more new classes. (2) HELP CMS DELETE CLASS tells how to delete one or more classes. (3) HELP CMS INSERT GENERATION tells how to insert one or more element generations into one or more classes. (4) HELP CMS MODIFY CLASS tells how to change the attributes of one more classes. (5) HELP CMS REMOVE GENERATION tells how to remove one or more generations from one or more classes. (6) HELP CMS SHOW CLASS tells how to display information about one or more classes. 2 Elements An element is the basic structural unit in a library. An element consists of a file and all its versions, called generations. An element name is the file name and type specified with the CMS CREATE ELEMENT command. When you retrieve an element from the library, CMS places a copy of the element in your default directory. Each time you replace an element in the library, CMS creates a new generation of that file. CMS can store any type of file except a directory file. (1) HELP CMS CREATE ELEMENT tells how to create new files in a CMS library. (2) HELP CMS DELETE ELEMENT tells how to delete one or more elements. (3) HELP CMS INSERT ELEMENT tells how to insert one or more elements into one or more groups. (4) HELP CMS MODIFY ELEMENT tells how to change the attributes of one more elements. (5) HELP CMS REMOVE ELEMENT tells how to remove one or more elements from one or more groups. (6) HELP CMS SHOW ELEMENT tells how to display information about one or more elements. 2 Groups A group is a collection of elements. You establish a group to manipulate related elements as a single unit. For instance, you could establish a group that contains all the chapters in a book. Groups can contain elements or other groups. A group name is a string of 39 or fewer characters, consisting of letters, digits, underlines, hyphens, or dollar signs. (1) HELP CMS CREATE GROUP tells how to establish one or more new groups. (2) HELP CMS DELETE GROUP tells how to delete one or more classes. (3) HELP CMS INSERT ELEMENT tells how to insert an element into a group. (4) HELP CMS INSERT GROUP tells how to insert one group into another group. (5) HELP CMS MODIFY GROUP tells how to change the attributes of one more groups. (6) HELP CMS REMOVE ELEMENT tells how to remove one or more elements from one or more groups. (7) HELP CMS REMOVE GROUP tells how to take a group out of another group. (8) HELP CMS SHOW GROUP tells how to display information about one or more groups. 2 Libraries A CMS library is an OpenVMS directory containing specially formatted files which CMS uses to operate. You create a library by first creating an OpenVMS directory (with the $ CREATE/DIRECTORY command) and then creating a CMS library in that directory (with the CMS CREATE LIBRARY command). Once you have created a library, it must be reserved exclusively for use by CMS. (1) HELP CMS CREATE LIBRARY tells how to create a new library. (2) HELP CMS CONVERT LIBRARY tells how to convert your V2.n library to V3.0 format. (3) HELP CMS MODIFY LIBRARY tells how to change the attributes of one more libraries. (4) HELP CMS SET LIBRARY identifies one or more existing libraries as your current library list. (5) HELP CMS SET NOLIBRARY removes one or more libraries from the currently set library list. (6) HELP CMS SHOW LIBRARY displays the directory specification of your currently set CMS library or libraries. 2 New_User Welcome to CMS. You can invoke CMS in one of two ways: (1) You can enter the command "CMS", then press RETURN. This invokes the CMS subsystem (shown by the prompt CMS>). Once in subsystem mode, you can execute commands by entering subcommands, keywords, parameters, and qualifiers. To return to DCL, type "EXIT" or press CTRL/Z. (2) You can also enter commands one at a time from DCL level. After each command is completed, CMS returns control to DCL. If your project already has a library, you can set default to it by typing the following: $ CMS SET LIBRARY DISKX:[OURPROJECT.OURLIB] (1) HELP CMS gives a list of topics for which help is available. (2) HELP CMS CREATE LIBRARY tells how to set up a project library. (3) HELP CMS OVERVIEW explains what CMS is and how it is used. For more information and help on getting started, see Chapter 1 of the "Guide to DIGITAL Code Management System for OpenVMS Systems". 2 Overview During development, team members continually make changes to project files. CMS stores, keeps track of, and monitors these files (called elements). CMS also lets you manipulate combinations of files within a library (called groups and classes). CMS stores project files in a central library where they are available to all project members. Some of the functions you can perform using CMS include the following: (1) Store elements in a library for safekeeping (2) Retrieve elements, and modify and test them in your own directory (3) Control concurrent modifications to the same element (4) Merge concurrent modifications to a file (5) Create successive versions, or generations, of files (6) Compare two versions of an element within a library (7) Organize related library elements into groups (8) Define a set of various element generations (called a class) to make up a baselevel or release version of a project (9) Track which users are working on which files from the library (10) Maintain a historical account of element and library transactions A CMS library can store any type of file except for a directory file. (1) HELP CMS New_User explains how to invoke CMS. (2) HELP CMS CREATE LIBRARY tells how to establish a new project library. (3) HELP CMS gives a list of topics on which help is available. 2 Release_Notes You can find the release notes for this release and previous versions of CMS in SYS$HELP:CMSvvu.RELEASE_NOTES, where vv is the major version number, and u is the update number. To list all the CMS release notes available, type: $ DIRECTORY SYS$HELP:CMS*.RELEASE_NOTES.