NCLHELP.HLB  —  set  session_control
    set  [node node-id] session control ...

    Modifies the attributes of the session control entity.  The
    modifiable attributes and their data types [in brackets] are:

    address update interval [integer]
    backtranslation search path [ordered list of directory, template]
    decnet-internet gateway enabled [boolean] (Tru64 UNIX)
    decnet-internet gateway user [username] (Tru64 UNIX)
    incoming proxy [boolean]
    incoming timer [integer]
    maintain backward soft links [boolean]
    modify acs [boolean]
    naming cache timeout [binreltime] (OpenVMS)
    naming cache checkpoint interval [binreltime] (OpenVMS)
    naming search path [ordered list of directory, template]
    network priority [integer] (OpenVMS)
    node synonym directory [full-name]
    non privileged user [username] (OpenVMS)
    outgoing proxy [boolean]
    outgoing timer [integer]
    soft link timer [binary-relative-time] (Tru64 UNIX)
    transport precedence [set of OSI or NSP]
    update retry interval [integer]

    For specific command examples, refer to the attribute
    descriptions below.

    Select application to view the modifiable attributes a session
    control application.

    Select proxy to view the modifiable attributes of a session
    control proxy on Tru64 UNIX.

1  –  address_update_interval

    Default: 10            Values: 1-4294967296

    Specifies the minimum time (in seconds) allowed between updates
    of address information. More frequent modification to the set of
    local towers is prohibited.


    set session control address update interval 10

2  –  backtranslation_search_path

    Default: {}              Value: Ordered list of directory, template

    An ordered list used by the common directory interface to determine
    the order of the naming services used for lookup in
    address-to-nodename translation.

    On OpenVMS the recommended method of modifying this attribute is to
    run NET$CONFIGURE and use Option 2.  The result of the configuration
    is saved in the SYS$MANAGER:NET$SEARCHPATH_STARTUP.NCL script so the
    session control backtranslation search path attribute will be re-set
    on startup.  However, if a NET$SEARCHPATH_LOCAL.NCL script is found
    during startup, that local procedure will be executed in lieu of


    set node 0 session control back search path -
         ([directory service = local, template = ""], -
         [directory service = domain, template = ""])

3  –  decnet-internet gateway enabled (Tru64 UNIX)

    Default: False         Value: True or false

    If true, the DECnet-Internet Gateway is enabled.

4  –  decnet-internet gateway user (Tru64 UNIX)

    Name of a user under whose account to run gateway applications.

5  –  incoming_proxy

    Default: True          Value: True or false

    Specifies whether to honor incoming proxy requests. If this
    attribute is set to false, requests to invoke proxies on incoming
    requests are ignored.


    set session control incoming proxy true

6  –  incoming_timer

    Default: 45            Values: 0-65535

    Time (in seconds) to wait for a user module to issue an
    accept/reject call after a port enters a state indicating that
    a connection request was received. If the timer expires, Session
    Control aborts the transport connection with a timed out error.
    For OpenVMS, a zero (0) value directs Session Control to wait
    indefinitely without aborting the connection.


    set session control incoming timer 45

7  –  maintain_backward_soft_links

    Default: False         Value: True or false

    Specifies whether Session Control should attempt to update
    the backward translation soft links when it detects an address
    change. If this attribute is set to false, Session Control will
    add no new backward translation soft links and it may delete any
    that it has created.

    On OpenVMS, even though the default NCL value for this attribute
    is False, the sys$manager:net$session_startup.ncl script resets
    this attribute to True.


    set session control maintain backward soft links true

    set session control -               ! Resets the attribute to
          maintain backward soft links  !  the default, which is
                                        !  False.

8  –  modify_acs

    Default: True          Value: True or false

    Specifies whether Session Control should attempt to update the
    ACS (access control set) of the node object whenever it attempts
    to update the towers attribute for the node in the namespace.


    set session control modify acs true

9  –  network priority (OpenVMS)

    Default:  0            Value:  0-255

    When operating over CLNS, indicates network priority encoded in
    NPDU header for all transmitted packets.  It may only be used by
    intermediate systems to assign the packets to queues of appropriate

10  –  node_synonym_directory

    Default:  None             Value: Full-name

    Full name of a DECdns directory that contains node synonyms.


    set session control node synonym directory DEC:.DNA_NodeSynonym

11  –  non privileged user (OpenVMS)

    Default: None          Value: username

    Specifies a non-privileged user account.  This default account
    allows users to perform certain network operations, such as the
    exchange of electronic mail between users on different nodes,
    without having to supply a user name and password.  The default
    DECnet user name is also used for file operations when access control
    information is not supplied.  For example, it permits remote users to
    access local files on which the file protection has been set to allow
    world access.

