NCLHELP.HLB  —  show  modem_connect, line  Interchange Circuits
    show modem connect line line-id all interchange circuits

    The modem connect line entity has a special attribute group
    "interchange circuits", which lets you show a subset of the
    status attributes.  This "interchange circuits" attribute
    group allows you to examine the instantaneous status of the
    interchange circuits on the line.

    These circuits are known by different names in the various
    interface standards. The following list shows how the status
    attribute names used in NCL correspond to those used in the
    interface standards.

    For instance, the data terminal ready attribute is the name used
    for the CCITT V.24 circuit 108/2, the EIA-232-D CD circuit, the
    RS-499 TR circuit, and so on.

    When entering commands, always use the NCL attribute name.

    When displayed, each attribute has one of the following values:

      asserted        The circuit is asserted

      not applicable  The circuit does not exist on the interface

      not asserted    The circuit is not asserted

      unknown         The modem cable is not connected or is invalid

1  –  CCITT V.24 Circuits

    Modem Connect Line Interchange Circuits

    NCL Attribute Name    Circuit     Description

    carrier detect        109         Data channel received line
                                      signal detector

    clear to send         106         Ready for sending

    data set ready        107         Data set ready

    data terminal ready   108/2       Data terminal ready

    local loopback        141         Local loopback

    remote loopback       140         Loopback/Maintenance test

    request to send       105         Request to send

    ring indicator        125         Calling indicator

    signalling rate       112         Data signal rate selector(DCE)

    signalling rate       111         Data signal rate selector (DTE)

    test mode             142         Test indicator

2  –  DIN 66020 Blatt 1 Circuits

    Modem Connect Line Interchange Circuits

    NCL Attribute Name    Circuit     Description

    carrier detect        M5          -

    clear to send         M2          -

    data set ready        M1          -

    data terminal ready   S1.2        -

    local loopback        PS3         -

    remote loopback       PS2         -

    request to send       S2          -

    ring indicator        M3          -

    signalling rate       not         -
    indicator             supported

    signalling rate       S4          -

    test mode             PM1         -

3  –  EIA-232-D Circuits

    Modem Connect Line Interchange Circuits

    NCL Attribute Name    Circuit     Description

    carrier detect        CF          Received Line Signal Detector

    clear to send         CB          Clear to Send

    data set ready        CC          DCE Ready

    data terminal ready   CD          DTE Ready

    local loopback        LL          Local Loopback

    remote loopback       RL          Remote Loopback

    request to send       CA          Request to Send

    ring indicator        CE          Ring Indicator

    signalling rate       CI          Data Signal Rate Selector (DCE)

    signalling rate       CH          Data Signal Rate Selector (DTE)

    test mode             TM          Test Mode

4  –  RS-232-C Circuits

    Modem Connect Line Interchange Circuits

    NCL Attribute Name    Circuit     Description

    carrier detect        -           Received Line Signal Detector

    clear to send         -           Clear to Send

    data set ready        -           Data Set Ready

    data terminal ready   -           Data Terminal Ready

    local loopback        -           not supported

    remote loopback       -           not supported

    request to send       -           Request to Send

    ring indicator        -           Ring Indicator

    signalling rate       -           Data Signal Rate Selector (DCE)

    signalling rate       -           Data Signal Rate Selector (DTE)

    test mode             -           not supported

5  –  RS-449 Circuits

    Modem Connect Line Interchange Circuits

    NCL Attribute Name    Circuit     Description

    carrier detect        RR          Receiver Ready

    clear to send         CS          Clear to Send

    data set ready        DM          Data Mode

    data terminal ready   TR          Terminal Ready

    local loopback        LL          Local Loopback

    remote loopback       RL          Remote Loopback

    request to send       RS          Request to Send

    ring indicator        IC          Incoming Call

    signalling rate       SI          Signaling Rate Indicator

    signalling rate       SR          Signaling Rate Selector

    test mode             TM          Test Mode
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