NCLHELP.HLB  —  SNA Peer Server Module, QLLC  Port subentity, Status
   UID            Displays the entity's unique identifier, which is
                  generated when the Peer Server creates the entity.

   Station        Displays the name of the QLLC Link Station subentity
                  that the client specified in the connection request.

   Client         Displays the name of the user of this station, an
                  instance of the SNA CP Services Transmission Group

   Protocol       Displays the currently defined state of the QLLC
   State          entity. The possible state values are:

     outgoing call   An X.25 outgoing call is being made on this port.

     inoperable      The initial state for a QLLC link connection.

     closed          An X.25 connection is established, but a QLLC link
                     connection has not yet taken place. The XID
                     negotiation is executed in this state.

     opening         The QLLC link connection is being established. If
                     negotiation is enabled, the role must change to
                     primary or secondary within this state.

     opened          The normal operation state. Data link PDUs are
                     exchanged in both directions across the X.25 logical
                     channel connection.

     closing         The QLLC link is in the process of closing.

     recovery        A secondary station may enter this state to recover
                     after a QLLC protocol error was detected.

   Predicate     Displays a substate of the current protocol state.
                 For more information, please refer to the IBM

   Role          Displays whether the Peer Server is primary or secondary
                 in the QLLC connection that this Port represents.

   Maximum       Displays the size that SNA messages will be segmented
   BTU Size      into before being sent to the X.25 network. (The X.25
                 network may further segment packets based on the
                 level 2 profile information being used.)

   Remote        Displays the X.121 coded DTE address of the remote
   DTE Address   station to which this port is connected.
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