERLOCKED_TESTBITCC_QUAD (volatile void *address, int bit_position); 

int __INTERLOCKED_TESTBITCC_QUAD_RETRY (volatile void *address, int bit_position, int retry, int *status);


The quadword-aligned base address of the bit field.


The position within the field of the bit that you want cleared, in the range of 0 to 63.


A retry count of type int that indicates the number of times the operation is attempted (which is at least once, even if the retry argument is 0). If the operation cannot be performed successfully in the specified number of retries, the function returns without updating the quadword.


A pointer to an integer that is set to 0 if the operation did not succeed within the specified number of retries, and set to 1 if the operation succeeded. Test for Bit Clear then Clear Bit Interlocked (__TESTBITCCI)

The __TESTBITCCI function performs the following operations in interlocked fashion:

  • Returns the complement of the specified bit before being cleared
  • Clears the bit

This function has the following format:

int  __TESTBITCCI (void *address, int position, ...); 


The base address of the field.


The position within the field of the bit that you want cleared.


An optional retry count of type int. If specified, the retry count indicates the number of times the operation is attempted (which will be at least once, even if the count argument is 0). Test for Bit Set Then Set Bit Interlocked (__INTERLOCKED_TESTBITSS_QUAD)

The __INTERLOCKED_TESTBITSS_QUAD function performs the following functions in interlocked fashion:

  1. Returns the value of the specified bit before being set.
  2. Sets the bit.

This function has the following formats:

int  __INTERLOCKED_TESTBITSS_QUAD (volatile void *address, int bit_position); 

int __INTERLOCKED_TESTBITSS_QUAD_RETRY (volatile void *address, int expression, int retry, int *status);


The quadword-aligned base address of the bit field.


The position within the field of the bit that you want cleared, in the range of 0 to 63.


A retry count of type int that indicates the number of times the operation is attempted (which is at least once, even if the retry argument is 0). If the operation cannot be performed successfully in the specified number of retries, the function returns without updating the longword.


A pointer to an integer that is set to 0 if the operation did not succeed within the specified number of retries, and set to 1 if the operation succeeded. Test for Bit Set then Set Bit Interlocked (__TESTBITSSI)

The __TESTBITSSI function performs the following operations in interlocked fashion:

  • Returns the value of the specified bit before being set
  • Sets the bit

This function has the following format:

int  __TESTBITSSI (void *address, int position, ...); 


The base address of the field.


The position within the field of the bit that you want set.


An optional retry count of type int. If specified, the retry count indicates the number of times the operation is attempted (which will be at least once, even if the count argument is 0). _trailz

The _trailz built-in function returns the number of trailing zeros (counting after the least significant set bit to the least significant bit position) in its argument. For example, _trailz(2) returns 1, and _trailz(0) returns 64.

This function has the following format:

int64 _trailz (unsigned int64); Trap Barrier Instruction ( __TRAPB)

The __TRAPB function allows software to guarantee that, in a pipeline implementation, all previous arithmetic instructions will be completed without incurring any arithmetic traps before any instructions after the TRAPB instruction are issued.

This function has the following format:

void  __TRAPB (void); Unsigned Quadword Multiply High ( __UMULH)

The __UMULH function performs a quadword multiply high instruction.

This function has the following format:

uint64  __UMULH (uint64 operand1, uint64 operand2); 


A 64-bit unsigned integer.


A 64-bit unsigned integer.

The two operands are multiplied as unsigned integers to produce a 128-bit result. The high-order 64 bits are returned. Note that uint64 is a typedef for the Alpha data type unsigned __int64.

6.2.2 Built-In Functions for I64 Systems (I64 ONLY)

The HP C built-in functions available on OpenVMS Alpha systems are also available on I64 systems, with some differences, as described in this section. This section also describes built-in functions that are specific to I64 systems. Builtin Differences on I64 Systems

The <builtins.h> header file contains comments noting which built-in functions are not available or are not the preferred form for I64 systems. The compiler issues diagnostics where using a different built-in function for I64 systems would be preferable.


