VMS Help  —  CC  Messages  NAMESLOWER1
 Message        The /NAMES=LOWERCASE qualifier is no longer
                supported.  The qualifier /NAMES=AS_IS will be used.

 Description    While the C language has always required identifiers
                with internal linkage to be treated case sensitively.
                It traditionally permitted implementations to
                monocase identifiers with external linkage.  Modern
                standards require C/C++ implementations to preserve
                the case of identifiers with external linkage.  As
                VMS and other operating systems that traditionally
                implemented monocasing chose uppercase as the
                convention, /NAMES=LOWERCASE runs contrary both to
                the C and C++ standards and to traditional
                conventions.  Continued support for this option
                interferes with support for compatibility between old
                code compiled with /NAMES=UPPERCASE and new code
                compiled with /NAMES=AS_IS.

 User Action    Use /NAMES=AS_IS, making source code changes as
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