NCLHELP.HLB  —  show  xot (OpenVMS Alpha), sap
    Shows a XOT SAP entity which specifies the point at which
    the XOT entity gains access to the TCP/IP environment for
    the purposes of listening for inbound XOT connections.

    show  [node node-id] xot -
                sap sap-name  attribute [,attribute...]
                              all [attributes]
                              all characteristics
                              all counters
                              all identifiers
                              all status

    The sap-name can be either a simple name that uniquely
    identifies a particular SAP instance, or a wildcard
    to identify multiple SAP instances.


    show xot sap * all

    show xot sap sap-0 local ip address, state

    LINK is a subentity of XOT SAP.

1  –  link

    Shows a XOT SAP LINK entity which represents a remote
    system with which XOT is allowed to communicate.

    show  [node node-id] xot -
      sap sap-name link link-name attribute [,attribute...]
                                  all [attributes]
                                  all characteristics
                                  all counters
                                  all identifiers
                                  all status

    The sap-name must be a simple name which uniquely
    identifies a particular SAP instance.  The link-name
    can be either a simple name that uniquely identifies
    a particular LINK instance, or a wildcard to identify
    multiple LINK instances.


    show xot sap sap-0 link * remote IP address, state

    show xot sap sap-0 link link-0 all

1.1  –  Characteristics

 o  remote IP address

    Default:            Value: IP Address

    Specifies the remote IP address of the cooperating
    XOT system that implements RFC1613.  The IP address
    is specified as a numeric address in the
    form a.b.c.d.

 o  remote rfc1613 port number

    Default:  1998               Value: TCP port number

    Specifies the TCP port number to use for an outgoing
    connection.  The remote system must be listening for
    inbound XOT connections on this port.

1.2  –  Counters

 o  creation time

    The time that the XOT SAP LINK entity was created.

 o  connects sent

    The number of connection requests sent.

 o  connects received

    The number of connection requests received.

 o  disconnects sent

    The number of disconnect requests sent.

 o  disconnects received

    The number of disconnects received.

 o  octets sent

    The number of data octets sent from TCP/IP for
    all ports on the link.

 o  octets received

    The number of data octets received from TCP/IP
    for all ports on the link.

 o  pdus sent

    The number of X.25 packets sent from TCP/IP
    for all ports on the link.

 o  pdus received

    The number of X.25 packets received from TCP/IP
    for all ports on the link.

 o  connects failed

    The number of times an attempt to establish an
    outgoing connection failed.

 o  link state changed

    The number of times that the link has changed
    state from enabled to disabled or disabled to

 o  protocol errors

    The number of protocol errors that occurred.

1.3  –  Identifiers

 o  name

    The simple name assigned to the LINK entity
    when it was created.

1.4  –  Status

 o   state

     The state of the LINK entity:

       On        The LINK is enabled

       Off       The LINK is disabled

 o   uid

     The universal identifier of the LINK entity,
     which is generated when the entity is created.

2  –  Characteristics

 o  local IP address

    Default:                      Value: IP Address

    The IP interface (identified by the address) where the
    SAP entity will listen.  Any available interface is
    specified with the address of  This characteristic
    is mainly set when a system has multiple TCP/IP interfaces.

    By default, XOT's single SAP entity is configured to listen
    on all available IP interfaces (as specified by the local IP
    address  You can create multiple SAP entities, each
    listening on a unique IP address.  However, if you create
    more than one SAP entity, you must assign each entity a
    unique IP address; no SAP entity can use the address.

 o  local RFC1613 port number

    Default:  1998                         Value:  TCP port number

    The port number on which the SAP entity will listen for
    inbound XOT connections.  HP strongly recommends that you
    use the value 1998 as specified in RFC1613.

3  –  Counters

 o  creation time

    The time that the XOT SAP entity was created.

 o  connections rejected

    The number of times an inbound connection was rejected.

 o  sap state changed

    The number of times that the SAP entity state changed.

4  –  Identifiers

 o  name

    The simple name assigned to the SAP entity when it was created.

5  –  Status

 o  state

    The state of the SAP entity:

      On                   The entity is enabled.

      Off                  The entity is disabled.

      Connecting To PWIP   The entity is connecting to TCP/IP.

 o  uid

    The universal identifier of the SAP entity, which is generated
    when the entity is created.
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