VMS Help  —  FORTRAN  Statements  INCLUDE
  Directs the compiler to stop reading statements from the current
  file and read the statements in the included file or module.  When
  it reaches the end of the included file or module, the compiler
  resumes compilation with the next statement after the INCLUDE
  statement.  Statement format:

     INCLUDE 'full-file-name[/[NO]LIST]'

     INCLUDE '[text-lib] (module-name)[/[NO]LIST]'

     full-file-name  Is a character string that specifies
                     the file to be included.  The form of
                     the "full-file-name" must be acceptable
                     to the operating system, as described
                     in the HP Fortran for OpenVMS User Manual.

     /[NO]LIST       Specifies whether the incorporated code
                     is to appear in the compilation source
                     listing.  In the listing, a number
                     precedes each incorporated statement.  The
                     number indicates the "include" nesting
                     depth of the code. The default is /NOLIST.
                     /LIST and /NOLIST must be spelled completely.

                     On Tru64 UNIX and Linux systems, you can only
                     use /[NO]LIST if you specify the compiler
                     option that sets OpenVMS defaults.

     text-lib        Is a character string that specifies the
                     "full-file-name" of the text library to be
                     searched.  Its form must be acceptable to
                     the operating system, as described in the
                     HP Fortran for OpenVMS User Manual.

     module-name     Is the name of the text module, located in
                     a text library, that is to be included. The
                     name of the module must be enclosed in
                     parentheses.  It can contain any alphanumeric
                     character and the special characters dollar
                     sign ($) and underscore (_).  Its length
                     must be acceptable to the operating system,
                     as described in the HP Fortran for OpenVMS User

  The file or module must contain valid Fortran statements.  The file
  or module cannot start with a continuation line, but it can contain
  an INCLUDE statement.

  The limit on nesting depth is when system resources are exhausted.

  In the following example, the file COMMON.FOR defines a parameter
  constant M, and defines arrays X and Y as part of the blank common

     Main Program File              COMMON.FOR File
     -----------------              ---------------
     INCLUDE 'COMMON.FOR'           PARAMETER (M=100)
     DIMENSION Z(M)                 COMMON X(M),Y(M)
     DO 5, I=1,M

  5  Z(I) = X(I)+SQRT(Y(I))

     DO 10, I=1,M
  10 X(I) = Y(I)**3
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