    You may use NET$CONFIGURE.COM to request a nonprivileged
    DECnet account.  Refer to the Network Management manual for more
    information before adding a default nonprivileged DECnet account.


    set session control non privileged user "netnonpriv"

12  –  outgoing_proxy

    Default: True          Value: True or false

    Specifies whether to invoke a proxy on outgoing connection
    requests when the user does not explicitly specify to do so.
    If this attribute is set to false, no proxy is invoked.


    set session control outgoing proxy false

13  –  outgoing_timer

    Default: 60            Values: 0-65535

    Time (in seconds) to wait for an outgoing transport connection
    to be accepted before Session Control aborts the connection with
    a timed out error. For OpenVMS, a zero (0) value directs Session
    Control to wait indefinitely without aborting the connection.


    set session control outgoing timer 60

14  –  soft link timer (Tru64 UNIX)

    Default: 30 days       Value: Binary relative time

    Interval of time (in days) DECdns checks that an object pointed
    to by a backward translation soft link still exists.

15  –  transport_precedence

    Default: {}                  Values: Set of osi or nsp

    Note: On the DECnet/OSI for Digital UNIX V1.0
          products the default was tp4 rather than osi.

    This command sets the order in which transports are selected when
    establishing a connection. The default order is to try OSI, then
    NSP. The command takes a set as input. Valid items in the set are


    set session control -
      transport precedence {}  ! By default OSI is preferred over NSP.

    set session control -
      transport precedence {nsp,osi} ! Prefers NSP over OSI.

16  –  update_retry_interval

    Default: 60            Values: 1-4294967296

    Time to wait before Session Control retries a failed attempt to
    update information in the namespace.


    set session control update retry interval 60

17  –  naming cache timeout (OpenVMS)

    Default: 30             Value: binary relative time

    Amount of time, in days, after which the address and node name
    information for a node is deleted from the in-memory, local
    naming cache.


    set session control naming cache timeout 30-00:00:00

18  –  naming cache checkpoint interval (OpenVMS)

    Default: 8             Value: binary relative time

    The amount of time, in hours, between times when the address and
    node name information is checkpointed (flushed) to disk from the
    in-memory, local naming cache.  The minimum is 15 minutes.


    set session control -
            naming cache checkpoint interval 08:00:00

    set session control -
            naming cache checkpoint interval 00:15:00

19  –  naming_search_path

    Default: {}              Value: Ordered list of directory, template

    An ordered list used by the common directory interface to determine
    the order of the naming services used for lookup in
    nodename-to-address translation.

    On OpenVMS the recommended method of modifying this attribute is to
    run NET$CONFIGURE and use Option 2.  The result of the configuration
    is saved in the SYS$MANAGER:NET$SEARCHPATH_STARTUP.NCL script so the
    session control naming search path attribute will be re-set on
    startup.  However, if a NET$SEARCHPATH_LOCAL.NCL script is found
    during startup, that local script will be executed in lieu of the


    set node 0 session control naming search path -
         ([directory service = local, template = "*"], -
         [directory service = local, template = "LOCAL:*"], -
         [directory service = local, template = "lOCAL:.*"], -
         [directory service = domain, template = "*"], -
         [directory service = domain, template = "*.SCH.DEC.COM"])

20  –  application

    set  [node node-id] session control -
         application object-name-or-object-number ...

    You can identify an application with an object name or an object
    number.  Usually, applications are identified by network object
    number 0, but you can optionally assign it a nonzero object number,
    in the range from 128 to 255.  A nonzero object number can be
    specified without an application name.  Object numbers 1 through
    127 are reserved for use by Tru64.  Specific network services
    are identified by nonzero object numbers; for example, 27
    represents the mail utility.

