Redefines the default working set size for the process, or sets
    an upper limit to which the working set size can be changed by an
    image that the process executes. Working set limits cannot be set
    to exceed those defined in the user authorization file (UAF).

    Specify the value of n as a number of 512-byte pagelets on Alpha.
    Note that the OpenVMS system rounds up this value to the nearest
    CPU-specific page so that the actual amount of physical memory
    allowed may be larger than the specified amount on Alpha.



1  –  Qualifiers

1.1    /ADJUST

       /ADJUST (default)

    Controls whether the system can automatically adjust the size of
    the process working set.

1.2    /EXTENT


    Specifies the maximum number of physical pages that can be
    resident in the working set during image execution.

    The extent value must be greater than the minimum working set
    defined at system generation, and it must be less than or equal
    to the authorized extent defined in the UAF.

    If you specify a value greater than the authorized extent, the
    command sets the working set limit at the maximum authorized

1.3    /LIMIT


    Specifies the size to which the working set is to be reduced at
    image exit.

    If you specify a value greater than the current quota, the quota
    value is also increased.

1.4    /LOG

       /NOLOG (default)

    Determines whether confirmation of the SET WORKING_SET command is

1.5    /QUOTA


    Specifies the maximum number of physical pages that any image
    executing in the process context can request. An image can set
    the working set size for the process by calling the $ADJWSL
    (Adjust Working Set Limit) system service.

    If you specify a quota value that is greater than the authorized
    quota, the working set quota is set to the authorized quota

2  –  Examples

       Working Set      /Limit=  150  /Quota=  700            /Extent= 700
       Adjustment enabled    Authorized Quota=  700  Authorized Extent= 700
      %SET-I-NEWLIMS, new working set: Limit = 150 Quota = 700 Extent = 700

      The SHOW WORKING_SET command in this example displays the
      current limit, quota, and extent, as well as the authorized
      quota and authorized extent. The SET WORKING_SET command
      attempts to set a quota limiting the maximum number of pages
      any image can request that is greater than the authorized
      quota. Note from the response that the quota was not increased.

       Working Set      /Limit=  150  /Quota=  350            /Extent= 350
       Adjustment enabled    Authorized Quota=  350  Authorized Extent= 350
      %SET-I-NEWLIMS, new working set: Limit = 100 Quota = 350 Extent = 350
       Working Set      /Limit=  100  /Quota=  350            /Extent= 350
       Adjustment enabled    Authorized Quota=  350  Authorized Extent= 350

      The SET WORKING_SET command in this example sets the working
      set size for any image in the process to 100.
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