NCLHELP.HLB  —  show  x25_protocol
    show  [node node-id] x25 protocol  version
                                       all [attributes]
                                       all characteristics

1  –  Characteristic

 o  version

    Default: Current version number

    Version of DNA X.25 architecture to which this implementation
    conforms. You cannot modify this characteristic.

2  –  dte

    show [node node-id] x25 protocol -
                        dte dte-name  attribute [,attribute...]
                                      all [attributes]
                                      all characteristics
                                      all counters
                                      all identifiers
                                      all status

    show x25 protocol dte * name, call timer

    show x25 protocol dte dte-0 all

2.1  –  Characteristics

 o  call timer

    Default: Supplied by profile     Value: Bounded by profile

    Elapsed time, in seconds, before which a clear packet is sent
    for outgoing calls from the DTE that have received no response. A
    zero value indicates that no clear is sent.

 o  ccitt version

    Default: 1984                    Value: 1-9999

    Version of the CCITT X.25 recommendations to which the DTE

 o  clear timer

    Default: Supplied by profile     Value: Bounded by profile

    Value of the retransmit timer for outgoing clear packets from the
    DTE. The default value is profile dependent.

 o  default packet size

    Default: 128           Value: 16-4096 raised to the power of 2

    Default packet size, in octets, for all virtual circuits on the
    DTE. The value must not be less than the value of the minimum
    packet size characteristic.

 o  default window size

    Default: 2             Value: 1-127

    Default window size for all virtual circuits on the DTE; that
    is, the default number of unacknowledged packets. This value
    must not be greater than the value of the maximum window size
    characteristic, and must not be less than the value of the
    minimum window size characteristic.

 o  description

    Manufacturer, product name and version of the hardware platform
    of the DTE.

 o  extended packet sequencing

    Default: False                  Value: True or false

    Specifies whether the extended packet sequencing facility is
    subscribed to, in which modulo 128 packet numbering is used. If
    false, extended packet sequencing is not used. The profile may
    provide overriding default or legal values.

 o  inbound dte class

    Default: No DTE class name      Value: Simple-name

    Name of the DTE class to be associated with all incoming calls to
    the DTE. You must specify this characteristic before you enable
    the DTE. The x25 access dte class entity to which the name refers
    must exist when you enable the DTE.

 o  incoming list

    Default: (0-4095) ranges       Value: Set of range (0-4095)

    Channel number ranges that define the Logical Channel Numbers
    (LCNs) that are available for calls on incoming or bothway
    channels. Format the values to specify a set of channel number
    ranges. Each channel number is the concatenation of the logical
    channel group number and logical channel number of an SVC on the

 o  interface type

    Default: DTE           Value: See description

    Interface mode in which the packet protocol for the DTE will
    operate. You can modify this characteristic only when the entity
    is disabled.

    dce          DCE mode.

    dte          DTE mode.

    negotiated   The interface mode is negotiated with the other end
                 to be either DTE or DCE. This value applies only to
                 point-to-point links.

 o  interrupt timer

    Default: Supplied by profile       Value: Bounded by profile

    Value of the interrupt timer. This timer is started when an
    interrupt packet is sent. If no interrupt confirmation packet
    is received before the timer expires, a reset is caused. A zero
    value indicates that there is no timer.

 o  link service provider

    Default: No link service provider name       Value: Full-name

    Name of the link service provider entity used by the DTE. You
    must give this characteristic a value before you enable the DTE.

 o  maximum active circuits

    Default: 4096           Value: 1-4096

    Maximum number of virtual circuits that can be active at any time
    on the DTE. This characteristic cannot be set.

 o  maximum clear attempts

    Default: Supplied by profile     Value: Bounded by profile

    Number of times that sending a clear packet can be attempted on
    a virtual circuit on the DTE. The value 1 indicates that a clear
    packet is sent only once; that is, there are no retries.

 o  maximum packet size

    Default: 128           Value: 16-4096 raised to the power of 2

    Maximum packet size, in octets, for all virtual circuits on the
    DTE. This value must be greater than or equal to the value of the
    minimum packet size and default packet size characteristics.

 o  maximum reset attempts

    Default: Supplied by profile       Value: Bounded by profile

    Number of times the DTE attempts to send a reset packet. The
    value 1 indicates that a reset packet is sent only once; that is,
    there are no retries.

