SHOW PPI	(Just produces a list of PPIs)

         SHOW PPI ppiname [ /FULL ]
 	SHOW PPI ppiaddress [ /FULL ]
         SHOW PPI [ /ALL ] [ /FULL ]

     Displays information about a named PPI or all PPIs.

     ppiaddress may be an address or a symbol.

     Use of the /FULL qualifier displays information
     about the PPI's Ports also.

     Useful (?) symbols dynamically created

 	OWN		:	pointer to OWN (==Data) block

     It might be useful to execute any SHOW PPI command at the
     beginning of and sda session so that symbols for all ppis'
     name tables, own tables and bases get defined as symbols.

     With /FULL, or /PORT=Fred, if any ports and cdbs are found,
     then a list of CDBs will appear :

 	LES$NETMAN PPI, address: 803C6360, name table address 80248B88
 	CDBs connected to REGISTRATION port

 	1     80398BD0        DEVICE_MANAGE
 	2     8039FA80        MANAGE

 	CDB_1 and CDB_2 are dynamically created with values 80398BD0
 	and 8039FA80 respectively.

1  –  ppiname

     The name of a ppi. Wildcarding (DCL flavour) possible.

2    /PORT

     The name of a port. Value required. (may be wildcarded)

3    /READ

     Indicates that the ppi symbol table should be read in from les$sym.
 The filename used is <ppiname>.stb. This command takes account of whether
 the ppi is system or process mode, and reads the symbols relative to the
 correct address.
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