D=/FLOAT=G_FLOAT (Alpha)
  Specifies the floating-point data format to be used in memory for
  REAL or COMPLEX data.

  For performance reasons, consider specifying the same
  floating-point memory format as the floating-point format used by
  unformatted files the program will access if the data falls within
  the acceptable range.

  To specify a floating-point format (such as big endian) for all
  unformatted files opened by the program, use the /CONVERT
  qualifier.  To allow the same program to use different
  floating-point formats, you must use predefined logical names or
  the OPEN (CONVERT=) keyword to specify the format for specific unit
  numbers, as described in the HP Fortran for OpenVMS User Manual.

  You can only specify one qualifier option.

    Specifies that the memory format for REAL(KIND=4) and
    COMPLEX(KIND=4) data is VAX F_floating and that the memory format
    for REAL(KIND=8) and COMPLEX(KIND=8) data is VAX D_floating.
    This option is the same as the obsolete qualifier /NOG_FLOATING.


            OpenVMS  VAX  systems  support   D_floating   and
            G_floating    implementations   of   the   DOUBLE
            PRECISION (REAL(KIND=8))  data  type  in  memory.
            OpenVMS  Alpha  systems  can  store  REAL(KIND=8)
            floating-point  data  in  memory  in  D_floating,
            G_floating, or T_floating format.

            Because  the  Alpha  instruction  set  does   not
            support  D_floating computations, D_floating data
            is converted to G_floating format for  arithmetic
            computations   and   then   converted   back   to
            D_floating format.   For  programs  that  perform
            many  REAL(KIND=8) computations, using D_floating
            data  is  slower   than   using   G_floating   or
            T_floating  data and the results will differ from
            VAX D_floating computations and results.

            Unless a program uses unformatted data  files  in
            D_floating  format, do not use the /FLOAT=D_FLOAT
            option.  If range and accuracy constraints do not
            disallow  the  use of the other REAL(KIND=8) data
            types, consider converting  existing  unformatted
            files  that  contain  D_floating  data to another
            format,  such  as  G_floating,   T_floating,   or
            X_floating  to  optimize  performance.  (For more
            information, see the HP Fortran for OpenVMS User

    Specifies that the memory format for REAL(KIND=4) and
    COMPLEX(KIND=4) data is VAX F_floating and that REAL(KIND=8) and
    the memory format for COMPLEX(KIND=8) data is VAX G_floating.
    This option is the same as the obsolete qualifier /G_FLOATING.


                Because the I64 instruction set does not support
 	       F_floating, D_floating, or G_floating computations,
 	       data in those formats is converted to IEEE format
                (S_floating or T_floating) for arithmetic
                computations and then converted back to
                the original format.  For programs that perform
                many REAL (KIND=4 or KIND=8) computations, using
                F_floating, D_floating, or G_floating data will be
                slower than using S_floating or T_floating  data.
                The results may differ from slightly from Alpha
                F_floating, D_floating, or G_floating computations
                and results. In particular, exceptions raised by
                the calculation may be different, and some
                exceptions may no longer occur, while new
                exceptions may appear.

  This the default floating-point format for Alpha systems.

    Specifies that the memory format for REAL(KIND=4) and
    COMPLEX(KIND=4) data is IEEE S_floating and the memory format for
    REAL(KIND=8) and COMPLEX(KIND=8) data is IEEE T_floating.

    This format lets you use the /IEEE_MODE qualifier.

    This is the default floating-point format for I64 systems.

  If your program requires the G_floating form of double precision
  for its correct operation (it uses a range larger than 10**38), you
  should use the /FLOAT qualifier in an OPTIONS statement in your
  source program.

  You should not mix floating data type formats in routines that pass
  single-precision or double-precision quantities amongst themselves.

  For more information on floating-point data types, see the HP
  Fortran for OpenVMS User Manual.
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