NCLHELP.HLB  —  show  device
    show  [node node-id] device  attribute [,attribute]
                                 all [attributes]
                                 all characteristics
                                 all status


    show device * all

1  –  Characteristic

 o  version

    Version of the device architecture to which the implementation
    conforms. You cannot modify this characteristic.

2  –  Status

 o  uid

    Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the entity is

3  –  unit

    show [node node-id] device -
               unit simple-name  attribute [,attribute...]
                                 all [attributes]
                                 all characteristics
                                 all counters
                                 all identifiers
                                 all status


    show device unit * name

    show device unit device-1 all

3.1  –  Characteristics

 o  auto load

    Default: True          Value: True or false

    Specifies whether the device should try to load its microcode
    without management intervention. Autoloading would occur after
    initialization, a failure, or a dump.

 o  device

    Physical device to which this device unit entity is related.
    The value of this characteristic is a copy of the name argument
    specified when this entity is created.

 o  dump destination

    File specification to hold the contents of the device's microcode
    when a dump occurs.

    For Tru64 UNIX, the default value for the dump destination is
    /usr/var/xxx.dump where xxx is the device specification. For
    example: /usr/var/dsv.dump.

 o  dump on error

    Default: False         Value: True or false

    Whether a device should try to dump its microcode after a device
    failure. Set this characteristic only for those devices that
    support the dump operation.

 o  load source

                           Value: File specification

    File specification that contains the device's microcode. This is
    used during a load operation.

    For Tru64 UNIX, the default value is /usr/var/xxx.firmware, where
    xxx is the device specification. For example: /usr/var/dsv.firmware.

3.2  –  Counters

 o  creation time

    Time at which this entity was created.

 o  device failures

    Number of times the unit has failed.

 o  failed dumps

    Number of times an attempt to dump the device's microcode has

 o  failed loads

    Number of times an attempt to load the device's microcode has

 o  forced dumps

    Number of times the dump command has been used to force the
    device to dump its microcode.

 o  forced loads

    Number of times the load command has been used to load the
    device's microcode.

 o  successful dumps

    Number of times the device has successfully dumped its microcode.

 o  successful loads

    Number of times the device has successfully loaded its microcode.

3.3  –  Identifier

 o  name

    Simple name assigned to the device unit when it is created.

3.4  –  Status

 o  firmware identifier

    Implementation-specific string that identifies the firmware
    loaded into a device.

 o  operational communication port (OpenVMS)

    Specifies which channels of a multiple-line device unit are
    determined to be working by the module self-test. Each name
    identifies a working device communication port. Channels that
    are not named are not operational.

 o  state

    Current state of the communications device.

    disabled       The device unit entity has been created, but an
                   enable directive has not yet been issued.

    dump failed    An attempt to dump the device's microcode
                   has failed. This value appears only if the
                   characteristic auto load is false.

    dumping        An attempt to dump the device's microcode is in

    load failed    An attempt to load the device's microcode has
                   failed. This value appears only if auto load is

    loading        An attempt to load the device's microcode is in

    running        The device's microcode has been loaded and the
                   device is ready to send and receive data.

    stopped        This state can occur in one of the following

                   o  The device entity unit has been enabled and
                      auto load is false.

                   o  The device has been reinitialized by the

                   o  The device failed, a dump operation has
                      completed (the characteristic auto dump is
                      true, but the characteristic auto load is

 o  uid

    Entity's unique identifier, which is generated when the entity is
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