Specifies an additional directory for the VSI Fortran compiler
  to search for module files or include files:

   o  Module files are specified by a USE statement.  The module
      files have a file type of F90$MOD and are created by the HP
      Fortran compiler.

   o  Include files are specified by an INCLUDE statement.  The
      include files have a file type like other VSI Fortran source
      files (F90, FOR, or F) in the following form:

         INCLUDE 'name'  or   INCLUDE 'name.ext'

      You can also include library modules from a text library, where
      the name of the module appears within parentheses ((name)).  If
      the INCLUDE statement specifies an explicit device and/or
      directory, only that directory is searched.

  Directories are searched in the following order:

  1.  The current directory (if /ASSUME=SOURCE_INCLUDE is omitted) or
      the directory where the source file resides (if
      /ASSUME=SOURCE_INCLUDE is specified).

  2.  One or more directories specified by the /INCLUDE qualifier.

  3.  The standard system location.  To prevent searching in this
      directory, specify /NOINCLUDE.

  To limit the compiler's search to the current directory (or the
  directory where the source file resides), specify /NOINCLUDE.

  To control the searching for only text libraries (not module files
  and included source files), you can use the logical name
  F90$LIBRARY or FORT$LIBRARY.  Like other OpenVMS logical names, the
  name can specify the location for only your process or for multiple
  processes (including system-wide).

  For example, you can specify additional directories
  qualifier as follows:


  If you specify multiple directories, the order of the directories
  (and their devices) in the /INCLUDE qualifier determines the
  directory search order.
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