The comments in <builtins.h> reflect only what is explicitly present in that header file itself, and in the compiler implementation. You should also consult the content and comments in <pal_builtins.h> to determine more accurately what functionality is effectively provided by including <builtins.h>. For example, if a program explicitly declares one of the Alpha built-in functions and invokes it without having included <builtins.h>, the compiler might issue the BIFNOTAVAIL error message, regardless of whether or not the function is available through a system service. If the compilation does include <builtins.h>, and BIFNOTAVAIL is issued, then either there is no support at all for the built-in function or a new version of <pal_builtins.h> is needed.

Here is a summary of these differences on I64 systems:

  • There is no support for the asm, fasm, and dasm intrinsics (declared in the <c_asm.h> header file).
  • The functionality provided by the special-case treatment of R26 in an Alpha system asm, as in asm("MOV R26,R0"), is provided by a new built-in function for I64 systems:

    __int64 __RETURN_ADDRESS(void); 

    This built-in function produces the address to which the function containing the built-in call will return (the value of R26 on entry to the function on Alpha systems; the value of B0 on entry to the function on I64 systems). This built-in function cannot be used within a function specified to use nonstandard linkage.

  • The only PAL function calls implemented as built-in functions within the compiler are the 24 queue-manipulation builtins. The queue manipulation builtins generate calls to new OpenVMS system services SYS$<name>, where <name> is the name of the builtin with the leading underscores removed.
    Any other OpenVMS PAL calls are supported through macros defined in the <pal_builtins.h> header file included in the <builtins.h> header file. Typically, the macros in <pal_builtins.h> transform an invocation of an Alpha system builtin into a call to a system service that performs the equivalent function on an I64 system. Two notable exceptions are __PAL_GENTRAP and __PAL_BUGCHK, which instead invoke the I64 specific compiler builtin __break2.
  • There is no support for the various floating-point built-in functions used by the OpenVMS math library (for example, operations with chopped rounding and conversions).
  • For most built-in functions that take a retry count, the compiler issues a warning message, evaluates the count for possible side effects, ignores it, and then invokes the same function without a retry count. This is necessary because the retry behavior allowed by Alpha load-locked/store-conditional sequences does not exist on I64 systems. There are two exceptions to this: __LOCK_LONG_RETRY and __ACQUIRE_SEM_LONG_RETRY; in these cases, the retry behavior involves comparisons of data values, not just load-locked/store-conditional.
  • The __CMP_STORE_LONG and __CMP_STORE_QUAD built-in functions produce either a warning or an error, depending on whether or not the compiler can determine if the source and destination addresses are identical. If the addresses are identical, the compiler treats the builtin as the new __CMP_SWAP_ form and issues a warning. Otherwise it is an error. Built-in Functions Specific to I64 Systems

The <builtins.h> header file contains a section at the top conditionalized to just __ia64 with the support for built-in functions specific to I64 systems. This includes macro definitions for all of the registers that can be specified to the __getReg, __setReg, __getIndReg, and __setIndReg built-in functions. Parameters that are const-qualified require an argument that is a compile-time constant.

The following sections describe the HP C built-in functions available on OpenVMS I64 systems. Get Hardware Register Value ( __getReg)

The __getReg function gets the value from a hardware register based on the register index specified. This function produces a corresponding mov = r instruction.

This function has the following format:

unsigned __int64   __getReg (const int whichReg); 


The index of the hardware register from which the value is obtained. The __getReg and __setReg functions can access the following registers:

