VSI Pascal V6.2-125 for OpenVMS I64 Systems Release Notes 19 March 2015 Copyright 2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Copyright 2015 VMS Software, Inc. HP CONFIDENTIAL. This software is confidential properietary software licensed by Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P., and is not authorized to be used, duplicated or disclosed to anyone without the prior written permission of HP. VMS SOFTWARE, INC. CONFIDENTIAL. This software is confidential proprietary software licensed by VMS Software, Inc., and is not authorized to be used, duplicated or disclosed to anyone without the prior written permission of VMS Software, Inc. This document contains information about VSI Pascal V6.2-125 including new features, differences between V6.2-125 and previous versions, corrections included, and other topics. This file is of interest to both system management and application programmers. CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 VSI PASCAL V6.2-125 FOR OPENVMS I64 SYSTEMS RELEASE NOTES 1.1 Overview Of VSI Pascal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 1.2 Environment File Format Change For V6.1-117 . . . 1-1 1.3 New Features In VSI Pascal For OpenVMS I64 . . . . 1-1 1.3.1 New Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 1.3.2 Differences Between OpenVMS Alpha And OpenVMS I64 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7 1.3.3 Known Problems In VSI Pascal V6.1 For OpenVMS I64 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7 1.4 HP Pascal Web Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8 1.5 Debug Support For Schema Types . . . . . . . . . . 1-8 1.6 Limited Support For 64-bit Pointer Types . . . . 1-10 1.6.1 Language Features Not Supported With 64-bit Pointers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-10 1.6.2 Using 64-bit Pointers With System Definition Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12 1.7 VSI Pascal Run-Time Library . . . . . . . . . . 1-14 1.8 Creating Files With RMS "Undefined" Record Types 1-15 1.9 Using The POS Attribute With Natural Alignment . 1-15 1.10 Using $FILESCAN With VSI Pascal . . . . . . . . 1-16 1.11 Using Condition Handlers That Return SS$_CONTINUE 1-17 1.12 Known Problems And Restrictions . . . . . . . . 1-18 1.13 STARLET Definition Files . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-22 1.14 Compiling For Optimal Performance . . . . . . . 1-23 1.15 Alignment Faults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-23 1.15.1 Understanding Alignment Faults . . . . . . . . 1-23 1.15.2 What Does The Compiler Know? . . . . . . . . . 1-24 1.15.3 What Does The Compiler Assume? . . . . . . . . 1-25 1.15.4 Correcting Alignment Faults . . . . . . . . . 1-26 1.15.5 Locating Alignment Faults . . . . . . . . . . 1-27 MONITOR ALIGN (OpenVMS I64 Only) . . . . . . . 1-28 ANALYZE/SYSTEM FLT Extension (OpenVMS I64 Only) 1-28 PCA SET UNALIGNED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-29 DEBUG SET BREAK /UNALIGNED . . . . . . . . . . 1-30 Alignment Fault System Services . . . . . . . 1-31 1.15.6 Why /USAGE=PERFORMANCE Does Not Help Finding Alignment Faults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-31 1.16 Problems Corrected Since Last Release Of VSI Pascal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-32 2 CHAPTER 1 VSI PASCAL V6.2-125 FOR OPENVMS I64 SYSTEMS RELEASE NOTES 1.1 Overview Of VSI Pascal The VSI Pascal V6.2-125 compiler contains several new features based on customer requests. The VSI Pascal compiler requires OpenVMS I64 V8.2 or later. 1.2 Environment File Format Change For V6.1-117 HP Pascal V6.1-117 contains a bugfix to improve schema type debugging support. However, the bugfix forced us to reorganize the layout of a primary data structure inside the compiler. This in turn caused a format change to the PEN file. V6.1-117 can inherit PEN files created by older compilers (including VAX Pascal V2.0 dating all the way back to 1982), but PEN files created by V6.1-117 can only be accepted by V6.1-117 or later. We have never provided official backwards compatibility for PEN files but we try really hard not to change the format. The last time was in August 1996. 1.3 New Features In VSI Pascal For OpenVMS I64 The VSI Pascal V6.1 compiler for OpenVMS I64 systems contains the following new features based on customer requests. Unless specified, the following new features have been added to all VSI Pascal OpenVMS targets. 1-1 VSI PASCAL V6.2-125 FOR OPENVMS I64 SYSTEMS RELEASE NOTES 1.3.1 New Features The following new features have been added since the release of V6.0-107. 1. A new /CDD_QUAD_TYPE=keyword DCL qualifier has been added to control how the %DICTIONARY directive translates quadword and octaword sized items from the CDD Dictionary. The keywords available are: 1. EMPTY_RECORD - The compiler will translate quadword and octaword sized items (including both CDD date/time datatypes) into "[BYTE(n)] RECORD END" where "n" is 8 or 16. This syntax reserves the appropriate amount of memory for the item, but does not provide any direct method to fetch or store the item. Programs must use explicit typecasts to properly manipulate the empty records. This is the default and is how all prior compilers have translated quadword and octaword sized items. 2. INTEGER64 - The compiler will translate signed quadwords (including both CDD date/time datatypes) into INTEGER64 and unsigned quadwords into UNSIGNED64. Octaword values are still translated into empty records as described above. 3. RDML_QUAD_TYPE - The compiler will translate quadword sized items (including both CDD date/time datatypes) into "[BYTE(8),UNSAFE] RECORD L0:UNSIGNED; L1:INTEGER END" and octaword sized items into "[BYTE(16),UNSAFE] RECORD L0,L1,L2:UNSIGNED; L3:INTEGER END". This matches the behavior of the RDML preprocessor. 2. A new /IDENT=ident-or-string qualifier has been added to specify a module-ident from the command line. This qualifier is identical to the [IDENT(quoted-string)] module-level attribute already available in the language. An explicit [IDENT(quoted-string)] attribute in the source file will override the /IDENT DCL qualifier. /IDENT=ABC will yield an ident string of ABC. /IDENT="abc" will yield an ident string of abc. 3. A new /PEN_CHECKING_STYLE=keyword qualifier has been added to specify the desired environment file checking method from the command line. This qualifier is identical to the [PEN_CHECKING_STYLE(keyword)] module-level attribute already available in the language. It accepts the same keywords as the attribute: COMPILATION_TIME, IDENT_STRING, and NONE. The default is COMPILATION_TIME. An explicit 1-2 VSI PASCAL V6.2-125 FOR OPENVMS I64 SYSTEMS RELEASE NOTES [PEN_CHECKING_STYLE(keyword)] attribute in the source file will override the /PEN_CHECKING_STYLE DCL qualifier. 4. A new LONG_CALLS keyword has been added to the /ASSUME DCL qualifier. This keyword specifies that the compiler should generate the longer 'brl.call' instruction for calls to external routines. This option is only needed when the linker is unable to resolve a PCREL21B relocation for the default 'br.call' instruction. 5. A new REDUCED_RELOCATIONS keyword has been added to the /ASSUME DCL qualifier. This keyword specifies that the compiler should generate additional instructions to reduce the number of address constants requested from the linker. This option is only need when the linker is unable to generate all the requested address constants. The following new features were added in V6.0-107. 1. A new BYTE_ALIGNED_POINTERS keyword has been added to the /ASSUME DCL qualifier. This keyword specifies that the compiler should assume that all pointers point to memory that is only aligned on byte boundaries. Normally, the compiler assumes that pointer variables are initialized by a call to the NEW predeclared routine. The memory returned by NEW is at least quadword aligned. The compiler can take advantage of that alignment to generate better code. However, if the program initializes the pointers by some other means such as IADDRESS or typecasting with values that are not quadword aligned, then the generated code may produce alignment faults. While the alignment faults are silently handled by OpenVMS, the resulting performance loss might be significant. By specifying BYTE_ALIGNED_POINTERS, the compiler will generate slightly slower code to fetch the value. However, compared to the overhead of correcting the alignment faults, this additional overhead is very small. The preferred solution is to ensure that all pointers contain quadword aligned addresses and use the default of NOBYTE_ALIGNED_POINTERS. 