$!----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $! ALAMODE_STARTUP.COM $! $! For configuration options see READMORE.HTML $! copy to WASD_ROOT:[STARTUP] and then tailor as required. $! $! 29-JUL-2017 MGD bugfix; alert startup symbols $! 10-DEC-2014 MGD initial $!----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $! $! (configure using these, not the procedure proper) $! $ script_location = "CGI-BIN:[000000]" $! $ install_privileges = "(SHARE,SYSLCK,SYSPRV,WORLD)" $! $!! alamode_ni = "NIC1:,NIC2:,etc" $!! alamode_alert_403 = 30 $!! alamode_alert_5nn = 30 $! $!----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ say = "write sys$output" $ set noon $! $ procedure = f$element(0,";",f$environment("procedure")) $ write sys$output f$fao("!#*>", 78-f$length(procedure)) + " " + procedure $! $ if f$trnlnm("WASD_FILE_DEV") .nes. "" then @wasd_file_dev $ if f$type(alamode_ni) .nes "" - then define /system ALAMODE_NI 'alamode_ni' $ if f$type(alamode_alert_403) .nes "" - then define /system ALAMODE_ALERT_403 "''alamode_alert_403'" $ if f$type(alamode_alert_5NN) .nes "" - then define /system ALAMODE_ALERT_5NN "''alamode_alert_5NN'" $ if f$type(alamode_alert_NNN) .nes "" - then define /system ALAMODE_ALERT_NNN "''alamode_alert_NNN'" $! $ script = script_location + "ALAMODE.EXE" $ if f$type(install_privileges) .nes. "" .and. install_privileges .nes. "" $ then $ if f$file(script,"known") $ then install = "INSTALL REPLACE" $ else install = "INSTALL ADD" $ endif $ install 'script' /PRIV='install_privileges' $ endif $! $ write sys$output f$fao("!#*<", 78-f$length(procedure)) + " " + procedure $!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------