VMS Help  —  PMDF  STARTUP  Description
    The STARTUP utility is used to start up detached PMDF processes
    such as the PMDF Service Dispatcher, or specific service
    processes such as FAX_RECEIVE. The standard component names are

    Component  Description

    CIRCUIT_   Detached process which monitors loopback message
    CHECK      timings.
    COUNTERS   Detached processes which synchronize the channel
    DISPATCHER Multithreaded Service Dispatcher.
    FAX_       Detached processes which process incoming FAXes.

    Note the services handled by the PMDF multithreaded Service
    Dispatcher must be started by starting the PMDF Service
    Dispatcher; only services not being handled by the PMDF Service
    Dispatcher can be individually started via the PMDF STARTUP
    utility. The Service Dispatcher may be configured to handle
    various services, e.g., and the multithreaded HTTP, IMAP (the
    system mailbox IMAP server), IMAP_SERVER (the PMDF MessageStore
    mailbox server), POP_SERVER (the PMDF MessageStore mailbox
    server), POP3 (the system mailbox POP server), POPPASSD, and
    SMTP servers. See the PMDF System Manager's Guide for details.
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