PCA$HELP.HLB  —  Frequently Asked Questions, FAULT ADDRESS Data Kind
    What information does the /FAULT_ADDRESS data kind provide?

    When a page fault occurs, two virtual addresses are gathered:
    the PC of the instruction and the virtual address which caused
    the fault. The CPU time is also gathered. In general, the PC
    which caused the fault, i.e., the /PAGEFAULT data kind, is most
    significant because PCA can plot this against the PROGRAM_ADDRESS
    domain and show where the page faulting is occurring in your

    The /FAULT_ADDRESS data kind can also be plotted against the
    PROGRAM_ADDRESS domain to find where the page faulting is
    occurring. This can be useful in laying out CLUSTERs for the
    link. (Note that these same page faults should also show up at
    the branch or call instructions when plotting /PAGEFAULT.)
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