VMS Help  —  PMDF  Pine
    Pine is a user-agent for reading, sending, and managing
    electronic messages. It was originally developed at the
    University of Washington with novice users in mind, but can be
    tailored to accommodate the needs of more experienced users. The
    UNIX, DOS, and Windows versions are maintained by the Computing &
    Communications group at the University of Washington and can be
    obtained from ftp.cac.washington.edu via anonymous FTP. A mailing
    list for Pine is maintained as pine-info@cac.washington.edu;
    however, bugs found in the PMDF version of Pine should be
    reported to support@process.com.

    Pine has a full-screen interface which uses one-character
    mnemonic commands and control sequences for its command input.
    You do not have to hit the RETURN or ENTER key to finish a
    command. A command menu is always present at the bottom of the
    screen, and help is only one keystroke away. It is intended that
    Pine can be learned by exploration and the browsing of extensive,
    context-sensitive on-line help provided within Pine, but some
    basic concepts to get a new user started are discussed below.

1  –  Getting Started

    To start PINE, use the PMDF PINE command:


    Command line qualifiers for pine are not supported. Pine is
    exited using the QUIT command, Q.

    If you want to get started using pine, DON'T READ ANY FARTHER!
    Just start pine and try it. The help within pine should be more
    useful in actually operating pine than the configuration and
    OpenVMS-specific details covered in the topics here.


       System managers should see also under PMDF Pine System

1.1  –  Terminal Characteristics

    Pine uses the OpenVMS SMG$ run-time library to implement terminal
    I/O. Pine will be unable to start if the terminal type is unknown
    to SMG$. If pine dies unexpectedly, it is possible that the
    terminal characteristics might need to be reset. Specifically
    you might need to issue the command:


    so as to restore your terminal characteristics.

1.2  –  Function Key Mode

    Pine has a function key mode which is enabled by the USE-
    FUNCTION-KEYS option in the pine resource file. When enabled,
    the VT numeric keypad keys are mapped to the function keys F1
    through F12 as follows:

    o  PF1-PF4 are mapped to F1-F4,

    o  KP5-KP9 are mapped to F5-F9,

    o  KP0 is mapped to F10,

    o  KP1 is mapped to F11, and

    o  KP2 is mapped to F12.

    In addition, the top row function keys F6 to F12 are mapped to
    their namesakes. The HELP key is mapped to F1.

    The MINUS key on the numeric keypad, KP-, can be used in place
    of the control, CTRL, key. However, it is used as a two key
    sequence. For example, to enter CTRL/A, you would press the two
    keys KP- followed by A.

    One consequence of using pine in function key mode is that you
    can only choose from twelve commands at any given time. That
    is, whereas in alphabetic key mode you can press a key for a
    command even though the command is not visible on the bottom of
    the screen, in function key mode you must toggle to the screen
    where the command is visible.

2  –  General Concepts

    Pine is an IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) client and
    POP (Post Office Protocol) client which can access local VMS MAIL
    mail files as well as other mail files served by an IMAP server
    or POP3 server.

    If only local mail is to be accessed, no network connection
    is created, and no IMAP server or POP server is needed on the
    local system. If your system does not have any TCP/IP software
    installed, then you will receive an error message when you
    attempt any operation requiring TCP/IP access. To access mail
    files on a remote OpenVMS system, an IMAP server such as the PMDF
    IMAP server, or a POP server such as the PMDF POP server, must be
    running on that remote system. To access mail files on a remote
    UNIX system, the remote system must have an IMAP daemon (server)
    or POP daemon (server) running.

    Pine is also an NNTP (Network News Transport Protocol, RFC 977)
    client, and can be used to read news from NNTP servers like the
    ANU News program or many common UNIX NNTP servers. Of course, you
    have to know the name of one such system before you can use this
    capability. Ask your system or network manager for help.

    The pine view is that messages are stored in folders, and
    folders are stored in folder collections. Folder collections
    can be physically located on the local system, or on any remote
    system with an IMAP server. Regardless of what system a folder
    collection is physically located on, a pine user sees it as
    just another folder collection: a pine user can read messages
    in any of their folder collections and can save (move) messages
    between different folder collections. See under PMDF Pine Folders
    and Folder Collections for more details on folders and folder

    Or a read-and-delete-only pine folder can correspond to the "new
    messages" folder on a remote system with a POP3 server. (The
    POP3 protocol does not provide access to multiple folders-it only
    provides access to the "new" messages, usually those in a special
    "new" sort of folder. The POP3 protocol also does not allow for
    moving messages into a POP3 folder.)