2. The IN and NOT IN operators have been enhanced to accept string arguments to determine if the string on the left hand side of the operator is IN, or NOT IN the string on the right hand side, respectively. This enhancement can be used to make programs easier to understand. The 1-3 VSI PASCAL V6.2-125 FOR OPENVMS I64 SYSTEMS RELEASE NOTES string1 IN string2 expression is identical to INDEX(string2,string1) <> 0 and the string1 NOT IN string2 expression is identical to INDEX(string2,string1) = 0 3. The SUBSTR predeclared function has been enhanced to allow the third operand, the substring size, to be optional. When omitted, the SUBSTR function will return the string that starts at the start index and continues to the end of the string. This enhancement has only been added to the Alpha and I64 compilers. The SUBSTR(string,start_index) is identical to SUBSTR(string,start_index,length(string)-string_index+1) 4. A %FLOAT directive has been added to determine the floating point default. The %FLOAT directive expands to either "VAX_FLOAT" or "IEEE_FLOAT" depending on the setting of the /FLOAT DCL qualifier or the [FLOAT] module-level attribute. 5. Several directives have been added to create floating literals of a specific type regardless of the current default floating type of the module. - %F_FLOAT - produce a VAX F_floating literal - %D_FLOAT - produce a VAX D_floating literal - %G_FLOAT - produce a VAX G_floating literal - %S_FLOAT - produce an IEEE S_floating literal - %T_FLOAT - produce an IEEE T_floating literal The syntax is: 1-4 VSI PASCAL V6.2-125 FOR OPENVMS I64 SYSTEMS RELEASE NOTES %x_FLOAT floating-point-literal where "x" is 'F','D','G','S', or 'T'. VSI Pascal has had the ability to declare and use both VAX and IEEE floating point types in the same module using the predeclared types, F_FLOAT, D_FLOAT, G_FLOAT, S_FLOAT, and T_FLOAT. However, floating point literals were always parsed based on the default floating type in the module. With the addition of the new directives, you can now write code like: lib$wait(%f_float 1.0); which will pass the correct floating literal to LIB$WAIT regardless of the default floating type of the module. 6. The BIN, OCT, HEX, DEC, and UDEC builtins are now supported in compile-time expressions. However, while the BIN, OCT, and HEX builtins accept expressions of any time when used in run-time expressions, they only support ordinal types when used in compile-time expressions. 7. Two new statements named SELECT and SELECTONE have been added. Patterned after the BLISS statements of the same name, the SELECT and SELECTONE statements look much like the CASE statement except for one very powerful feature. Namely, the labels of a SELECT or SELECTONE statement can be run-time expressions as opposed to the CASE statement which only allows constant expressions. The syntax for the SELECT statement is: SELECT select-selector OF [[{{select-label-list},...: statement};...]] [[ [[OTHERWISE {statement};...]] [[ALWAYS {statement};...]] ]] [[;]] END where 'select-label-list' is expression [[.. expression]] The expressions in the 'select-label-list' can be full run-time expressions. When two expressions are provided as a lower and upper bound, they must be of the same ordinal type. There is no check to ensure that the lower bound expression is less than or equal to the upper bound expression. If that occurs then there are simply no values of the select-selector that can be in the range. 1-5 VSI PASCAL V6.2-125 FOR OPENVMS I64 SYSTEMS RELEASE NOTES The SELECT statement checks to see if the value of the select-selector is contained in the select-label-list. If so, then the corresponding statement is executed. The select-label-lists are checked in the same lexical order that they appear in the source file. The same value can appear in more than one select-label-list. The optional OTHERWISE and ALWAYS clauses can appear in either order. The ALWAYS clause is always executed. The OTHERWISE clause is executed only if none of the prior statements (except for an optional ALWAYS statement) have been executed. The syntax for the SELECTONE statement is almost identical but does not provide for an ALWAYS clause. SELECTONE select-selector OF [[{{select-label-list},...: statement};...]] [[ OTHERWISE {statement};... ]] [[;]] END Unlike the SELECT statement, the SELECTONE statement stops processing after it executes the first statement that corresponds to a select-label-list that contains the select-selector value. While the SELECT/SELECTONE statements can be used similar to the CASE statement. For example, SELECT expression OF 1: WRITELN('ONE'); 2: WRITELN('TWO'); OTHERWISE WRITELN('not ONE or TWO') END a more subtle (and powerful) form uses the Boolean constant 'TRUE' as the select-selector. For example, SELECTONE True OF expression < 10: WRITELN('Value is small'); expression < 100: WRITELN('Value is medium'); expression < 1000: WRITELN('Value is big'); OTHERWISE WRITELN('Value is too big'); END SELECTONE True OF expression = "AAA": writeln('String is AAA'); expression = "BBB": writeln('String is BBB'); expression = "CCC": writeln('String is CCC'); OTHERWISE writeln('unknown string'); END 1-6 VSI PASCAL V6.2-125 FOR OPENVMS I64 SYSTEMS RELEASE NOTES FOR i := 1 TO 10 DO SELECT True OF ODD(i): WRITELN('value ',i:1,' is odd'); (i MOD 3) = 0: WRITELN('value ',i:1,' is also a multiple of 3'); END; 1.3.2 Differences Between OpenVMS Alpha And OpenVMS I64 VSI Pascal for OpenVMS I64 defaults to IEEE floating whereas HP Pascal for OpenVMS Alpha defaults to VAX floating. If you want or require VAX floating support on OpenVMS I64, you must use the /FLOAT=G_FLOAT or /FLOAT=D_FLOAT DCL qualifier (or the [FLOAT] module-level attribute). When using VAX floating on OpenVMS I64, the compiler generates extra code to convert the VAX floating value to IEEE floating, perform the desired operation, and convert the value back to VAX floating. While this model is intended to be invisible and identical to the VAX floating support on OpenVMS Alpha, the inherent differences between the floating point formats can produce minor differences in floating point computations. In addition, programs that try to interpret random data as floating values might generate floating inexact or floating invalid faults on OpenVMS I64 where they didn't exist on OpenVMS Alpha. 1.3.3 Known Problems In VSI Pascal V6.1 For OpenVMS I64 These problems include: 1. On OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha, the compiler and run-time library automatically close locally opened files at routine exit or if the routine is unwound using the $UNWIND system service. Unfortunately, this feature does not work properly on OpenVMS I64. Files that would be automatically closed on routine exit on VAX and Alpha, are not automatically closed on I64. The solution for this problem will require fixes to both the compiler and RTL. They will be addressed in a future release. For files to be automatically closed during unwind, the solution for that bug required only a RTL change which was incorporated into OpenVMS I64 V8.3. 2. The compiler and run-time libraries does not always raise an error when attempting to take the logarithm of a negative number. This will be corrected in a future release of 1-7 VSI PASCAL V6.2-125 FOR OPENVMS I64 SYSTEMS RELEASE NOTES OpenVMS I64. 3. DEBUG support is limited. - A few programs will generate internal compiler errors when compiling with /DEBUG. In those cases, the only workaround is to remove the /DEBUG qualifier. However, these programs should be rare. Most programs will compile with /NOOPT/DEBUG. - Some Pascal variables cannot be examined or deposited correctly in the debugger. Some will generate internal errors in the debugger or display incorrect data. Please exercise caution when using the debugger with Pascal. We are actively working on improving the debug support for the next release of OpenVMS I64. Thank you for your patience in this area. 1.4 HP Pascal Web Page You can find the HP Pascal home page at http://h71000.www7.hp.com/commercial/pascal/pascal_index.html Please visit the web site and register with us via the "Pascal Feedback" button. By registering with us, we can send out updates on future HP Pascal releases as well as getting your feedback on HP Pascal features and future directions. 