VMS Help  —  CRTL  times
    Passes back the accumulated times of the current process and its
    terminated child processes.


      #include  <times.h>

      clock_t times  (struct tms *buffer); (OpenVMS V7.0 and higher)

      void times  (tbuffer_t *buffer); (pre OpenVMS V7.0)

1  –  Argument


    A pointer to the terminal buffer.

2  –  Description

    For both process and children times, the structure breaks down
    the time by user and system time. Since the OpenVMS system does
    not differentiate between system and user time, all system times
    are returned as 0. Accumulated CPU times are returned in 10-
    millisecond units.

    Only the accumulated times for child processes running a C main
    program or a program that calls VAXC$CRTL_INIT or DECC$CRTL_INIT
    are included.

    On OpenVMS Version 7.0 and higher systems, the times function
    returns the elapsed real time in clock ticks since an arbitrary
    reference time in the past (for example, system startup time).
    This reference time does not change from one times function call
    to another. The return value can overflow the possible range of
    type clock_t values. When times fails, it returns a value of -1.
    The C RTL uses system-boot time as its reference time.

3  –  Return Values

    x                  The elapsed real time in clock ticks since
                       system-boot time.
    (clock_t)(-1)      Indicates an error.
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