3  –  Configuration Files

    The PINE RESOURCE file is the most important file used by Pine.
    This file contains the configuration options settable by a
    user. See under PMDF Pine Configuration_files Resource File for

    Users can have address books in pine, with nicknames for long
    addresses or mailing lists. See under PMDF Pine Configuration_
    files Addressbook for details.

    When using pine to read news group messages, a file is required
    listing the names of news groups you read; by default, pine uses
    the file PMDF_INIT:NEWSRC. See under PMDF Pine Configuration_
    files News Groups File for details.

    When reading MIME messages, pine uses a MAILCAP file to
    determine how to display the message parts. See under PMDF Pine
    Configuration_files Mailcap Files below for details.

    When sending attachments, pine consults a file to determine what
    MIME labelling to use on the attachment parts. By default, the
    file consulted is PMDF_INIT:MIME.TYPES, or as specified by the
    MIMETYPE-SEARCH-PATH option setting in the pine resource file.

    Pine also has other optional configuration files to control
    filtering incoming or outgoing message text, etc.


       System managers should also see under PMDF Pine System_
       configuration Configuration Files for information on
       tailoring the the pine environment on the system via
       additional system-level pine configuration files.

3.1  –  Resource File

    Pine uses a resource file to keep track of its configuration,
    user preferences, and other information. By customizing the
    option settings in your PINE RESOURCE file, you can customize
    your pine environment to your liking. Generally the best way to
    set or change option settings in your PINE RESOURCE file is from
    within pine, via the CONFIG option of the SETUP submenu accessed
    from pine's main menu. (Context sensitive help is available
    within pine for each such configurable item so you can get hints
    on setting your options.) However, the PINE RESOURCE file is
    a normal text file, so it is also possible to modify the PINE
    RESOURCE file using a text editor.

3.1.1  –  Location

    On OpenVMS systems, the Pine resource file is named PINE.PINERC
    and is located in the PMDF_INIT: directory. By default, PMDF_
    INIT is a logical which translates to SYS$LOGIN. Users wanting
    to keep their pine resource file elsewhere can redefine the PMDF_
    INIT logical. The logical name PINERC can be used to specify an
    alternate file name. For instance, the definition


    causes the file name PINE.RC to instead be used, thereby
    accessing the file


    The definition of the PINERC logical must not contain a device or
    directory reference.

3.1.2  –  Format

    In the Pine resource file, any line starting with # is considered
    to be a comment line. Lines not beginning with # contain settings
    for configuration options using the format


    All values are strings; quotes can be used around any value.
    If a value is absent, then the associated option is not set
    and a system-wide default setting, if there is one, will be
    used instead. For some options, only the values YES and NO are

    A line beginning with a space or tab is considered to be a
    continuation of the previous line.

3.1.3  –  Dollar Sign

    The dollar sign, $, has a special meaning in the Pine resource
    file: it means that the word following it is an "environment
    variable", i.e., a DCL symbol or logical name, the value of which
    is then substituted at that point in the file. To specify $ in a
    value, you need to prefix it with a backslash; e.g.,


3.2  –  Addressbook

    You can have one or more addressbooks in Pine. In addition to a
    personal addressbook, one or more global, read-only addressbooks
    can be set up (for sharing between multiple users). The names
    of your personal addressbooks are specified in the Pine resource
    file by the ADDRESS-BOOK option. Normally, this option is set
    and modified from within Pine by using the SETUP menu and then
    selecting the Addressbook menu; it can, however, also be set by
    manually editing the Pine resource file. The built-in default
    file name used for an addressbook PMDF_INIT:PINE.ADDRESSBOOK.
    A "lookup" file is used to speed access to the addressbook. The
    lookup file has the same name as the addressbook, with -LU as
    suffix; e.g., PMDF_INIT:PINE.ADDRESSBOOK-LU. The lookup file
    is generated automatically by Pine. Global addressbooks can be
    specified using the GLOBAL-ADDRESS-BOOK option.

3.2.1  –  Addressbooks and PMDF Personal Alias Database

    A limited interface between Pine's address books and PMDF's
    personal alias database has existed since Pine 3.91. When you
    add an address to one of Pine's address books using Pine's
    ADDRESS BOOK menu, it will also be added to your personal alias
    database, overwriting any existing entry of the same name. The
    Pine "nickname" is the alias name used in PMDF's personal alias
    database and the e-mail address is the corresponding value for
    the alias. Adding or deleting Pine's address lists has no effect
    on PMDF's personal alias database.

    When you delete an address in one of Pine's address books, it is
    also deleted from PMDF's personal alias database if present.

    The J command can be used to dump the entire current addressbook
    into your PMDF personal alias database. If no personal alias
    database exists, it will be created.