    This Set command modifies attributes of a session control application
    entity, which stores information about an end user that is activated
    for receipt of an incoming connection request when the request
    contains that end user's name in its destination name field.

    The modifiable session control application attributes and their
    data types [in brackets] are:

    accept mode [immediate or deferred] (Tru64 UNIX)
    addresses [set of end-user specifications]
    allow decnet-internet gateway access [boolean] (Tru64 UNIX)
    client [client-id]
    data abstraction [message or stream] (Tru64 UNIX)
    image name [file-spec]
    incoming alias [boolean] (Tru64 UNIX)
    incoming osi tsel [hex-string] (OpenVMS)
    incoming proxy [boolean]
    maximum instances [integer] (Tru64 UNIX)
    network priority [integer] (OpenVMS)
    node synonym [boolean]
    outgoing alias [boolean] (OpenVMS)
    outgoingalias name [fullname] (OpenVMS)
    outgoing proxy [boolean] (OpenVMS)
    programming interface [Phase IV or Phase V] (Tru64 UNIX)
    user name [username]

    On OpenVMS, the recommended method of modifying session control
    application attributes is to run NET$CONFIGURE and choose Option 7.
    The configuration information for the applications is then written
    applications can be re-set on reboot.

    If you wish to modify these attributes manually, you may refer
    specific command examples in the attribute descriptions.

20.1  –  addresses

    Default: Empty set     Value: Set of end-user specifications

    A set of end-user specifications, any one of which, when
    specified in the destination name field of an incoming connection
    request, causes applications defined by this entity to be

    You can identify an application with an object name or an object
    number.  Usually, applications are identified by network object
    number 0, but you can optionally assign it a nonzero object number,
    in the range from 128 to 255.  A nonzero object number can be
    specified without an application name.  Object numbers 1 through
    127 are reserved for use by HP.  Specific network services
    are identified by nonzero object numbers; for example, 27
    represents the mail utility.


    set session control application mail addresses {number=27}

    set session control application task addresses {name=task}

20.2  –  accept mode (Tru64 UNIX)

    Default: Immediate     Value: Immediate or deferred

    If accept mode is immediate, then session control will
    automatically accept the connection before activating the
    end user. If accept mode is deferred, then it is up to the
    program to accept or reject the connection.

20.3  –  allow decnet-internet gateway access (Tru64 UNIX)

    Default: False         Value: True or false

    If true, this application supports gateway access. If the user
    name supplied by the incoming connect request contains a @ or
    !, the application spawner starts up the application under the
    session control DECnet-Internet Gateway user.

20.4  –  client

    Default:  None          Value:  Entity name

    Identifies the name of the local user that will be activated
    upon receipt of a connect request containing a destination name
    matching one of the values in the destination names attribute.

20.5  –  data abstraction (Tru64 UNIX)

    Default: Message       Value: Message or stream

    Type of data transfer interface the application will be using;
    message type or stream type. The message data abstraction is
    identical to the Sequenced-packet socket concept of the Phase IV
    session control. When writing applications, you should use the
    same data abstraction as that used by the program to which you

    Table Data Abstraction Type Comparison compares Message and
    Stream data abstractions.

    Table 1-1 Data Abstraction Type Comparison

    Message Type           Stream Type

    Preserves message      Does not preserve message boundaries

    HP DECnet-Plus         Commonly used for Tru64 UNIX
    for OpenVMS default    applications

    Not available on       Available on TCP/IP

    Supported by XTI       Supported by XTI

20.6  –  image_name

    Default: No image name     Value: File specification

    File name of a program to be invoked upon receipt of a connection
    request containing an address that matches one of the values
    contained in the set described by the addresses characteristic.


    set session control application mirror -
       image name sys$system:net$mirror.exe

20.7  –  incoming alias (Tru64 UNIX)

    Specifies how a particular application responds to incoming
    connect requests directed to the alias node address. If False,
    the application does not allow a specified application to receive
    incoming connect requests that have been directed to the alias
    node address.

20.8  –  incoming osi tsel (OpenVMS)

    Default:  None         Value: hex-string

    The TSEL for which this image will accept connections. This is
    similar to the destination names attribute. However,
    applications using this access point for in-connection matching
    do not use DNA Session Control protocol.

