NCLHELP.HLB  —  set  x25 relay (Alpha)

1  –  client

    set  [node  node-id] x25 relay client client-name ...

    Modifies the attributes of an x25 relay client entity, which
    provides a set of default values to be used to set up a relay
    between an incoming call and an outgoing call.  The modifiable
    attributes and their data types (in brackets) are:

    dte class [simplename]
    filters [set of simplenames]
    rights identifiers [set of simplenames]
    template [simplename]

1.1  –  dte_class

    Default: No DTE class  Value: Simple-name

    Name of the x25 access DTE class entity to use when making the
    outgoing call.

1.2  –  filters

    Default: No filters    Value: Set of simple names

    Set of filters that are listened to by this client. Each name
    is the name of an x25 access filter entity. For the add and set
    commands, the x25 relay client entity must be in the Off state
    before the filters attribute can be modified.

1.3  –  rights_identifiers

    Default: No rights     Value: Set of simple names

    Set of rights identifiers that this client possesses. It is used
    when placing the outgoing call.

1.4  –  template

    Default: No template   Value: Simple name

    Name of the x25 access template entity to be used for the
    outgoing call.

2  –  pvc

    set  [node  node-id] x25 relay pvc pvc-name ...

    Modifies the attributes of an x25 relay pvc entity, which provides
    a set of default values to be used to establish a connection to a
    client over a permanent virtual circuit (PVC).  The modifiable
    attributes and their data types (in brackets) are:

    local pvc [simplename]
    remote dte class [simplename]
    remote pvc [simplename]
    retry limit [integer]
    retry timer [integer]
    rights identifiers [set of simplenames]

2.1  –  local PVC

    Default: No PVC name   Value: Simplename

    Name of the PVC entity that represents the local end of the

2.2  –  remote_dte_class

    Default: No DTE class  Value: Simplename

    DTE class to be used when setting up the remote end of the
    connection. It is only specified if the relayed PVC does not
    reside on the local system.

2.3  –  remote PVC

    Default: No PVC name   Value: Simplename

    Name of the PVC entity that represents the remote end of the

2.4  –  retry_limit

    Default: 10            Value: 0-65535

    Number of attempts that will be made to set up the PVC connection
    following the failure of an enable command.

2.5  –  retry_timer

    Default: 60            Value: 1-65535

    Interval, in seconds, between retries.

2.6  –  rights_identifiers

    Default: No rights     Value: Set of simplenames

    Rights identifiers possessed by this entity. These rights are
    used to access the local PVC and relayed PVC if it resides on the
    local system.
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