3.3  –  News Groups File

    If you use the news reading capability in Pine to talk to a NNTP
    server, then you need to have a NEWSRC. file in the PMDF_INIT:
    directory, or a newsrc file with a non-default name as selected
    by your NEWSRC-PATH Setup Config option. This file contains the
    names of news groups you read. Pine updates it when you delete
    a message in the news group. Deleting a message in news does not
    really delete it, but simply makes the message unavailable to
    you when you next read the associated news group. The format of
    this file is one line per news group, with the lines having the


    where MESSAGE is either a number or a range of numbers (e.g.,

3.4  –  Mailcap Files

    When reading MIME messages, Pine uses a mailcap file to determine
    how to display message parts. Mailcap files are described in RFC
    1524, a copy of which can be found as PMDF_ROOT:[DOC.RFC]RFC1524.
    Or see the PMDF User's Guide which gives a brief overview of
    mailcap files.

    The default mailcap filename is MAILCAP. in the PMDF_INIT
    directory, unless the logical name PMDF_MAILCAP_DIR is defined,
    in which case the list of directories defined by PMDF_MAILCAP_DIR
    is searched for the file MAILCAP., in the order listed. The first
    entry found in the list of files will be used. For instance, with
    the following PMDF_MAILCAP_DIR definition, PMDF will use a user's
    own mailcap file, if they have one, and if the user does not have
    a personal mailcap file, PMDF will use a mailcap file in the PMDF
    table directory:


    Note that a trailing colon is necessary if logical names are used
    because the filename MAILCAP. is appended to whatever value you
    have specified.

4  –  Folders and Folder Collections

    The Pine view is that messages are stored in folders, and
    folders are stored in folder collections. Folder collections
    can be physically located on the local system, or on any remote
    system with an IMAP server. Regardless of what system a folder
    collection is physically located on, a Pine user sees it as just
    another folder collection: a Pine user can read messages in any
    of their folder collections and can save (move) messages between
    different folder collections.

4.1  –  Folders

    Each mail message is stored in a folder. A Pine folder is
    equivalent to a VMS MAIL folder in a VMS MAIL mail file.

    While both Pine and VMS MAIL folder names are case sensitive,
    Pine users must be much more mindful of this fact. (VMS MAIL
    automatically converts folder names to upper case unless you
    surround the folder name with quotes.)

    For VMS MAIL files, a new folder is automatically created the
    first time a message is saved to it; a folder is automatically
    deleted when all messages in the folder are deleted. So when you
    use the Create folder command in Pine to create a new folder, the
    folder will be created with a placeholder message in it.

4.2  –  Collections

    A folder collection is a folder specification for a collection
    of folders on one system. For example, it can be all of your
    VMS MAIL folders which have the name prefix INFO-, or it can be
    all of your UNIX mail folders on a system called foo.bar.com, or
    it can be all of your VMS MAIL folders in a different mail file
    than you normally use. You can access multiple different folder
    collections from within Pine.

    By default, PMDF Pine knows only about the local folder
    collection, corresponding to your VMS MAIL mailbox. The use
    of additional folder collections is controlled by the FOLDER-
    COLLECTIONS option in your Pine resource file. Normally, this
    option is set from within Pine by using the SETUP menu and then
    selecting the L (collectionList) menu. However, the option can
    also be set by manually editing your Pine resource file.

4.2.1  –  Syntax

    The setting of the FOLDER-COLLECTIONS option can be a list of
    values, where each value specifies a folder or folders on the
    local system or accessible via an IMAP server, or specifies the
    new mail folder accessible via a POP3 server. Folders on the
    local system or accessible via an IMAP server are specified using
    the format:

 optional-label {imaphost}optional-file[view]


 optional-label {imaphost:port/user=username}optional-file[view]

    OPTIONAL-LABEL is a label which will be displayed by Pine in
    place of the full name of the folder collection.

    The optional field IMAPHOST is the name of a host where the
    mail file resides. IMAPHOST can be any system which has an IMAP4
    server, and need not necessarily be an OpenVMS system.

    The optional PORT specification can be included if you want to
    connect to a port other than the default (for IMAP) of 143.

    The optional USERNAME can be included if you want to log in to
    the IMAPHOST under a different account name.

    The optional field OPTIONAL-FILE is the file specification
    of a mail file. If OPTIONAL-FILE is omitted but IMAP-HOST is
    specified, then the default mail file on the remote IMAPHOST
    system will be used. If neither OPTIONAL-FILE nor IMAP-HOST is
    specified, then your local default mail file will be used.

