Connects you to a remote host over a TCP/IP connection by invoking the TELNET application. Format { IPhostname } SET HOST/TELNET { IPaddress } { } NOTE You can specify the IPhostname or the IPaddress, but not both.
1 – Parameters
IPhostname Specifies the IP host name of the remote host. IPaddress Specifies an IP address of the remote host.
2 – Qualifiers
Specifies that Kerberos authentication should be used for acquiring access to the remote node.
2.2 /PORT
/PORT=port Specifies the remote TCP port to use. The default is 23.
/TERMINAL_TYPE=type Sets the terminal emulator to one of the following terminal types: VT100, VT200, VT300, VT400, VT500.
3 – Example
$ SET HOST/TELNET remotehst2 This example creates a TELNET connection to remote host remotehst2 over a TCP/IP connection.