NCLHELP.HLB  —  show  llc2  port
    show [node node-id] llc2 -
              port simple-name  attribute [,attribute...]
                                all [attributes]
                                all identifiers
                                all status


    show llc2 port * name, client

    show llc2 port * all

1  –  Identifiers

 o  name

    Specifies the simple-name assigned to the port when it is created.

2  –  Status

 o  client

    Specifies the name of the client that opened the port.

 o  link name

    Specifies the name of the llc2 sap link entity the port is
    associated with.

 o  state

    Specifies the state of the llc2 port entity.

    open          The port is assigned to a client and is enabled.

    disabled      The port is assigned to a client but is disabled.
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