20.9  –  incoming_proxy

    Default: True          Value: True or false

    Specifies whether to honor incoming proxy requests. If this
    attribute is set to false, requests to invoke proxies on
    incoming requests are ignored. The setting of this characteristic
    overrides the setting of the session control incoming proxy
    characteristic for the specified application.


    set session control application mail incoming proxy false

20.10  –  maximum instances (Tru64 UNIX)

    Default: 0

    Maximum number of simultaneous instances of this application
    allowed. If a connect request comes in for this application
    while the maximum number of instances exist, the connect request
    will be rejected with ObjectTooBusy. A value of 0 indicates no

20.11  –  network priority (OpenVMS)

    Default: 0             Value: 0-225

    When operating over Connectionless Network Service (CLNS),
    indicates network priority encoded in the NPDU (network protocol
    data unit) header for all transmitted packets.  It can be used by
    intermediate systems to assign the packets to queues of
    appropriate priority.

20.12  –  node_synonym

    Default: False         Value: True or false

    Default form in which the remote node name is passed to the

    false      The full node name is used.

    true       The node synonym is used; if no synonym is available,
               the full name is used.


    set session control application mail node synonym true

20.13  –  outgoing alias (OpenVMS)

    Default: False	Value: True or false

    Specifies whether a particular object uses the alias node
    identifier in its outgoing connect requests. If false,
    the specified object is not allowed to use the alias node
    address in its outgoing connect requests.


    set session control application mail outgoing alias true

20.14  –  outgoingalias name (OpenVMS)

    Default: None	Value: fullname of alias

    Specifies which alias name a particular object uses in its
    outgoing connect requests when multiple aliases are in use.

    If you do not set an application outgoingalias name and the
    application has the outgoing alias set to true, the alias
    name for which you set the alias port outgoing default true
    is used for outgoing connect requests.

    If you define application outgoingalias name, this supersedes
    the setting of alias port outgoing default.  So if the
    application outgoing alias attribute is then set to false to
    disable the application outgoingalias name, the local node
    name is used.

    If neither alias port going default nor application
    outgoingalias name is set, the first alias created is used as
    the default for the system.  If this alias is not enabled,
    the local node name is used.


    set session control application mail -
         outgoingalias name DEC:.lkg.MyAlias

20.15  –  outgoing proxy (OpenVMS)

    Default: False	Value: True or false

    Default action to execute when user does not explicitly
    specify whether or not to invoke a proxy.


    set session control application 36 outgoing proxy true

20.16  –  programming interface (Tru64 UNIX)

    Default: Phase IV      Value: Phase IV or Phase V

    Programming interface used by the DECnet application (socket

20.17  –  user_name

    Default: None          Data type: Latin1String

    Identifies the default account under which the application is to
    run. For OpenVMS, if null then system defaults are used to select
    the user. The username must be specified in quotes on OpenVMS.


    set session control application cml user name "cml$server"

21  –  proxy (Tru64 UNIX)

    set  [node node-id] session control proxy proxy-name ...

    Modifies the attributes of a session control proxy entity which
    stores the information that grants remote users proxy access to
    given application subentity instances.  The modifiable
    attributes and their data types [in brackets] are:

    applications [set of simplenames]
    source end users [set of records]
    target user [latin1string]
    type [explicit or default]

21.1  –  applications

    Default:  None               Value:  Set of simplenames

    Set of application identifiers, one of which must match the
    application requested.  If this attribute value is null, any
    requested application will match.

21.2  –  source_end_users

    Default:  None               Value:  Set of records

    Set of remote end users for whom this proxy entry applies.
    An unspecified end user implies all end users on the node
    specified in the same record.  The record format has two
    fields:  node, which has a data type of fullname, and
    end user, which has a data type of enduserspecification.

21.3  –  target_user

    Default:  None               Value: Latin1string

    Local user name under which access is granted.

21.4  –  type

    Default:  Explicit           Value: Explicit or default

    Type of proxy entry:  explicit means that the destination
    the user requested in the connect request must match the
    target user for this entry; default means if no explicit
    entry matches, this entry will be tried.  An explicit
    proxy entry matches before a default one.
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