1.5 Debug Support For Schema Types HP Pascal for OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS I64 has debugging support for schema types. When /DEBUG is used along with schema types, the compiler generates helper routines that will be used by the debugger to compute various pieces of run-time information it needs to examine or deposit into schematic variables. These routines have names that include "%BOUND", "%STRIDE", "%SIZE", and "%OFFSET" strings in their names. They should not impact the user program other than the fact that these routines are included in the generated code. We strongly encourage you to use /NOOPTIMIZE along with /DEBUG when debugging code that contains schema types. We have tested debugging with optmizations enabled, but the impact of optimization techiques make debugging difficult. This support for debugging schema types exposes several bugs in the 1-8 VSI PASCAL V6.2-125 FOR OPENVMS I64 SYSTEMS RELEASE NOTES existing debugger especially on OpenVMS I64. If you try to debug schema types with the existing debugger, you may encounter wrong answers or debug errors. We are actively working on these problems for future releases of HP Pascal and OpenVMS I64. Thank you for your patience in this area. For example, program test; type subr(l,u:integer) = l..u; var a : [volatile] integer value 3; b : [volatile] integer value 3; r : record f5_1 : array [subr(a,b)] of integer; case f5_tag : integer of 1 : (f5_case_1 : integer); 2 : (f5_case_2 : boolean); end; { case } begin r := zero; r.f5_tag := 2; end. You can examine variable R as an entire variable, but if you ask for R.F5_CASE_1 or R.F5_CASE_2, the debugger tries to examine the wrong virtual address. For example, DBG> ex r TEST\R F5_1 [3]: 0 F5_TAG: 2 Variant Record with Tag Value: 2 F5_CASE_2: False DBG> ex r.f5_case_1 %DEBUG-E-NOACCESSR, no read access to address 000000007F46E0FC DBG> ex r.f5_case_2 %DEBUG-E-NOACCESSR, no read access to address 000000007F46E0FC The debug engineering team is aware of this problem. 1-9 VSI PASCAL V6.2-125 FOR OPENVMS I64 SYSTEMS RELEASE NOTES 1.6 Limited Support For 64-bit Pointer Types HP Pascal for OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS I64 has been enhanced to provide support for 64-bit pointers. By using the [QUAD] attribute on pointer types, the compiler will create and use a 64-bit pointer instead of a 32-bit pointer. The NEW and DISPOSE procedures have been enhanced to work with 64-bit pointers. 1.6.1 Language Features Not Supported With 64-bit Pointers Several language features are not supported with 64-bit pointers. These features are: o Base types of 64-bit pointers cannot contain file types. o The READ, READV, and WRITEV builtin routines cannot read or write into variables accessed via 64-bit pointers. For example, the following code fragment will be rejected by the compiler var quad_ptr : [quad] ^integer; begin new(quad_ptr); read(quad_ptr^); end you can work-around this by using a temporary variable, as in, var quad_ptr : [quad] ^integer; tmp : integer; begin new(quad_ptr); read(tmp); quad_ptr^ := tmp; end o Since VSI Pascal only understands 32-bit descriptors as defined by the OpenVMS Calling Standard, any VSI Pascal construct that relies on descriptors is not supported for variables accessed via 64-bit pointers. The features rejected for 64-bit pointers are: - The use of %DESCR or %STDESCR on actual parameter values accessed via 64-bit pointers. For example, you cannot do type 1-10 VSI PASCAL V6.2-125 FOR OPENVMS I64 SYSTEMS RELEASE NOTES s32 = packed array [1..32] of char; var qp : [quad] ^s; begin new(qp); some_routine( %stdescr qp^ ); end; - Passing variables accessed with 64-bit pointers to formal parameters declared with %DESCR OR %STDESCR foreign mechanism specifiers. - Passing variables accessed with 64-bit pointers to conformant array or conformant varying parameters. - Passing variables accessed with 64-bit pointers to STRING parameters. - At run-time, the compiler will generate incorrect code when passing a VAR parameter that is accessed via a 64-bit pointer to a parameter that requires a descriptor. The generated code will build the descriptor with the lower 32-bits of the 64-bit address. We will add a run-time check for this situation in a future release. For example, type s32 = packed array [1..32] of char; var qp : [quad] ^s32; procedure a( p : packed array [l..u:integer] of char ); begin writeln(p); end; procedure b( var p : s32 ); begin a(p); { This will generate a bad descriptor } end; begin new(qp); b(qp^); end; 1-11 VSI PASCAL V6.2-125 FOR OPENVMS I64 SYSTEMS RELEASE NOTES 1.6.2 Using 64-bit Pointers With System Definition Files The STARLET Definition files for Pascal have not been enhanced to reflect the new 64-bit pointer support in the compiler. For routines that have parameters that are 64-bit pointers, the Pascal definition will use a record type that is 64-bits in size. The definition files do not know about either the INTEGER64 datatype or 64-bit pointers. We will try to improve the definition files in a future release. However, you can still use these new routines from VSI Pascal. By using a foreign mechanism specifier (ie, %IMMED, %REF, %STDESCR, and %DESCR) on an actual parameter, you can override the formal definition inside of definition files. For example, here is an example of calling lib$get_vm_64 using %ref to override the definition from PASCAL$LIB_ROUTINES.PEN. Note, that starting with HP Pascal V5.9, the NEW predeclared routine will call lib$get_vm_64 directly. However, this example is demonstrating how to override any system parameter definition using 64-bit pointers. [inherit('sys$library:pascal$lib_routines')] program p64(input,output); const arr_size = (8192 * 10) div 4; ! Make each array be 10 pages type arr = array [1..arr_size] of integer; arrptr = [quad] ^arr; var ptr : arrptr; ptrarr : array [1..10] of arrptr; i,j,stat : integer; sum : integer64; ! PASCAL$LIB_ROUTINES.PAS on a V7.1 system contains ! the following definitions for LIB$GET_VM_64 ! !type ! $QUAD = [QUAD,UNSAFE] RECORD ! L0:UNSIGNED; L1:INTEGER; END; ! $UQUAD = [QUAD,UNSAFE] RECORD ! L0,L1:UNSIGNED; END; ! lib$routines$$typ4 = ^$QUAD; ! ![ASYNCHRONOUS] FUNCTION lib$get_vm_64 ( ! number_of_bytes : $QUAD; ! VAR base_address : [VOLATILE] lib$routines$$typ4; ! zone_id : $UQUAD := %IMMED 0) : INTEGER; EXTERNAL; ! 1-12 VSI PASCAL V6.2-125 FOR OPENVMS I64 SYSTEMS RELEASE NOTES ! Note that the BASE_ADDRESS parameter is a 64-bit pointer ! that will be returned by LIB$GET_VM_64. The definition ! incorrectly declared it as a pointer to a record that is ! quadword sized. ! begin ! Allocate memory with lib$get_vm_64. The definition of ! lib$get_vm_64 declares the return address parameter as ! a quadword-sized record since it doesn't have sufficient ! information to generate a INTEGER64 or other type. ! ! Use an explicit '%ref' foreign mechanism specifier to ! override the formal parameter's type definition and pass ! our pointer to lib$get_vm_64. ! writeln('arr_size = ',arr_size:1); for i := 1 to 10 do begin stat := lib$get_vm_64( size(arr), %ref ptrarr[i] ); if not odd(stat) then begin writeln('Error from lib$get_vm_64: ',hex(stat)); lib$signal(stat); end; writeln('ptrarr[',i:1,'] = ',hex(ptrarr[i])); end; ! Read/write all the memory locations to get some page faults ! writeln('Initialize all memory'); for i := 1 to 10 do for j := 1 to arr_size do ptrarr[i]^[j] := i + j; sum := 0; writeln('Add up all memory in reverse direction'); for i := 10 downto 1 do for j := arr_size downto 1 do sum := sum + ptrarr[i]^[j]; writeln('Sum of array contents = ',sum:1); end. 1-13 VSI PASCAL V6.2-125 FOR OPENVMS I64 SYSTEMS RELEASE NOTES 1.7 VSI Pascal Run-Time Library Due to scheduling constraints, the Pascal Run-Time Library provided with the VSI Pascal kit is sometimes newer than the one supplied with OpenVMS I64. If the RTL provided with this kit is newer than the one on the system, the installation will upgrade the RTL. The GSMATCH field of the newer RTL has not been changed so images linked against the newer RTL can be taken to systems with older RTLs. Of course, if the image uses an entry point only available with a newer RTL, that image will not activate properly with older RTLs. In that case, take this kit to the target system and attempt to install the compiler. When installing the kit, just answer "NO" to the set of questions asking "Do you want to install the compiler", "Do you want to install the definition files", etc. questions. As a side-effect, the installation procedure will update the RTL on the system. You do not need a VSI Pascal license to install just the RTL in this fashion. In addition, the OpenVMS I64 Upgrade procedure is not aware that the VSI Pascal kit might have updated the RTL. Any subsequent OpenVMS