    When OPTIONAL-FILE is specified for an OpenVMS host locally or
    remotely running PMDF's legacy IMAP server, it must have the


    where DISK, DIRECTORY, and MAILFILE.MAI specify the full path,
    disk, directory, and file name, to the mail file. For instance,
    to select the mail file MEMOS.MAI of DISK$USER1:[BOB], you would


    Finally, the VIEW field controls which folders from the mail file
    are part of the collection. If specified as being empty, [],
    then all folders from the mail file are treated as part of the
    collection. Wild cards can be used to select folders matching a
    pattern. For example, [INFO-*] would select all folders beginning
    with the string INFO- from the mail file. Again, note that folder
    names are considered to be case sensitive.

    For POP3 access to a new mail folder on a remote system, the
    format is:

    "foldername" {pop3host/POP3}INBOX


    "foldername" {pop3host/POP3/USER=username}INBOX

    where FOLDERNAME is the name by which Pine will refer to the
    folder, POP3HOST is the name of the system running the POP3
    server, and USERNAME is the name under which to log in to the
    remote POP3 server.  –  Example

    An example of setting the FOLDER-COLLECTIONS option in your
    Pine resource file, PINE.PINERC, to a list of several folder
    collections is:

    folder-collections=local [],
     remoteVMS {vax.example.com}#DUA2:<JONES.MAIL>MAIL.MAI#[INFO*]
     remoteUNIX {sun.example.com}mail/[]

    In the above example, four collections with the names local,
    archive, remoteVMS, and remoteUNIX are created. local consists
    of all folders in the local default mail file; archive consists
    of all folders in the mail file DRA0:[JONES.ARCHIVE]OLDMAIL.MAI;
    remoteVMS consists of all folders whose name begin with INFO
    in the mail file DUA2:[JONES.MAIL]MAIL.MAI on the remote host
    vax.example.com; and remoteUNIX consists of all folders from the
    mail directory MAIL/ on the remote system sun.example.com.

4.2.2  –  Saving Messages

    When saving a message to a different folder collection, you can
    select PREV COLLECTION or NEXT COLLECTION to get to the folder
    collection you want to save to. Here, "Prev" is an abbreviation
    for "Previous". By default, the first folder collection is the
    one to save to.

    For local or remote OpenVMS servers, you can also specify the
    file name where the folder resides directly as


    when prompted with the folder name. If you are saving to the same
    file in the folder collection, then only the folder name itself
    is needed.

5  –  OpenVMS Notes

    In the following subsections, some issues specific to Pine on
    OpenVMS are discussed.

5.1  –  Expunging

    When accessing mail locally, the Pine Expunge command moves all
    messages marked for deletion to the VMS MAIL WASTEBASKET folder.
    In addition, it performs the equivalent VMS MAIL PURGE command
    only when your VMS MAIL profile allows for AUTO_PURGE. If you
    have set NOAUTO_PURGE, then the deleted messages are left in the
    WASTEBASKET folder. However, should you expunge the WASTEBASKET
    folder, then the VMS MAIL PURGE function will be performed.
    Purged message space is not available for reuse until a reclaim
    operation is performed. When the amount of deleted message space
    in the mail file exceeds 32,767 bytes, a reclaim operation is
    automatically done by the Expunge command.


       Pine never compresses your mail file.

5.2  –  New Mail Updates

    By default, Pine automatically checks for new mail every 2.5
    minutes (150 seconds). This interval is settable per user as
    the MAIL-CHECK-INTERVAL configuration option (unless the system
    manager choose to fix its value in the PINE.CONF-FIXED file). You
    can also force a refresh of the folder by pressing the DOWN arrow
    key four times at the last message of the Index screen or by
    pressing CTRL/L. A folder is also refreshed whenever you expunge
    it. When you force a check, and you have no new mail, Pine will
    report the last message as new mail even though it is not new.

5.3  –  VMS MAIL Profile

    When accessing mail locally, Pine uses the same VMS MAIL mail
    file as VMS MAIL and PMDF MAIL, so you can use any of these
    programs interchangeably and access the same messages stored
    in a VMS MAIL mail file.

    Pine uses your VMS MAIL profile settings as follows:


    When AUTO_PURGE is set, expunged messages will be purged from
    your mail file, i.e., purged from your WASTEBASKET folder.


    Your VMS MAIL COPY_SELF settings are honored by Pine when sending
    or replying to messages.


    The MAIL_DIRECTORY profile setting is used when you do not
    specify a filename with your folder specification.


       Pine should not be used on an account whose login device
       is a search list and has MAIL_DIRECTORY defined as a


    Your VMS MAIL PERSONAL_NAME setting will be used if none is set
    in Pine's configuration file.