 o  maximum restart attempts

    Default: Supplied by profile       Value: Bounded by profile

    Number of times that any virtual circuit on the DTE attempts
    to send a restart packet. The value 1 indicates that a restart
    packet is sent only once; that is, there are no retries.

 o  maximum throughput class

    Default: 4800          Value: See description

    Maximum value for the throughput class (65535) of any virtual
    circuit on the DTE. The value specified must be one of the
    following: 0, 75, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 48000,
    or 64000. The value must be greater than or equal to the value of
    the minimum throughput class characteristic.

 o  maximum window size

    Default: 2             Value: 1-127

    Maximum number of unacknowledged packets for all virtual
    circuits on the DTE. This value must be greater than or equal
    to the value of the minimum window size and default window size

 o  minimum packet size

    Default: 128           Value: 16-4096 raised to the power of 2

    Minimum packet size, in octets, for all virtual circuits on the
    DTE. This value must be less than or equal to the value of the
    maximum packet size and default packet size characteristics.

 o  minimum throughput class

    Default: Supplied by profile      Value: Bounded by profile

    Minimum throughput class for any virtual circuit on the DTE. The
    value specified must be one of the following: 0, 75, 150, 300,
    600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 48000, or 64000. The value must be
    less than or equal to the value of the maximum throughput class

 o  minimum window size

    Default: 2             Value: 1-127

    Minimum window size for all virtual circuits on the DTE. This
    value must be less than or equal to the value of the maximum
    window size characteristic.

 o  outgoing list

    Default: [1...4095]    Value: Set of range (0-4095)

    Channel number ranges that define the LCNs that are available
    for calls on outgoing or two-way channels. Format the values to
    specify a set of channel number ranges. Each channel number is
    the concatenation of the logical channel group number and logical
    channel number of an SVC on the DTE.

 o  profile

    Default: No profile name

    Name of the profile that provides subscription details of the
    PSDN to which the DTE is connected. This characteristic cannot be
    set, it is specified when the DTE is created.

 o  reset timer

    Default: Supplied by profile       Value: Bounded by profile

    Value of the retransmit timer for outgoing reset packets from the
    DTE. The default value is profile-dependent.

 o  restart timer

    Default: Supplied by profile       Value: Bounded by profile

    Value of the retransmit timer for outgoing restart packets from
    the DTE. The default value is profile dependent.

 o  segment size

    Segment size specified for data sent at this DTE.

 o  x25 address

    Default: No DTE address           Value: DTE-address

    Full address of the DTE. You must give this characteristic a
    value before you enable the DTE.

2.2  –  Counters

 o  allocated pvc failures (OpenVMS)

    Number of times allocated PVCs have failed.

 o  calls failed

    Number of outgoing or incoming calls on the DTE that were either
    rejected or were disconnected during the data phase.

 o  creation time

    Time at which this entity was created.

 o  data octets received

    Number of data octets received on all virtual circuits on the

 o  data octets sent

    Number of data octets sent on all virtual circuits on the DTE.

 o  data PDUs received

    Number of data packets received on all virtual circuits on the

 o  data PDUs sent

    Number of data packets sent on all virtual circuits from the DTE.

 o  diagnostic packets

    Number of diagnostic packets received on all virtual circuits on
    the DTE.

 o  down transitions

    Number of times the status attribute state has changed from on to
    off, synchronizing, or unsynchronized.

 o  fast selects received

    Number of Fast Select requests received at the DTE.

 o  fast selects sent

    Number of Fast Select requests sent from the DTE.

 o  illegal packets

    Number of illegal packets received at the DTE.

 o  incoming calls connected

    Number of successful call requests received at the DTE.

 o  locally initiated resets

    Number of times a reset was initiated by the local X.25 Protocol

 o  locally initiated restarts

    Number of times a restart was initiated by the local X.25
    Protocol module.

 o  network initiated resets

    Number of times a reset was received.

 o  network initiated restarts

    Number of times a restart was received.

 o  outgoing calls connected

    Number of successful call requests sent from the DTE.

 o  protocol errors

    Number of protocol errors detected at the DTE.

 o  reject packets

    Number of reject packets received at the DTE.

 o  retry failures

    One of the maximum retry counts has been reached.

 o  up transitions

    Number of times the status attribute state has changed from off,
    synchronizing, or unsynchronized to on.

2.3  –  Identifier

 o  name

    Simple name assigned to the DTE when it is created.

