NOTE: SOME FUNCTIONALITY EMPLOYS JAVASCRIPT WASD Documentation Processor – Conditional Content

WASD Documentation Processor

5.Conditional Content

5.1Match Conditional
5.1.1Regex Basics
5.2Spawn Conditional
5.3Time Conditional

wasDOC provides for content to be included and excluded based on specified critera. This has already been demonstrated when the document was described as static (a file) using a construct such as

This has already been demonstrated when the document was described as |if|dynamic| |*dynamic| (a CGI script) |else| |*static| (a file) |endif| using a construct such as
as well as in the document prologue where alternative formats were suggested based on the current presentation.

The mechanism is the very familiar ifelifelseendif structure, where tests using if and elif resolving to true or false, control inclusion of related portions of the document. Conditionals may be nested. A conditional may be negated by prefixing it with ! (an exclamation point). A conditional structure may not span major sections (|1heading|).

Condition Comment
|apache| include if … Apache server
|cgi=<name>[:<keyword>/<regex>]| … CGI variable **
|dynamic| … executing as CGI script
|hide| … only if the query string contains nohide=1
|lnm=<name>[:<keyword>/<regex>]| … logical name value **
|multi| … document presented in major-heading portions
|osu| … OSU server
|single| … full document
|spawn=<command>[:<keyword>/<regex>]| … output from spawned command ** (see 5.2 Spawn Conditional)
|static| … from a file (i.e. not a CGI script)
|syi=<name>[:<keyword>/<regex>]| … any system value that can be inserted ** (see 2.7.3 System Data)
|time:<pattern>| … time value (see 5.3 Time Conditional)
|wasd| … WASD server
|FLAG[:<keyword>/<regex>]| … flag content ** (see 7.2 FLAGs)
|0| unconditional exclusion
|1| unconditional inclusion
**see 5.1 Match Conditional

Another example showing nested conditionals

|if|dynamic| this dynamic document has been brought to you by the |if|apache| Apache |elif|osu| OSU |elif|wasd| WASD |endif| server executing on a |if|syi=cluster=member| clustered |else| non-clustered |endif| \ |insert|syi=arch_name||. |else| this document is just from a flat, ol' file, originally generated on a |if|syi=cluster=member| clustered |else| non-clustered |endif| \ |insert|syi=arch_name||. |endif|
and now in motion … this document is just from a flat, ol' file, originally generated on a non-clustered Alpha.
Conditional keyword match

5.1Match Conditional

The simple conditions such as |dynamic| and |multi| allow fairly "flat" documents to adapt presentation to basic variations in document access. To use wasDOC for more sophisticated dynamic documents more sophisticated variants need to be supported.

The cgi, trnlnm and FLAG conditions may all have the associated value matched to a keyword or regular expression (see 5.1.1 Regex Basics).

In general, if the conditional <name> does not exist the following document content is excluded. If the name exists and no match specified then the content is included. When a colon-separated <keyword> or <regex> is supplied the value is tested against the parameter. If the keyword (or phrase) occurs in the value then the following content is included, otherwise excluded. Likewise if the regular expression matches or does not match the value. Matching is case insensitive.

This example provides something similar to the one above.

|if|dynamic| This dynamic document served by\ |if|cgi=SERVER_SOFTWARE:WASD| WASD. |else| something |*other| than WASD. |endif| |else| This document is from a static file. |endif|

This document is from a static file.

Conditional regular expression match

5.1.1Regex Basics

A regular expression, or regex, is a sequence of characters that define a search pattern. A detailed tutorial on regular expression capabilities and usage is well beyond the scope of this document. Many such hard-copy and on-line documents are available.

A regular expression is differentiated from a keyword by a leading ^ (caret) character. Regex equivalent to the preceding example.

|if|dynamic| This dynamic document served by\ |if|cgi=SERVER_SOFTWARE:^.*WASD.*| WASD. |else| something |*other| than WASD. |endif| |else| This document is from a static file. |endif|

This document is from a static file.

wasDOC regular expressions support the following elements. Escape wasDOC-reserved characters (i.e. | and \).