    As with VMS MAIL, the WASTEBASKET_NAME setting is used for your
    wastebasket folder name.

6  –  System Configuration

    PMDF Pine uses PMDF extensively. PMDF must be installed and
    configured on the system for Pine to function. Pine uses PMDF
    to send mail, to parse addresses, and to save copies of messages
    you have sent, if the Pine DEFAULT-FCC option is set. Once PMDF
    is configured and installed on a system, PMDF Pine is usually
    ready for use, although see under PMDF Pine System_configuration
    UCX Emulation and PMDF Pine System_configuration Subprocess Quota
    for descriptions of two installation issues to check, and see
    under PMDF Pine System_configuration Configuration Files for a
    description of tailoring the Pine environment on a system wide

    In particular, note that Pine does not, by default, use IMAP
    to talk to your local system, so it is not necessary to have
    an IMAP server running on your system just to use Pine. (Only
    if a user were to specifically request that Pine treat the
    local system as if it were instead a remote system with an IMAP
    server, by specifying the IMAP-HOST field when accessing a folder
    collection, would PMDF Pine attempt to make an IMAP connection to
    the local system.)

    Pine is installed by PMDF with the privileges SYSPRV and CMKRNL.
    Without those privileges, users can not send mail, although they
    can still read mail.

6.1  –  UCX Emulation

    UCX$IPC_SHR is an executive-mode logical name pointing to a
    shareable image supplied by your TCP/IP vendor. If this logical
    is not defined, then either TCP/IP is not installed, or, in the
    case of a package other than DEC's TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
    (a.k.a. UCX), UCX emulation was not installed when the package
    was installed. In order to use the TCP/IP functionality of
    PMDF Pine, this logical must be defined and be pointing to the
    appropriate image for your TCP/IP package. Moreover, the image
    must be installed as a known image,


    If you are running Pine on a system without any TCP/IP software,
    a dummy shareable image PMDF_EXE:UCX_DUMMY.EXE is provided with
    PMDF. Your system manager should define a system-wide, executive-
    mode logical named UCX$IPC_SHR which points to it and then
    install it:



       If you install any TCP/IP package later, remember to
       deassign the logical name or you won't have a functional

    The definition of the logical and installation of the image
    should be made part of the system startup procedure. Note that
    the installation of the image can be effected through the site-
    supplied PMDF_COM:SITEIMAGE.DAT file which uses the same format
    as the Process-supplied PMDF_COM:PMDFIMAGE.DAT file.

6.2  –  Subprocess Quota

    Pine uses subprocesses to perform several of its tasks. As such,
    users without subprocess quota cannot do any of the following:

    o  use a customized printing command,

    o  view image or video attachments,

    o  use the spell checker, or

    o  use an alternate editor.

    A side effect of using subprocesses in Pine when you have a
    remote IMAP connection is that the connection might timeout while
    waiting for a subprocess to complete. This is especially likely
    when using an alternate editor to compose a message.

6.3  –  Configuration Files

    A system manager can tailor Pine's environment on a per system
    basis by the use of files described below. These files should all
    be world readable.


    This file is shipped with PMDF and contains a default system-wide
    configuration for Pine. A new version is shipped with every PMDF
    release, so you should keep a copy of your customizations. This
    default configuration provides for one folder collection with the
    default mail file on the local system.


    You can create this Pine resource file and place in it options
    which you do not want users to be able to change or override.
    This file, as supplied with PMDF, initially contains the same
    information as hardcoded in the program for the BUGS-ADDRESS and
    BUGS-FULLNAME options with the local Postmaster being the one to
    receive the bug reports. You can change it to a different address
    if necessary, but we suggest you direct it to a local support


    When this file exists, the information contained in it is
    presented to the user as LOCAL SUPPORT CONTACTS from the main
    menu's help screen.


    This file provides a basic set of file extension to MIME type
    mappings. Users can supplement or override these defaults with
    their own choices in their own file, via the MIMETYPE-SEARCH-PATH
    option in their Pine resource file.

6.3.1  –  Precedence of Settings

    There are potentially four sources of configuration settings
    which are shown below in decreasing order of precedence:

    1. Unchangeable, system-wide settings from the PMDF_

    2. Per-user settings from the user's PMDF_INIT:PINE.PINERC file.

    3. System-wide settings from the PMDF_TABLE:PINE.CONF file.

    4. Default Pine values.

    One exception to the above precedence scheme is the FEATURE-LIST
    option which is cumulative. In order to turn off a feature, you
    have to negate it by prepending NO- in front of an individual
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