2.4  –  Status

 o  available outgoing channels

    Number of LCNs enumerated by the outgoing list characteristic
    that are available for use.

 o  dte class

    DTE classes to which the DTE belongs.

 o  interface mode

    Mode in which the DTE is operating.

 o  groups

    Groups to which the DTE belongs.

 o  state

    Status of the x25 protocol dte entity.

    off             The DTE is disabled, and all virtual circuits are

    running         The DTE is enabled and synchronized at Protocol
                    layer 3.

    synchronizing   A restart operation initiated at the packet level
                    is in progress.

    unsynchronized  The line between the DTE and DCE is not
                    synchronized at Protocol layer 2.

 o  last state change

    Time at which the last change of state occurred.

 o  uid

    Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the entity is

2.5  –  pvc

    show  [node node-id] x25 protocol -
                            dte dte-name -
                               pvc pvc-name  attribute [,attribute...]
                                             all [attributes]
                                             all characteristics
                                             all counters
                                             all identifiers
                                             all status

    show x25 protocol dte dte-1 pvc * name, channel

    show x25 protocol dte dte-1 pvc PVC-1 all

2.5.1  –  Characteristics

 o  acl

    Default: No access     Value: Access-control-list
    control list

    Access control list that controls access to this PVC.

 o  channel

    Default: No default    Value: 0-4095

    Concatenated logical channel group and logical channel number
    for the PVC. The value of this characteristic derives from an
    argument to the create command.

 o  packet size

    Default: No default    Value: 16-4096

    Packet size for the PVC, in octets. The value must be a power
    of 2 in the range 16 to 4096. The value of this characteristic
    derives from an argument to the create command.

 o  window size

    Default: No default    Value: 1-127

    Window size for the PVC. The value of this characteristic derives
    from an argument to the create command.

2.5.2  –  Counters

 These counters record values over the lifetime of a PVC. For
 counters that refer to use of the PVC by individual clients, see
 the x25 access port entity.

 o  accesses blocked

    Number of times an attempt to open a PVC has failed because of

 o  creation time

    Time at which this entity was created.

 o  data octets received

    Number of octets received by the PVC since it was created.

 o  data octets sent

    Number of octets sent by the PVC since it was created.

 o  data pdus received

    Number of data PDUs received by the PVC since it was created.

 o  data pdus sent

    Number of data PDUs sent by the PVC since it was created.

 o  pvc failures

    Number of times the PVC has failed while the entity has been

2.5.3  –  Identifier

 o  name

    Simple name assigned to the PVC when it is created.

2.5.4  –  Status

 o  allocated

    True if the PVC is allocated to a user. False if otherwise.

 o  port

    X25 Access port with which the PVC is associated.

 o  uid

    Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the entity is

3  –  group

    show  [node node-id] x25 protocol -
                        group group-name  attribute [,attribute...]
                                          all [attributes]
                                          all characteristics
                                          all counters
                                          all identifiers
                                          all status

    show x25 protocol group * name, type

    show x25 protocol group GROUP-0 all

3.1  –  Characteristics

 o  members

    Default: No DTEs       Value: Set of records

    DTEs at a gateway system that make up the group. Format the
    values to specify a set of records. Each record consists of a
    name that identifies an X25 protocol dte entity and an integer
    (in the range 0 to 9999) that identifies the CUG number assigned
    by the network. If a DTE is already created and enabled and is
    then added to the set of members, it must be disabled and re-
    enabled to service the specified CUG number or BCUG.

 o  remote dte address

    Default: No DTE address      Value: DTE-address

    DTE address to be associated with this entity for matching x25
    access security dte class remote dte entities for both incoming
    and outgoing calls. This characteristic is only supported if the
    characteristic type is bcug.

 o  type

    Default: BCUG          Value: CUG, BCUG, or CUGOA

    Type of the CUG.

    cug   Normal CUG.
    bcug  Bilateral CUG.
    cugoa CUG outgoing access.

3.2  –  Counters

 o  creation time

    Time at which this entity was created.

 o  incoming calls blocked

    Number of times that an incoming call to a bilateral CUG has been
    blocked by security from accessing a filter.

 o  outgoing calls blocked

    Number of times that a call has been blocked by security from
    accessing this bilateral CUG.

3.3  –  Identifier

 o  name

    Simple name assigned to the group when it is created.

3.4  –  Status

 o  uid

    Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the entity is
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