Replaces the default DCL prompt ($  ) with the specified string.


      SET PROMPT[=string]

1  –  Parameter


    Specifies the new prompt string. The following rules apply:

    o  All valid ASCII characters can be used.

    o  No more than 64 characters are allowed.

    o  To include spaces or lowercase letters, enclose the string
       in quotation marks (" ").  Otherwise, letters are converted
       automatically to uppercase; leading and trailing spaces are

    If you do not specify the string parameter with the SET PROMPT
    command, the default DCL prompt ($  ) is restored.

2  –  Qualifier


       /CARRIAGE_CONTROL (default)

    Inserts carriage return and line feed characters before the
    prompt string. Type the qualifier after the string parameter.

3  –  Example

  $ SET PROMPT ="What's next?"
  What's next? SHOW TIME
   19-APR-2001 14:08:58

      The SET PROMPT command in this example replaces the DCL prompt
      ($  ) with the phrase "What's next?". When you see the prompt
      on your screen, you can enter any DCL command. This example
      uses the SHOW TIME command.
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