updates will replace the RTL. You might have to reinstall the RTL from this kit if the OpenVMS upgrade replace the RTL with an older version. Here is a summary of PAS$RTL versions and their contents. - PAS$RTL.EXE on OpenVMS I64 V8.2 and V8.2-1 has an image id of V5.0-25. This is the original release of the Pascal RTL for OpenVMS I64 systems. This RTL contains new entry points to support NEW and DISPOSE on 64-bit pointers. - PAS$RTL.EXE on OpenVMS I64 V8.3 has an image id of V5.0-26. This RTL contains a performance improvement to better align internal RTL data structures to prevent alignment faults. There are no new entry points or functional changes. - There is an available ECO for PAS$RTL.EXE on OpenVMS I64 V8.3 (VMS83I_PASRTL-V0100, available 23-May-2007) with an image id of V5.0-28. This RTL contains a bug fix to the RTL's main condition handler where it could corrupt the signal array and cause an infinite loop of signalled conditions. - PAS$RTL.EXE on OpenVMS I64 V8.3-1H1 has an image id of V5.0-28. This RTL contains a bug fix to the RTL's main condition handler where it could corrupt the signal array and cause an infinite loop of signalled conditions. - There is an upcoming ECO for PAS$RTL.EXE on OpenVMS I64 V8.3 and V8.3-1H1 (VMS83I_PASRTL-V0200, and VMS831H1I_PASRTL-V0100) with an image id of V5.0-30. This RTL contains two bug fixes. 1-14 VSI PASCAL V6.2-125 FOR OPENVMS I64 SYSTEMS RELEASE NOTES 1. The RTL contains a memory leak when closing a file. The RTL would not deallocate all of the internal memory for the file. 2. The FIND_FIRST_BIT_SET and FIND_FIRST_BIT_CLEAR RTL support routines did not accept 64-bit addresses while the Alpha version does accept them. The RTL has been fixed to accept 64-bit addresses for these routines. - This VSI Pascal compiler kit contains PAS$RTL.EXE linked on 4-Oct-2004 and has an image id of V5.0-25. This RTL contains the new entry points to support the 64-bit versions of NEW and DISPOSE. This RTL is included in the OpenVMS I64 V8.2 and V8.2-1 releases. 1.8 Creating Files With RMS "Undefined" Record Types On OpenVMS I64, object files are created with the RMS record type of "undefined" to correctly describe these files as pure byte stream files. Prior to that, the "undefined" record type was not commonly seen on OpenVMS systems. The VSI Pascal OPEN predeclared routine does not have direct support to say "RECORD_TYPE := UNDEFINED". However, you can create a file with "undefined" record type using a USER_ACTION routine. A new example file (SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.PASCAL]CREATE_UDF_FILE.PAS) has been included in the VSI Pascal kit that shows how to do it. 1.9 Using The POS Attribute With Natural Alignment The description of the POS attribute does not describe the interaction with using the POS attribute with field types whose natural preferred alignment conflicts with the bit position specified. Prior to V5.9-103, the compiler would issue an error if the specified bit position conflicted with the type's preferred alignment. For example, type uw = [word] 0..65535; uw_array = array [1..2] of uw; uw_rec = packed record f1 : char; f2 : [pos(8)] uw_array; end; 1-15 VSI PASCAL V6.2-125 FOR OPENVMS I64 SYSTEMS RELEASE NOTES The compiler would issue a POSALIGNCON error message for the POS attribute eventhough the compiler would have placed the field on that boundary by default if the POS attribute was not specified. The compiler was confused by the implicit natural alignment of each word element of the uw_array and rejected any POS attribute that did not specify a word-aligned bit offset. The compiler's check has been relaxed to allow such POS attributes on fields of PACKED records that do not have explicit alignment specifications. The description of the POS attribute will be expanded to include the additional rule: o In an unpacked array, the specified bit position must not conflict with the default preferred alignment of the field's type. 1.10 Using $FILESCAN With VSI Pascal The definition of $FILESCAN in STARLET.PAS declares the 1st parameter as a value parameter accepting a string expression. The system service returns pointers back into this parameter via the item list parameter. When a string variable is passed to this first parameter, the compiler may make a local copy of the string before calling the system service. The system service will then return addresses back into this temporary copy of the string on the stack. As the program executes further, this stack space is reused and the returned pointers become useless. This behavior wasn't apparent on OpenVMS VAX systems since HP Pascal would generally not make a copy in that environment. If the actual parameter passed to $FILESCAN is a PACKED ARRAY OF CHAR variable, then you can workaround this problem by using the %STDESCR foreign mechanism specifier on the actual parameter. If the actual parameter is a VARYING OF CHAR or STRING, you will have to build your own local descriptor referencing the .BODY of the VARYING OF CHAR or STRING and pass that descriptor to $FILESCAN using the %REF foreign mechanism specifier. In both cases, you need to add VOLATILE to the variable being passed so the compiler knows that the variable must remain active after $FILESCAN has been called. This is needed since the code will be accessing pieces of the variable via the returned addresses. 1-16 VSI PASCAL V6.2-125 FOR OPENVMS I64 SYSTEMS RELEASE NOTES 1.11 Using Condition Handlers That Return SS$_CONTINUE In VSI Pascal, condition handlers can do one of the following things after doing whatever is appropriate for the error: 1. Use a non-local GOTO to transfer control to a label in an enclosing block. 2. Return SS$_CONTINUE if the handler wants the error dismissed and to continue processing. 3. Return SS$_RESIGNAL if the handler wants the system to continue searching for additional handlers to call. 4. Call the $UNWIND system service to establish a new point to resume execution when the handler returns to the system. When an exception occurs, the system calls a handler in the Pascal Run-Time Library that is established by the generated code. This handler in the RTL in turn calls the user's condition handler that was established with the ESTABLISH builtin routine. The RTL's handler contains a check to prevent a user's handler from returning SS$_CONTINUE for a certain class of Pascal Run-Time Errors that could cause an infinite loop if execution was to continue at the point of the error. There are two situations where this check may cause unexpected behavior. The first situation is where the user's handler called $UNWIND and then returned with SS$_CONTINUE. Since the $UNWIND service was called, execution won't resume at the point of the error even if SS$_CONTINUE is returned to the system. However, the RTL's handler isn't aware that $UNWIND has been called and complains that you cannot continue for this type of error. The solution is to return SS$_RESIGNAL instead of SS$_CONTINUE after calling $UNWIND in the user's handler. However, this solution isn't possible if you establish the LIB$SIG_TO_RET routine with the ESTABLISH builtin routine. LIB$SIG_TO_RET is a routine that can be used as a condition handler to convert a signal into a "return to the caller of the routine that established LIB$SIG_TO_RET". Since LIB$SIG_TO_RET returns SS$_NORMAL which in turn is the same value as SS$_CONTINUE, the handler in the Pascal RTL will complain that you cannot continue from this type of error. The solution for this case is to establish your own handler with the ESTABLISH builtin routine that calls LIB$SIG_TO_RET and then returns SS$_RESIGNAL. You cannot establish LIB$SIG_TO_RET directly as a handler with the ESTABLISH builtin routine. 1-17 VSI PASCAL V6.2-125 FOR OPENVMS I64 SYSTEMS RELEASE NOTES The second situation where the RTL's check for SS$_CONTINUE from a user's handler can cause problem is moving code from OpenVMS VAX to OpenVMS Alpha or OpenVMS I64. On OpenVMS VAX, only certain run-time errors were not allowed to return SS$_CONTINUE from a handler. These errors for those associated with the SUBSTR and PAD builtin routines as well as checking code for set constructors. On OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS I64, many more run-time errors are not allowed to return SS$_CONTINUE from a handler. The exact lists of run-time errors which can be continued and which ones cannot be continued has never been provided. The compilers may choose to generate different code in the future which might move an error from one list to the other. We recommend that do you not return SS$_CONTINUE for any Pascal run-time error that is not due to a file operation. 