NCLHELP.HLB  —  NCL Introduction, Customizing NCL, Key Definition File (OpenVMS)
    The key definition file associates commonly used NCL commands
    with keys on the keypad. Use the define/key command to create
    the definition.

    NCL uses the default file name SYS$LOGIN:NCL$KEYDEF.INIT unless
    you have defined an alternative file use the NCL$KEYDEF logical.

    The SYS$EXAMPLES:SETUP_NCL_KEYPAD.COM command file creates files
    that allow you to execute commonly used NCL commands using one or
    two keystrokes on the keypad.  This command file should be executed
    from the system account.  It works in a cluster environment, but
    only for those roots on a single system disk and only for those
    nodes booted into the cluster at the time you execute the command

    $ @sys$examples:setup_ncl_keypad

    This command file creates Keypad definitions files for NCL
    to be used with the HP DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS products.  It
    creates files in SYS$MANAGER: and SYS$HELP:.  All files begin with
    NCL$KEYDEF.  A copy of this file will be made in SYS$UPDATE:

    In a cluster environment, NCL scripts are created in SYS$SPECIFIC:
    directories for each node on this system disk.

    This file may be copied to any system running HP DECnet-Plus
    for OpenVMS.

    Note: Please add
    to your OpenVMS startup procedure.

    Continue? [Y/N Def: Y]:
    Creating NCL Key Definition Init File...
    Creating NCL Key Definition Help Text Files...
    Installing in a cluster environment.  Scripts created for each
    %SYSMAN-I-ENV, current command environment:
         Clusterwide on local cluster
         Username SYSTEM       will be used on nonlocal nodes

    %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node NODEA
    NSP Show Nodes Complete...
    OSI Show Nodes Complete...
    Show Routing Adjacencies Complete...
    %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node NODEB
    NSP Show Nodes Complete...
    OSI Show Nodes Complete...
    Show Routing Adjacencies Complete...
    %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node NODEA
    %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node NODEB

    Once in NCL, keypad <EMPHASIS>(PF4) displays an introduction
    and keypad PF2 provides help on the keypad layout.
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