Updates a quota file, adding new UICs and correcting usage counts for each user on the volume. Requires write (W) access to the quota file, plus one of the following items: SYSPRV privilege, a system UIC, or ownership of the volume. Format DISKQUOTA REBUILD
1 – Qualifier
/DEVICE=device-spec Specifies the disk volume that contains the quota file. SYSMAN validates the device specification and translates any logical name in the target environment before rebuilding the file. Without a device specification, SYSMAN uses the default disk on the target node. Unless you have set a default device with the SET PROFILE command, the default disk is the current device on the local node or the login default device on another node, depending on the established environment.
2 – Description
The DISKQUOTA REBUILD command reads the disk, recalculates usage counts for all existing entries in QUOTA.SYS, and adds new entries. It sets quota and overdraft values to the defaults set in UIC [0,0] if the entry did not previously exist. While the DISKQUOTA REBUILD command is executing, file activity on the volume is frozen. No files can be created, deleted, extended, or truncated. Use the DISKQUOTA REBUILD command in the following circumstances: o After creating a quota file on a volume with existing files. o When the quota file has been enabled after a period of being disabled. The command corrects the usage counts and adds any new UICs.
3 – Example
SYSMAN> SET ENVIRONMENT /NODE=NODE21 SYSMAN> SET PROFILE /PRIVILEGE=SYSPRV SYSMAN> DISKQUOTA ENABLE /DEVICE=DUA226: SYSMAN> DISKQUOTA REBUILD /DEVICE=DUA226: These commands enable the quota file and reconstruct the usage counts for all entries on disk DUA226, which is located on node NODE21.