1.12 Known Problems And Restrictions Here is a list of language features that are not yet implemented or do not work as documented in VSI Pascal for OpenVMS I64 Systems. 1. UNSIGNED8 and UNSIGNED16 Predeclared Subranges The UNSIGNED8 and UNSIGNED16 predeclared subrange types are documented as being subranges of UNSIGNED. However, they are actually subranges of INTEGER with positive values that correspond to an UNSIGNED subrange of the same size. This subtle distinction in the definition is almost impossible to detect from a program and shouldn't be a problem in the general case. One visible difference is that expressions involving UNSIGNED8 and UNSIGNED16 values are performed with overflow detection enabled (just like any INTEGER expression). So if you multiply the largest UNSIGNED16 value with itself, the operation will produce an overflow where you would not expect an overflow. For example, VAR A,B : UNSIGNED16 VALUE 65535; A := A * B; will produce an integer overflow where you would expect the rules for unsigned arithmetic to produce the value 1. 2. Using Discriminated Schema as Formal Discriminant Types Extended Pascal allows a discriminated ordinal schema type to be subsequently used as the type of a formal schema discriminant. For example, 1-18 VSI PASCAL V6.2-125 FOR OPENVMS I64 SYSTEMS RELEASE NOTES TYPE SUBR(L,U:INTEGER) = L..U; DSUBR = SUBR(expression,expression); SCH1(D:DSUBR) = ARRAY [1..D] OF INTEGER; SCH2(D:DSUBR) = RECORD CASE D OF 1: (F1:INTEGER); 2: (F2:CHAR); END; VSI Pascal does not currently support this construct. 3. Files with Schema Components Extended Pascal allows file components to contain schematic items and therefore provide run-time sized file components. For example, TYPE SUBR(L,U:INTEGER) = L..U; FILE_COMP = ARRAY [SUBR(expr,expr)] OF INTEGER; VAR F : FILE OF FILE_COMP; VSI Pascal does not currently support this feature and requires that the component sizes of files be known at compile-time. 4. Using Formal Discriminants Inside Initial State Specifiers Extended Pascal allows the formal discriminant to appear in an initial state specifier in the schema definition. For example, TYPE R(D:INTEGER) = RECORD F1 : INTEGER VALUE D; END; A(D:INTEGER) = ARRAY [1..D] OF INTEGER VALUE [OTHERWISE D]; VSI Pascal does not currently support this feature and requires that all initial state values be compile-time expressions. 5. Changing Variants When Selector Is A Discriminant If a formal discriminant is used as a variant tag, it is illegal to change the variant once the variable has been created. For example, TYPE R(D:INTEGER) = RECORD CASE D OF 1: (ONE : INTEGER); 2: (TWO : INTEGER); OTHERWISE (OTHERS : BOOLEAN); 1-19 VSI PASCAL V6.2-125 FOR OPENVMS I64 SYSTEMS RELEASE NOTES END; VAR V : R(1); BEGIN V.TWO := 2; { Is illegal since it changes variants from 1 to 2 } END; VSI Pascal does not currently generate run-time checking code to detect this violation. 6. The AND_THEN and OR_ELSE Boolean operators do not short-circuit when used in constant expressions. All constant expressions currently do full evaluation in a left-to-right order. For example, CONST X = FALSE AND_THEN (1 DIV 0 = 0); This example will currently generate a compilation error instead of correctly definiting the constant X to be the value FALSE. 7. The VSI Pascal compiler currently allows you to use the SIZE function on TIMESTAMP variables. As in the case for file variables, these types are abstract objects and the compiler should not permit assumptions about their size to be used. 8. When the buffer variable of a file is passed as a VAR parameter, the allocation size of the formal VAR parameter must match that of the components of the file. Failure to do so will result in an Internal Compiler Error. For example: PROGRAM A; VAR F : PACKED FILE OF 0..65535; G : FILE OF [WORD] 0..65535; PROCEDURE P( VAR I : INTEGER ); EXTERNAL; BEGIN P(F^); { causes an Internal Compiler Error } P(G^); { causes an Internal Compiler Error } END. 9. The LSE templates for the Pascal language are shipped as part of DECset. These templates have not yet been updated to reflect all the new language features added to VSI Pascal. 10. The HELP file has undergone extensive revision which included renaming some topic strings. This will cause problems with using the language-sensitive help feature from LSE. 1-20 VSI PASCAL V6.2-125 FOR OPENVMS I64 SYSTEMS RELEASE NOTES 11. Due to an interaction with the OpenVMS Linker and OpenVMS Image Activator, unknown results will occur if a compilation unit places a file variable in a [COMMON] block and then a shareable image is made from the object file. To share data in a shareable image, use environment files or use the [GLOBAL]/[EXTERNAL] attributes. 12. When using the SYS$SYSTEM:PASCAL$SET_VERSION.COM command file to select older versions of the VSI Pascal, the older compiler may issue an error if the /VERSION qualifier is specified. Normally, older compilers will simply ignore any qualifiers that were added after its release. However, due to the implementation of /VERSION, older compilers will issue errors while trying to process other qualifiers. If you receive these errors, do not use /VERSION to determine the older compiler's version. You will need to look in the first line of a listing file or in the ANALYZE/IMAGE output. 13. Jumping into a WITH statement with a GOTO statement may result in an Internal Compiler Error if compiled with /OPTIMIZE. Such programs are illegal in nature as bypassing the prologue of the WITH statement skips around the code that precomputes the address of the record used in the WITH statement. 14. The ALIGNED attribute only allows upto 8192 byte boundaries at present (ie, ALIGNED(13)). Support for larger alignments will be considered for a future release if there is customer demand. 15. Incomplete support for INTEGER64/UNSIGNED64; Currently, the following uses of the INTEGER64/UNSIGNED64 datatypes are unsupported: a) Literals requiring more than 32-bits cannot be used in the declaration section. This implies that you cannot write such things as: CONST BigNum = 12345678912345678; but you CAN write things such as: i64 := 12345678912345678; b) INTEGER64/UNSIGNED64 expressions cannot be used as case selectors or variant record tags. c) Subranges requiring more than 32-bits cannot be declared (since you cannot specify literals large enough to construct them). 1-21 VSI PASCAL V6.2-125 FOR OPENVMS I64 SYSTEMS RELEASE NOTES d) Array index types cannot be INTEGER64/UNSIGNED64 (since you cannot specify subranges of them). e) The predeclared constants MAXINT64 and MAXUNSIGNED64 are not present. However, you can use LOWER(INTEGER64), LOWER(UNSIGNED64), UPPER(INTEGER64), and UPPER(UNSIGNED64) in an executable section to obtain the same values. f) INTEGER64/UNSIGNED64 types cannot be used in variable typecasts. 16. When debugging programs that contain schema, you must use the /NOOPTIMIZE qualifier on the PASCAL DCL command. If you do not use /NOOPTIMIZE, you might receive incorrect debug information or an Internal Debug Error when manipulating schema. Pointers to undiscriminated schema cannot be correctly described to the debugger at this time since the type of the pointer is dependent upon the value pointed to by the pointer. They are described as pointers to UNSIGNED integers instead. For example, TYPE S(I:INTEGER) = ARRAY [1..I] OF INTEGER; VAR P : ^S; BEGIN NEW(P,expression); END; 1.13 STARLET Definition Files The contents of STARLET.PAS and other definition files provided during the VSI Pascal installation are derived or extracted from a file provided by the OpenVMS system. On OpenVMS Alpha systems prior to V8.2, the Pascal files are converted from binary data shipped by OpenVMS (SYS$LIBRARY:STARLETSD.TLB). The Pascal installation extracts the binary information, converts it to Pascal source files, compiles them, and places the precompiled environment files on the system. The SYS$LIBRARY:STARLETSD.TLB file is not used once the installation is finished. On OpenVMS I64 and OpenVMS Alpha V8.2 and later, the Pascal files are produced during the OpenVMS build process and are shipped compressed inside SYS$LIBRARY:STARLETPAS.TLB. The Pascal installation extracts 1-22 VSI PASCAL V6.2-125 FOR OPENVMS I64 SYSTEMS RELEASE NOTES the Pascal source files, compiles them, and places them and the precompiled environment files on the system. The SYS$LIBRARY:STARLETPAS.TLB file is not used once the installation is finished. Programs that provide their own Pascal version of system constants, data structures, or entry points may have to be modified if these items are provided by the OpenVMS system in the future. For example, the CLI$_ constants are now been provided by the system. Finally, be aware that OpenVMS VAX, OpenVMS Alpha, and OpenVMS I64 systems may not provide the exact same set of definitions. 