Register Name         whichReg  
_IA64_REG_IP            1016 
_IA64_REG_PSR           1019 
_IA64_REG_PSR_L         1019 
General Integer Registers: 
Register Name         whichReg
_IA64_REG_GP            1025 
_IA64_REG_SP            1036 
_IA64_REG_TP            1037 
Application Registers: 
Register Name         whichReg 
_IA64_REG_AR_KR0        3072 
_IA64_REG_AR_KR1        3073 
_IA64_REG_AR_KR2        3074 
_IA64_REG_AR_KR3        3075 
_IA64_REG_AR_KR4        3076 
_IA64_REG_AR_KR5        3077 
_IA64_REG_AR_KR6        3078 
_IA64_REG_AR_KR7        3079 
_IA64_REG_AR_RSC        3088 
_IA64_REG_AR_BSP        3089 
_IA64_REG_AR_RNAT       3091 
_IA64_REG_AR_FCR        3093 
_IA64_REG_AR_EFLAG      3096 
_IA64_REG_AR_CSD        3097 
_IA64_REG_AR_SSD        3098 
_IA64_REG_AR_CFLAG      3099 
_IA64_REG_AR_FSR        3100 
_IA64_REG_AR_FIR        3101 
_IA64_REG_AR_FDR        3102 
_IA64_REG_AR_CCV        3104 
_IA64_REG_AR_UNAT       3108 
_IA64_REG_AR_FPSR       3112 
_IA64_REG_AR_ITC        3116 
_IA64_REG_AR_PFS        3136 
_IA64_REG_AR_LC         3137 
_IA64_REG_AR_EC         3138 
Control Registers: 
Register Name         whichReg 
_IA64_REG_CR_DCR        4096 
_IA64_REG_CR_ITM        4097 
_IA64_REG_CR_IVA        4098 
_IA64_REG_CR_PTA        4104 
_IA64_REG_CR_IPSR       4112 
_IA64_REG_CR_ISR        4113 
_IA64_REG_CR_IIP        4115 
_IA64_REG_CR_IFA        4116 
_IA64_REG_CR_ITIR       4117 
_IA64_REG_CR_IIPA       4118 
_IA64_REG_CR_IFS        4119 
_IA64_REG_CR_IIM        4120 
_IA64_REG_CR_IHA        4121 
_IA64_REG_CR_LID        4160 
_IA64_REG_CR_IVR        4161 * 
_IA64_REG_CR_TPR        4162 
_IA64_REG_CR_EOI        4163 
_IA64_REG_CR_IRR0       4164 * 
_IA64_REG_CR_IRR1       4165 * 
_IA64_REG_CR_IRR2       4166 * 
_IA64_REG_CR_IRR3       4167 * 
_IA64_REG_CR_ITV        4168 
_IA64_REG_CR_PMV        4169 
_IA64_REG_CR_CMCV       4170 
_IA64_REG_CR_LRR0       4176 
_IA64_REG_CR_LRR1       4177 
* getReg only Set Hardware Register Value ( __setReg)

The __setReg function sets the value for a hardware register based on the register index specified. This function produces a corresponding mov = r instruction.

This function has the following format:

void   __setReg (const int whichReg, unsigned __int64 value); 


The index of the hardware register whose value is being set. See the __getReg functions for the list of registers that can be accessed.


The value to which the register is set. Get Index Register Value ( __getIndReg)

The __getIndReg function returns the value of an indexed register. The function accesses a register (index) in a register file (whichIndReg) of 64-bit registers.

This function has the following format:

unsigned __int64   __getIndReg 
(const int whichIndReg, __int64 index); 


The register file.


The index in the register file of the hardware register whose value is being requested. See the __getReg functions for the list of registers that can be accessed.

Indirect Registers for getIndReg and setIndReg:

Register Name         whichReg
_IA64_REG_INDR_CPUID    9000 * 
_IA64_REG_INDR_DBR      9001 
_IA64_REG_INDR_IBR      9002 
_IA64_REG_INDR_PKR      9003 
_IA64_REG_INDR_PMC      9004 
_IA64_REG_INDR_PMD      9005 
_IA64_REG_INDR_RR       9006 
* getIndReg only Set Index Register Value ( __setIndReg)

The __setIndReg function copies a value into an indexed register. The function accesses a register (index) in a register file (whichIndReg) of 64-bit registers.

This function has the following format:

void   __setIndReg (const int whichIndReg, __int64 index, 
 unsigned __int64 value); 


The register file.


The index in the register file of the hardware register to be set. See the __getIndReg function for the list of registers that can be accessed.


The value to which the register is set.

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