When used with the /COMPRESS, /CROSS_REFERENCE, /DATA, /DEMANGLED_SYMBOLS, or /EXTRACT qualifier, specifies the file specification of the output file. Format /OUTPUT=file-spec file-spec The file specification of the output file.
1 – Examples
1.$ LIBRARY/EXTRACT=(ALLOCATE,APPEND)/OUT=MYHELP SYS$HELP:HELPLIB.HLB This LIBRARY command specifies that the modules ALLOCATE and APPEND be extracted from the help library HELPLIB.HLB and output to the file MYHELP.HLP. 2.$ LIBRARY/CROSS_REFERENCE=ALL/OUTPUT=SYS$OUTPUT LIBRAR This LIBRARY command requests a cross-reference listing of the object library LIBRAR.OLB. The cross-reference listing is displayed at the terminal. The listing includes cross- references by symbol, by value, and by module.