1.14 Compiling For Optimal Performance The following command line will result in producing the fastest code from the compiler. PASCAL /NOZERO_HEAP /OPTIMIZE /NOCHECK /ASSUME=NOACCURACY_SENSITIVE You may also want to use the performance flagger ( /USAGE=PERFORMANCE ) to identify datatypes that could be modified for additional performance. Note that the is another level of optimization (LEVEL=5) above the default level of 4. However, from our experience, /OPTIMIZE=LEVEL=5 provides little benefit to most Pascal program and may actually result in slower code than level 4. Please note that /ASSUME=NOACCURACY_SENSITIVE may cause programs that depend on exact mathematical results to produce incorrect answers. The remaining qualifiers should not impact the results of programs. 1.15 Alignment Faults 1.15.1 Understanding Alignment Faults The Alpha and Itanium architectures have rules limiting the use of unaligned data items. These rules allow the underlying implementations to be faster than if they allowed unaligned data accesses. On Alpha, if a LDWU (load word), LDL (load longword), LDQ (load quadword), STW (store word), STL (store longword), or STQ (store quadword) instruction uses an address that is not a multiple of the size of the data being accessed (ie, word, long, or quadword), an exception is generated. The hardware does not support such loads or 1-23 VSI PASCAL V6.2-125 FOR OPENVMS I64 SYSTEMS RELEASE NOTES stores. The exception is handled by the Alpha PAL (Privileged Architecture Library) code. Since the PAL code has exclusive access to the machine (it sits between the hardware and OpenVMS), the PAL code can execute multiple instructions to access adjacent longwords or quadwords and perform the unaligned memory fetch or store. It can do so atomically on even a multiple CPU system since it understands OpenVMS page table entries and can prevent other active CPUs from deleting the virtual memory being accessed. After the PAL code is finished, it dismisses the exception and processing continues. Unless requested, the PAL code does not even inform OpenVMS that a fault occurred. The overhead with the PAL code fixing the alignment fault is measurable, but reasonable. There is some context saved to get into and return from the PAL code. The actual fixup of the misaligned data is probably on the order of a dozen instructions or so plus the minimal PAL state save/restore sequence. Many Alpha applications have had alignment faults for years without any noticable performance penalty. However some applications are slower without realizing that alignment faults have slowed it down. On Itanium the situation is much the same. If a LD2 (load word), LD4 (load longword), LD8 (load quadword), ST2 (store word), ST4 (store longword), or ST8 (store quadword) instruction uses an address that is not a multiple of the size of the data being accessed (ie, word, long, or quadword), an exception is generated. In some cases, the hardware itself may fixup certain unaligned accesses, but in most cases an exception is raised. Unlike Alpha, the Itanium has no PAL code to handle the exception. On OpenVMS I64, the exception is handled by the operating system. To ensure that no other active CPUs can delete the underlying memory, OpenVMS has to acquire various memory management spinlocks, save considerable state, etc. before it can execute instructions to access adjacent longwords or quadwords and perform the unaligned memory fetch or store. After OpenVMS is finished, there is overhead to release the spinlocks and restore all the saved state. The combined overhead is considerable. The overhead may be in the thousands or tens of thousands instructions plus the impact of acquiring/releasing spinlocks. If other CPUs are creating/deleting virtual memory, the fixup of the unaligned data access will be delayed further. The reverse is also a problem. If one CPU is processing many alignment faults, other CPUs may be delayed tring to create/delete virtual memory. 1.15.2 What Does The Compiler Know? Contrary to popular belief, using the PACKED keyword or the /ALIGN=VAX DCL qualifier does not cause alignment faults. In these situations 1-24 VSI PASCAL V6.2-125 FOR OPENVMS I64 SYSTEMS RELEASE NOTES the compiler knows when certain fields are unaligned. Consider the following: var r : packed record f1 : char; f2 : integer; end; The compiler knows that field F2 is 1 byte from the beginning of the record. It is a longword integer that is not on a longword memory boundary. When the compiler fetches (or stores) the field, the compiler will not simply use an LDL/LD4 instruction. Instead, it will generate several instructions and either fetch the enclosing quadword and shift/extract the desired longword or use smaller instructions like LDB/LD1 and fetch the integer in pieces and combine them together into a register. In summary, if the compiler can tell at compile-time that a particular fetch or store is unaligned, it will generate several instructions that will not fault instead of a single instruction that always will fault. Of course executing 6 or 8 instructions will be slower than executing 1 instruction, but you are avoiding the alignment fault. If the data becomes aligned by removing the PACKED keyword, removing the /ALIGN qualifier, using explicit POS attributes, etc. then additional performance could be achived. However, this has nothing to do with alignment faults. See the Pascal User Manual or SYS$HELP:PASCAL_RECORD_LAYOUT_GUIDE.MEM for additional information on changing the layout of record fields for additional performance. 1.15.3 What Does The Compiler Assume? Alignment faults can occur when the compiler assumes something that is actually not true. In Pascal, this involves either dereferencing pointers or accessing parameters. The Pascal compiler assumes that pointers point to memory that is at least quadword aligned. The NEW builtin and the underlying LIB$GET_VM library routine provide aligned memory. Consider the following: type rt = record f1 : integer; f2 : integer; end; var p : ^rt; begin 1-25 VSI PASCAL V6.2-125 FOR OPENVMS I64 SYSTEMS RELEASE NOTES new(p); p^.f1 := p^.f2; end The compiler assumes that since the pointer is aligned that the F1 and F2 fields are also aligned. The compiler will generate LDL/LD4 instructions to fetch the fields. If the pointer variable is assigned a value that is not quadword aligned, the assumption the compiler made is now false. This unaligned pointer will cause alignment faults to occur when the application runs. There are several ways for a pointer to get an unaligned value. One common way is to use the IADDRESS predeclared routine to assign the pointer instead of using NEW. With IADDRESS it is possible to place a non-quadword aligned value into the pointer. Another way would be to share the pointer with a non-Pascal routine which did not know the Pascal compiler's rules. The Pascal compiler assumes that parameters passed by reference point to variables that are aligned on their appropriate boundary depending on whether VAX or NATURAL alignment was requested. Consider the following: type rt = record f1 : integer; f2 : integer; end; procedure a(var p : rt); begin p.f1 := p.f2; end; The Pascal compiler assumes that the parameter passed to routine A is aligned on a longword boundary if compiled with the default /ALIGN=NATURAL or just aligned on a byte boundary if compiled with /ALIGN=VAX. If routine A is called with an address of an argument that is not properly aligned, the assumption the compiler made is now false. This unaligned parameter will cause alignment faults to occur. This situation can occur when routine A is called from a non-Pascal routine or if the caller used the IADDRESS predeclared routine or a typecast to override Pascal's type system. 