Operator Overview
Description Usage
Match-self Operator Ordinary characters.
Match-any-character Operator .
Concatenation Operator Juxtaposition.
Repetition Operators * + ? {}
Alternation Operator |
List Operators [...] [^...]
Grouping Operators (...)
Back-reference Operator ^digit
Anchoring Operators ^ $
Backslash Operator Escape meta-character; i.e. ^ ^ . $ | [ (

The following operators are used to match one, or in conjunction with the repetition operators more, characters of the target string. These single and leading characters are reserved meta-characters and must be escaped using a leading backslash ("^") if required as a literal character in the matching pattern. Note that this does not apply to the range hyphen; to include a hyphen in a range ensure the character is the first or last in the range.

Matching Operators
Expression Purpose
^ Match the beginning of the line
. Match any character
$ Match the end of the line
| Alternation (or)
[abc] Match only a, b or c
[^abc] Match anything except a, b and c
[a-z0-9] Match any character in the range a to z or 0 to 9

Repetition operators control the extent, or number, of whatever the matching operators match. These are also reserved meta-characters and must be escaped using a leading backslash if required as a literal character.

Repetition Operators
Expression Function
* Match 0 or more times
+ Match 1 or more times
? Match 1 or zero times
{n} Match exactly n times
{n,} Match at least n times
{n,m} Match at least n but not more than m times

5.2Spawn Conditional

Output from a spawned command may be tested using keyword and regex matching the same as other strings (see 2.7.1 Spawned Command). Output also can be reused for further matching or output by specifying the & (ampersand) character instead of a command. This will not only avoid additional overhead but also presents the exact same data used for the conditional.

This system has a C compiler available:
VSI C V7.4-002 on OpenVMS Alpha V8.4-2L1
|if|spawn=!-cc/version| |*This system has a C compiler available:| |else| |*This system does not have a C compiler available:| |endif| |^- |mono-#*#::##3| |insert|spawn=!&| |!mono|

5.3Time Conditional

The time conditional allows document content to change according to the time of day, week, or even year. It compares the supplied parameter to the current system time in one of three ways.

  1. The supplied parameter is in the form "1200-1759", which should be read as "twelve noon to five fifty-nine PM" (i.e. as a time range in minutes, generalized as hhmm-hhmm), where the first is the start time and the second the end time. If the current time is within that range (inclusive) the conditional returns true, otherwise false. If the range doesn't look correct false is always returned.
    |if|time:0000-0000| it's midnight |elif|time:0001-1159| it's AM |elif|time:1200-1200| it's noon |else| it's PM |endif|
  2. If the supplied parameter is a single digit (or series of digits) it is compared to the VMS day of the week (1-Monday, 2-Tuesday … 7-Sunday).
    |if|time:6,7| it's the weekend |else| it's the working week |endif|
  3. If the supplied string is not in either of the formats described above it is treated as a string match with a VMS comparision time (i.e. yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss.hh) using C-RTL decc$match_wild() or ^regex).
    |if|time:%%%%-07-*| it's the month of July |endif|

These are combined in the following example.

At time of rendering it was Saturday, July 11 09:12
Which makes it the weekend.
And so many are not concerned about the workplace.  
|^+ |if|dynamic| Currently it is |else| At time of rendering it was |endif|\ |insert*|time=%A, %B %d %H:%M| // largely teased out into separate, continued lines for clarity |^- Which makes it \ |if|time:6,7| |*the weekend||. |^- And so many are |*not concerned| about the workplace. |'_smiley.\ | |else| during the working week.\ |^- And as it's \ |if|time:0000-0859| early morning\ |elif|time:0900-1700| between 9AM and 5PM\ |else| late in the day \ |endif| also likely \ |if|!time:0900-1700| |*_not| |endif| |*working hours||. |endif|

Clear as mud? Thought it might be.

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