VMS Help  —  CDSA  CDSA_API, cssm GetModuleInfo
   cssm_GetModuleInfo - Get the module handle state information

   # include <cssm.h>

        CSSM_RETURN CSSMAPI cssm_GetModuleInfo
        (CSSM_MODULE_HANDLE Module,
        CSSM_GUID_PTR Guid,
        CSSM_VERSION_PTR Version,
        uint32 *SubServiceId,
        CSSM_SERVICE_TYPE *SubServiceType,
        CSSM_ATTACH_FLAGS *AttachFlags,
        CSSM_KEY_HIERARCHY *KeyHierarchy,
        CSSM_API_MEMORY_FUNCS_PTR AttachedMemFuncs,
        CSSM_FUNC_NAME_ADDR_PTR FunctionTable,
        uint32 NumFunctionTable);

   Module (input)
           The handle to a service provider module.

   GUID (input)
           A pointer to the CSSM_GUID structure containing the global
           unique identifier for this module.

   Version (output)
           The version number set on ModuleAttach.

   SubServiceId (output)
           The slot number of the reader to which the module is

   SubServiceType (output)
           A CSSM_SERVICE_TYPE value identifying the class of
           security service

   AttachFlags (output)
           This parameter provides the caller with session specific
           information asso-   ciated with the module handle.

   KeyHierarchy (output)
           The key hierarchy supplied when the module was attached.

   AttachedMemFuncs (output)
           The memory functions supplied when the module was attached.

   FunctionTable (input/output optional)
           A table of function-name and API function-pointer pairs.  The
           caller provides the name of the functions as input. The
           corresponding API function pointers are returned on output.

           The function table allows dynamic linking of CDSA interfaces,
           including interfaces to Elective Module Managers, which are
           transparently loaded by CSSM during the CSSM_ModuleAttach()
           function. The caller of this function should allocate the
           memory for the number of slots required.

   NumFunctionTable (input)
           The number of entries in the FunctionTable parameter.
           If no FunctionTable is provided, this value must be zero.

   This function returns the state information associated with the
   module handle.  The information returned by this function is that
   set by the call to the CSSM_ModuleAttach() function. The entry
   point to this function is provided to a service module in a table
   of upcall functions passed to the service provider during module
   attach processing.

   If the PVC checking for service providers is on, the service
   provider has to introduce itself before calling this function.

   A CSSM_RETURN value indicating success or specifying a particular
   error condition. The value CSSM_OK indicates success. All other
   values represent an error condition.

   Errors are described in the CDSA technical standard.  See CDSA.


   Intel CDSA Application Developer's Guide (see CDSA)

   Other Help Topics
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