1.15.4 Correcting Alignment Faults You can tell the Pascal compiler that certain pointers may point to unaligned data by adding the [ALIGNED(0)] attribute to the pointer declaration. For example, type p_to_aligned_int = ^ integer; 1-26 VSI PASCAL V6.2-125 FOR OPENVMS I64 SYSTEMS RELEASE NOTES p_to_unaligned_int = ^ [aligned(0)] integer; For pointers with type p_to_aligned_int, the compiler will use longword instructions to fetch/store memory. For pointers with type p_to_unaligned_int, the compiler will use additional instructions to reference memory that would not generate an alignment fault. Alternatively, the /ASSUME=NOBYTE_ALIGNED_POINTERS DCL qualifier causes the compiler to assume that all pointers may point to unaligned memory. This qualifier is a quick way to reduce alignment faults, but does sacrifice performance by making all pointer references use additional instructions. For unaligned parameters, you would place an [ALIGNED(0)] attribute on the formal parameter definition. For example, type rt = record f1 : integer; f2 : integer; end; procedure a(var p : rt); begin p.f1 := p.f2; ! assume longword alignment end; procedure b(var p : [aligned(0)] rt); begin p.f1 := p.f2; ! assume only byte alignment end; 1.15.5 Locating Alignment Faults There are several ways to determine if your application is experencing alignment faults. All the following examples are done using the following program: program foo; type pint = ^integer; procedure a(p : pint); begin p^ := p^ + 1; end; var p : pint; buf : array [1..10] of char; 1-27 VSI PASCAL V6.2-125 FOR OPENVMS I64 SYSTEMS RELEASE NOTES begin p::integer := iaddress(buf[2]); while true do a(p); end. $ PASCAL/NOOPT/DEBUG FLT $ LINK/DEBUG FLT MONITOR ALIGN (OpenVMS I64 Only) The MONITOR DCL command has been enhanced to include an ALIGN option. It gives a system-wide view of alignment faults. You cannot determine which process or image is generating alignment faults with this command. ANALYZE/SYSTEM FLT Extension (OpenVMS I64 Only) The ANALYZE/SYSTEM utility has an alignment fault extension named FLT. You can use FLT to collect alignment fault data over a period of time. You can then examine the fault information to determine which process and more importantly which PC caused the alignment fault. For example, $ analyze/system OpenVMS system analyzer SDA> FLT Alignment Fault Tracing Utility FLT commands: FLT LOAD FLT UNLOAD FLT START TRACE [/BUFFER=pages] [/BEGIN=pc_range_low] [/END=pc_range_high] [/MODE=(K,E,S,U)] (default is ALL modes) [/INDEX=pid] (default is ALL processes) FLT STOP TRACE FLT SHOW TRACE [/SUMMARY] SDA> FLT LOAD FLT$DEBUG load status = 00000001 SDA> FLT START TRACE Tracing started... SDA> ! wait sufficient time to collect meaningful data 1-28 VSI PASCAL V6.2-125 FOR OPENVMS I64 SYSTEMS RELEASE NOTES SDA> FLT STOP TRACE SDA> FLT SHOW TRACE SDA> FLT UNLOAD FLT$DEBUG unload status = 00000001 Please remember to FLT UNLOAD when finished with your analysis. When FLT is loaded, even if it isn't actually collecting data, it will prevent other fault alignment tools from operating properly. When analyzing the FLT output, the FLT SHOW TRACE command will show all the alignment faults that occurred during the trace (within the limit of the buffer controlled by /BUFFER=pages). Each line shows the faulting PC as well as the EPID. You can also use the SHOW TRACE /SUMMARY to find the faulting PC with the highest fault count although that does not show the EPID value. Once you determine the EPID of the process you are interested in, you can use the following commands to determine the image being run: SDA> SET PROCESS/INDEX=xxx SDA> SHOW PROCESS/CHANNEL SDA> SHOW PROCESS/IMAGE The image being run is usually the 2nd channel listed in the output. Once you have set the process, the FLT SHOW TRACE/SUMMARY will show the correct module name in the image. With the image name from SHOW PROCESS/CHANNEL, the module name from FLT SHOW TRACE/SUMMARY, and the faulting PC, you have enough information to find the instruction and ultimately the source statement that generated the faulting instruction. EXAM/INSTRUCTION 'faulting-pc' can show the instructions if the image is still in memory. Using the link map from the image, you can determine which source module contributed code for that PC value. Subtract the module's base address from the faulting PC to determine the offset in the module. Using the compiler listing file (compiled with /LISTING/MACHINE), you can find the instruction at the offset. The source line number for that instruction can then be found on the right-hand side of the listing file. With the source line number, you can search backwards in the listing file to finally find the source line. It will probably be a pointer dereference or parameter access. PCA SET UNALIGNED PCA (Performance Coverave Analyzer) can be used to collect alignment fault information on an image. $ PASCAL/NOOPT/DEBUG FLT $ LINK/DEBUG FLT $ DEFINE LIB$DEBUG PCA$COLLECTOR 1-29 VSI PASCAL V6.2-125 FOR OPENVMS I64 SYSTEMS RELEASE NOTES $ RUN FLT PCA Collector Version V4.9 PCAC> SET UNALIGNED PCAC> GO $ PCA FLT.PCA Performance and Coverage Analyzer Version V4.9 PCAA> TABULATE/UNALIGNED DEBUG SET BREAK /UNALIGNED The symbolic debugger can stop at instructions that generate alignment faults. For example, $ RUN FLT OpenVMS I64 Debug64 Version V8.3-009 %DEBUG-I-INITIAL, Language: PASCAL, Module: FOO DBG> set break /unaligned DBG> go %DEBUG-I-DYNLNGSET, setting language PASCAL Unaligned data access: virtual address = 000000007ACE3B61, PC = 0000000000010071 break on unaligned data trap preceding FOO\FOO\A\%LINE 6+64 6: p^ := p^ + 1; DBG> examine/instruction .pc-1 FOO\FOO\A\%LINE 6+63: ld4 r10 = [r10] ;; DBG> examine/source .pc-1 module FOO 6: p^ := p^ + 1; DBG> go Unaligned data access: virtual address = 000000007ACE3B61, PC = 0000000000010081 break on unaligned data trap preceding FOO\FOO\A\%LINE 7 7: end; DBG> examine/instruction .pc-1 FOO\FOO\A\%LINE 6+79: st4 [r32] = r10 DBG> examine/source .pc-1 module FOO 6: p^ := p^ + 1; 1-30 VSI PASCAL V6.2-125 FOR OPENVMS I64 SYSTEMS RELEASE NOTES Alignment Fault System Services There are several OpenVMS system services that can collect alignment fault information. One of them, SYS$PERM_REPORT_ALIGN_FAULT, will cause alignment faults to generate a message to SYS$OUTPUT. Consider the following programs: $ type enable_align_report.pas [inherit('starlet')] program enable_align_report; begin $perm_report_align_fault; end. $ type disable_align_report.pas [inherit('starlet')] program disable_align_report; begin $perm_dis_align_fault_report; end. $! Compile and link $ pascal enable_align_report $ link enable_align_report $ pascal disable_align_report $ link disable_align_report $! Turn on alignment fault reporting $ run enable_align_report $ run flt %SYSTEM-I-ALIGN, data alignment trap, virtual address=000000007ACE3B61, function =00000000, PC=0000000000010071, PS=0000001B %SYSTEM-I-ALIGN, data alignment trap, virtual address=000000007ACE3B61, function =00000001, PC=0000000000010081, PS=0000001B %SYSTEM-I-ALIGN, data alignment trap, virtual address=000000007ACE3B61, function =00000000, PC=0000000000010071, PS=0000001B ^CONTROL-Y^ $ exit $! Turn off alignment fault reporting $ run disable_align_report The messages provide the faulting PC. Using the link map and listing files, you can track the faulting PC back to the source line that caused the alignment fault. 1.15.6 Why /USAGE=PERFORMANCE Does Not Help Finding Alignment Faults The /USAGE=PERFORMANCE DCL qualifier flags variables, record fields, and array elements that are not optimally aligned or optimally sized. As mentioned earlier, when the compiler knows that an item is not 1-31 VSI PASCAL V6.2-125 FOR OPENVMS I64 SYSTEMS RELEASE NOTES properly aligned, it will generate several instructions to fetch or store the data in pieces instead of using a single instruction which might get an alignment fault. It is these items that are flagged by the /USAGE=PERFORMANCE qualifier. The message is essentially saying: "The compiler had to generate several instructions to avoid an alignment fault. If you would properly align your data, we could generate a single instruction and be even better." Also mentioned earlier, alignment faults occur when the compiler DOES NOT know when an item is unaligned due to typecasts or explicit pointer manipulation which violate the compiler's assumptions. The compiler thinks the item is aligned properly and will generate single instructions to fetch or store the item. The /USAGE=PERFORMANCE qualifier will never flag such an item as poorly aligned because the compiler believes it is properly aligned. In summary, properly aligning your data items will help performance by allowing the compiler to generate single memory reference instructions instead of several instructions. In general, the performance gain might be just a few percentage points of improvement although some programs may see higher gains. However, eliminating alignment faults has a much greater impact on performance. 