$!----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $! WCME_LOAD.COM $! $! When a certificate is sucessfully renewed execute this to load. $! Will take a parameter of "WASD" or "APACHE" to load one or the other on $! a system supporting both, otherwise one or the other or both in the single $! execution. $! $! 20-JUN-2017 MGD initial $!----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ set noon $! $ p1 = f$edit(p1,"upcase") $! $ if p1 .eqs. "" .or. p1 .eqs. "WASD" $ then $ if f$trnlnm("WASD_ROOT","lnm$system") .nes. "" $ then $ set process /privilege=SYSPRV $ httpd = "$wasd_exe:httpd_ssl.exe" $ write sys$output "$ httpd /version" $ httpd /version $ version = f$integer(f$element(0,".",HTTPD_VERSION)) * 100 + - f$integer(f$element(1,".",HTTPD_VERSION)) * 10 $ if version .ge. 1110 $ then $! (WASD v11.1.0 or later) $ write sys$output "$ httpd_ssl /do=ssl=cert=load" $ httpd /do=ssl=cert=load $ else $! (earlier than WASD v11.1.0) $ write sys$output "$ httpd_ssl /do=restart=now" $ httpd /do=restart=now $ endif $ delete /symbol /local httpd $ if p1 .nes. "" then exit $ endif $ endif $! $ if p1 .eqs. "" .or. p1 .eqs. "APACHE" $ then $ if f$trnlnm("APACHE$COMMON","lnm$system") .nes. "" $ then $ set process /privilege=(IMPERSONATE,SYSPRV) $ write sys$output "$ mcr apache$common:[000000]apache$httpd.exe -v" $ mcr apache$common:[000000]apache$httpd.exe -v $ write sys$output "$ @sys$startup:apache$startup restart" $ @sys$startup:apache$startup restart $ if p1 .nes. "" then exit $ endif $ endif $! $ if p1 .nes. "" then exit 44 $!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------