NCLHELP.HLB  —  show  osi_transport, application (OpenVMS)
    show [node node-id] osi transport -
          application application-name  attribute [,attribute]
                                        all [attributes]
                                        all characteristics
                                        all counters
                                        all identifiers


    show osi transport application * all

    show osi transport application %x0003 called tsels, user name

    show osi transport application osit$ivp all

1  –  Characteristics

 o  called tsels

    Default: No tsap       Value: Hex-string

    A TSEL is a string of hex digits, the length of that string
    should be an even number between 2 and 64, inclusive. This
    attribute cannot have more than one member.

    Transport Service Access Point (TSAP) for which the image
    specified by the image name characteristic accepts connections.
    This characteristic, which is similar to the addresses
    characteristic, is used by applications that do not use the DNA
    session control protocol (for example, VOTS applications).

 o  file name

    Default: No file name  Value: Filename

    File name of the program to be invoked upon receipt of a connect
    request containing a TSEL matching the "Called TSELS" attribute
    of the application entity.

 o  user name

    Default: No user name  Value: Username

    User name portion of the access control information that
    identifies the account under which the application is to run. If
    invalid information or no user name is specified, system defaults
    are used to select the user.

2  –  Counter

 o  creation time

    Time at which the entity was created.

3  –  Identifier

 o  name

    Simple name assigned to the application when it is created.
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