1.16 Problems Corrected Since Last Release Of VSI Pascal o The ADD/AND/OR_ATOMIC predeclared routines would not return the old value correctly. This problem has been fixed. o The compiler would issue an error about overlapping initializations when [UNSAFE] variables are initialized with values larger than the variable. For example, module bug; var v1 : [unsafe] packed array [1..4] of char := 'abcdefghijkl'; v2 : boolean := true; end. However, the definition of the [UNSAFE] attribute says that only the first four characters shall be used to initialize the variable. This problem has been fixed. o An Internal Compiler Error occurred when using a SELECT or SELECTONE statement that used a comma-list of select-labels. For example, 1-32 VSI PASCAL V6.2-125 FOR OPENVMS I64 SYSTEMS RELEASE NOTES select i of 1,2 : writeln('abc'); end; This problem has been fixed. o The compiler would sometimes generate incorrect code when allocating large variables on the stack. The incorrect code sequence caused the SP to contain an invalid value for a short window. If an AST occurred during this window, OpenVMS would delete the process due to the invalid stack pointer. For example, the incorrect code looks like: addl sp = -1601312, r0 add sp = r48, sp and the corrected code looks like: addl r2 = -1601312, r0 ;; add sp = r48, r2 This problem has been fixed. o The compiler would complain about malformed tokens when skipping tokens in the "false" part of an %IF directive. For instance, %if false %then writeln(1.0d) %endif In the above code, the literal "1.0d" is malformed since it did not include an exponent. However, since the compiler was skipping tokens (or things that are almost tokens), it should not have complained. o The compiler would generate alignment faults when using the /ANALYSIS_DATA qualifier. This caused an increase in compile-time. This problem has been fixed. o The V5.9 compiler issued an error message about passing a variable from being passed to a VAR [READONLY] formal parameter when the variable was accessed using a 64-bit pointer. This is a regression from earlier versions. The compiler should not have issued the error message. This problem has been fixed. 1-33 VSI PASCAL V6.2-125 FOR OPENVMS I64 SYSTEMS RELEASE NOTES o The compiler would generate an internal error when compiling a program that typecasts certain literals to a string. For example, type string2 = packed array [1..2] of char; var msg : varying [132] of char; begin msg := ''; msg := msg + (0)::string2; end This problem has been fixed. o The compiler ignored /ERROR_LIMIT when just /ERROR_LIMIT=1 was given. It behaved as if it wasn't specified (ie, no limit). This problem has been fixed. o The compiler would issue a misleading warning message on an OPEN statement for certain combinations of ACCESS_METHOD and ORGANIZATION when HISTORY := READONLY was also specified. For example, OPEN( file_variable := f, history := readonly, access_method := direct, organization := sequential); The message is no longer issued. o The compiler would generate an internal compiler error when compiling a program with /DEBUG qualifier that declares records/arrays containing pointer to run-time sized types. For example, type buffer = record biging : integer64; str : string(255); end; buffer_list = record count : unsigned; head : ^buffer; end; var list : buffer_list; 1-34 VSI PASCAL V6.2-125 FOR OPENVMS I64 SYSTEMS RELEASE NOTES This problem has been fixed. Please note that this bugfix forced us to change the format of the PEN file. See the section at the beginning of these release notes for more information. o The compiler could generate incorrect code for programs that pass routines as parameters when the passed routine contained uplevel references and the calling routine also contained uplevel references to different stack frames than the routine being passed as a parameter. The compiler generated the bound-procedure-value on stack that was not yet allocated. Subsequent stack allocation could corrupt the data structure which could lead to ACCVIOs. o The compiler could generate incorrect code for programs with deeply nested routines that uplevel reference in various combinations. For example, procedure a; var a1 : integer; procedure b; var b1 : integer; procedure c; procedure d; begin ! D b1 := 0; end; ! D begin ! C a1 := 0; d; end; ! C begin ! B a1 := 0; c; end ! B begin b; end; In order for routine C to access A1, it must find routine A's stack frame. In order for routine D to access B1, it must find routine B's stack frame. The compiler knows that it must generate code for routine C before routine A and generate code for routine D before routine B. However, it missed the fact that routine C must find the saved stack pointer of routine A that was saved inside of routine B. The requirement that routine B must have its code generated before routine C wasn't properly handled. This could lead to the generated code accessing invalid stack locations and either generating an ACCVIO or fetch or store to the wrong 1-35 VSI PASCAL V6.2-125 FOR OPENVMS I64 SYSTEMS RELEASE NOTES memory location. This problem has been fixed. o The compiler would generate an Internal Compiler Error when using /ANALYSIS_DATA on a program that used an %INCLUDE file to provide the actual parameter list. For example, rtn_call( %include 'rtn_actual_parms' ); In order to determine if the actual parameters used positional or non-positional syntax, the parser 'looks ahead' one token when encountering an identifier used as a parameter. When positioned at the end of the include file, the look-ahead causes the include file to be closed and resumes token processing back in the prior token stream. This confused the /ANALYSIS_DATA code into thinking something was wrong and it generated the internal error. This problem has been fixed. o The /CDD_QUAD_TYPE qualifier added in V6.0-113 only affected CDD quadwords, CDD octawords, and the CDD date/time type. There is another CDD date/time type for 'absolute date/time' that was missed. This datatype is now handled as well. o In debugger, examining a boolean field in a record would result in an error. This problem has been fixed. o In certain cases, inlining can cause function arguments to be corrupted, especially if the inlined function has several local variables. This problem has been fixed. o When an open file allocated in a routine is not explicitly closed, the RTL routine PAS$CLOSE_LOCAL is called to close those files automatically at the end of the routine. This routine expects the previous stack pointer (PSP) in the first argument. An incorrect PSP was being passed resulting in files not being closed. This problem has been fixed. 1-36 VSI PASCAL V6.2-125 FOR OPENVMS I64 SYSTEMS RELEASE NOTES o The OpenVMS debugger has problems examining pascal record variables that have one or more components of type BOOLEAN The Compiler now emits new debugging information for bit fields in records. This can be interpreted by the debugger versions released after October 2010. o Add second parameter to the Close_Local RTL routine call. This second parameter is to tell the Close_Local RTL that the first parameter can be trusted to have PSP (Previous Stack Pointer).Without the second argument, Close_Local just returns without actually closing the file. A new tuple attribute "NEED_PSP" has been added that will be set to true for UPLINK tuple when the Previous SP has to be passed as an argument to PAS$CLOSE_LOCAL. Without this attribute, the UPLINK tuple gets the current SP. This problem has been fixed. o The compiler would generate an Internal Compiler Error when C_STR is used in VAR section in PASCAL program. For example, MODULE DEFINITIONS; VAR command: c_str_t := c_str("this fails"); END. This problem has been fixed. o When attempting to debug a large pascal program, attempts to examine a variable fail with a message indicating that the variable has been opimized away. This happens specifically in cases where we have a code similar to the one below in the Pascal program: [INHERIT('file_name')] PROGRAM USE(INPUT,OUTPUT); BEGIN READLN(Status); WRITELN(Status); END. [ENVIRONMENT('file_name')] MODULE DEFINITIONS; 1-37 VSI PASCAL V6.2-125 FOR OPENVMS I64 SYSTEMS RELEASE NOTES VAR Status : UNSIGNED; END. Compiling the module 'DEFINITIONS' creates the file file_name.pen. The variable "Status" is used in program USE. An examine of Status gives the following: DBG> ex Status %DEBUG-W-UNALLOCATED, 'STATUS' is not allocated in memory (optimized away) This has been fixed and this fix requires the latest Debugger as well. 1-38