VMS Help  —  PMDF  DB  Advanced Mailing Lists, Length Restriction on List Definitions
    Keep in mind the length limit of alias expansion values of 252
    characters when defining a more sophisticated mailing list with
    multiple parameters. Most lists can be suitably defined with just
    a few of the possible mailing list parameters discussed above.
    But if you have a list for which you really want to use a lot of
    parameters, then you might need to define the list in stages.

    For instance, to define a list friends-list that has MODERATOR_
    named parameters, as well as error-return-address and comments
    positional parameters, the list can be defined in two stages,
    using a subsidiary friends-list-stage2 definition, e.g.,

 db> add friends-list "<d1:[alan]friends-list-stage2.dis,
 [MODERATOR_ADDRESS] alan@example.com, [MODERATOR_LIST] d1:[alan]friends-list.dis,
 [CANT_LIST] d1:[alan]bozos.dis, [USERNAME] ALAN"
 db> add friends-list-stage2 "<d1:[alan]friends-list.dis,
 [IMPORTANCE] High, alan@example.com, *, *, *, A chatty message list for Alan's
 friends - contact Alan at 555-1212 for more information"
 db> set friends-list public

    where the D1:[ALAN]FRIENDS-LIST-STAGE2.DIS file contains just the


    and the D1:[ALAN]FRIENDS-LIST.DIS contains all the actual
    recipient addresses.
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