NCLHELP.HLB  —  show  osi_transport, local_nsap, remote_nsap
    show  [node node-id] osi transport -
               local nsap nsap-address -
                remote nsap nsap-address  attribute [,attribute...]
                                          all [attributes]
                                          all counters
                                          all identifiers
                                          all status


    show osi transport local nsap 490004aa000400941321 -
            remote nsap * all

    show osi transport local nsap 490004aa000400941321 -
            remote nsap 490004aa000400554421 all

1  –  Counters

 o  connectionless bytes received (Tru64 UNIX)

    Number of bytes received in UD TPDUs from this remote service

 o  connectionless bytes sent (Tru64 UNIX)

    Number of bytes sent in UD TPDUs to this remote service provider.

 o  connects received

    Total number of CR TPDUs, regardless of their disposition, that
    the local NSAP has received from the remote NSAP.

 o  connects sent

    Total number of CR TPDUs sent by the local NSAP to the remote
    NSAP, including retransmissions.

 o  creation time

    Time this entity was created.

 o  duplicate pdus received

    Total number of all types of detected duplicate TPDUs received
    from the remote NSAP.

 o  failed checksums

    Number of checksum failure events detected.

 o  local protocol errors

    Number of reported local protocol error events. This event is
    generated whenever an ER (error) TPDU is received from the remote

 o  pdus received

    Total number of all types of TPDUs received from the remote NSAP
    (excluding detected duplicates).

 o  pdus sent

    Total number of all types of TPDUs sent to the remote NSAP
    (excluding retransmissions).

 o  rejects received

    Number of detected reject received events.

 o  rejects sent

    Number of detected reject sent events.

 o  remote protocol errors

    Number of reported invalid tpdu received events. This event
    is generated whenever the remote NSAP violates the Transport

 o  retransmitted pdus

    Total number of all types of retransmitted TPDUs sent to the
    remote NSAP.

 o  total octets received

    Total number of octets of all types of TPDUs received from the
    remote NSAP, regardless of their disposition. This count includes
    detected duplicates.

 o  total octets sent

    Total number of octets of all types of TPDUs sent to
    the remote NSAP, including retransmissions.

 o  ud pdus received (Tru64 UNIX)

    Number of UD TPDUs received from this remote service provider.

 o  ud pdus sent (Tru64 UNIX)

    Number of UD TPDUs sent to this remote service provider.

 o  user octets received

    Total number of user data octets received from the remote NSAP,
    including normal, expedited, connect, accept, and disconnect
    data. This count does not include duplicates such as data
    retransmitted by the remote NSAP.

 o  user octets sent

    Total number of user data octets sent to the remote NSAP,
    including normal, expedited, connect, accept, and disconnect
    data. This count does not include data retransmitted by the local

 o  user pdus discarded

    Number of PDUs received from the remote NSAP that were discarded
    because of insufficient buffer space.

 o  user pdus received

    Total number of TPDUs containing user data received from the
    remote NSAP, including normal, expedited, connect, accept, and
    disconnect data. This count does not include duplicates such as
    TPDUs retransmitted by the remote NSAP.

 o  user pdus sent

    Total number of TPDUs containing user data sent to the remote
    NSAP, including normal, expedited, connect, accept, and
    disconnect data. This count does not include retransmitted TPDUs.

2  –  Identifier

 o  name

    Simple name assigned to the remote NSAP when it was
    automatically created.

3  –  Status

 o  DTE address

    Address assigned to the DTE when it is created.

 o  IP address

    Address assigned to the IP when it is created.

 o  nsap address

    Address assigned to the local NSAP when it is created.

 o  uid

    Entity's unique identifier, generated when the entity is created.
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