NCLHELP.HLB  —  show  x25_server, client
    show  [node node-id] x25 server -
                     client client-name  attribute [,attribute...]
                                         all [attributes]
                                         all characteristics
                                         all identifiers
                                         all status

1  –  Characteristics

 o  account (OpenVMS)

    Default: No service/account data                    Value: String

    Default service or account data to be used when connecting to the
    system hosting the X.25 client.

 o  application

    Default: 36                         Value: End-user-specification

    Address information used by the destination Session Control
    module to select the X.25 client that will receive the connection

 o  destination (OpenVMS)

    Default: No client name                         Value: Full-name

    Name of the X.25 client to which a connection is to be made when
    delivering a "filtered" call.

 o  filters

    Default: No default                    Value: Set of simple names

    Set of filters to be used by the server to filter calls for
    this X.25 client. Each name is the name of an x25 access filter

 o  node

    Default: No node name                           Value: Full-name

    Name of the node that hosts the X.25 client to which connection
    is to be made. This characteristic is supported only if the
    service nodes characteristic is not supported.

 o  outgoing session template (OpenVMS)

    Default: Default template                    Value: Simple-name

    Transport template to be used by the X.25 server to set up a
    session control connection to the X.25 client. The name is the
    name of an osi transport template entity.

 o  password

    Default: No password                            Value: String

    Default password to be used for verification when connecting
    to the system that hosts the X.25 client. You cannot
    display this characteristic with the show command.

 o  service nodes (Tru64 UNIX)

    Default: Empty set             Value: Set of candidate records

    Set of nodes that host the x25 client entities to which
    connections can be made.

 o  user

    Default: No user id                               Value: String

    Default user identification to be used in access verification
    when connecting to the system that hosts the X.25 client.

2  –  Identifier

 o  name

    Simple name assigned to the client when it is created.

3  –  Status

 o  state

    Status of the x25 server client entity.

    off   The x25 server client entity is disabled.

    on    The x25 server client entity is enabled.
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