NCLHELP.HLB  —  set  routing
    Support: All
    Default: No verifier   Value: Hex-string, length 0-38

    Value to be transmitted for verifying the identity of this node.
    If no verifier is specified, no verifier is transmitted. This
    characteristic is supported only if the characteristic type is
    either ddcmp, hdlc, x25 static outgoing, x25 static incoming, or
    x25 permanent. You cannot display this characteristic.

44.26  –  x.25_filters

    Default: See           Value: Set of simple names

    Specifies the set of X.25 filters to be used when a port is
    opened to the X.25 module. Typically, there will be two sets: one
    to specify the selection on the Call User Data field for DECnet-Plus
    and the other to specify the selection on the subaddress
    for Phase IV. This attribute is valid only if the characteristic
    type is x25 static incoming or x25 da.

44.27  –  ip_reachable_address

    Support: L2,IP

    set  [node node-id] routing circuit circuit-name
         ip reachable address destination

44.28  –  reachable_address

    set  [node node-id] routing circuit circuit-name -
         reachable address simple-name ...

    Modifies attributes of a routing circuit reachable address entity
    which contains information about a manually entered address prefix
    accessible over that circuit.  It exists only on L2 routers and
    end nodes.   The modifiable routing circuit reachable address
    attributes and their data types [in brackets] are:

    block size [integer]
    cost [integer]
    data format [PhaseIV or Phasev]
    DTE addresses [set of dte addresses]
    ISDN address [isdn-address]
    LAN address [id]
    metric type [metric-type]
    mapping [string]
    modem addresses [modem-address]
    modem address prefix [modem-address-prefix]
    modem address suffix [modem-address-suffix]
    permitted lan address [lan-address]
    type [string]

44.28.1  –  block_size

    Support: End, type outbound
    Default: 0			Value: 0-65536

    The data link block size to be used for this prefix.
    For an end system, the data link block size to be used for this
    prefix.  If the block size is set to the default, the manual
    block size of the circuit will be used instead.  This attribute
    is supported only if the type characteristic is set to outbound.

    set [node node-id] routing circuit circuit-name -
        reachable address simplename block size integer


    set routing circuit csmacd-1 -
         reachable address to-area4 block size 500

44.28.2  –  cost

    Support: L2
    Default: 20            	Value: 1-63

    Cost of reaching this address prefix over this circuit.

44.28.3  –  data_format

    Support: L2
    Default: PhaseV             Value: PhaseIV (1) or PhaseV (0)

    The PDU data format to be used when forwarding data (or
    error report) NPDUs using this reachable address.

    This attribute is supported only if the type characteristic
    is set to outbound. You can modify this characteristic only
    when the entity is disabled.

44.28.4  –  dte_addresses

    Support: End,L2
    Default: No DTE addresses={ }        Value: Set of DTE addresses

    A set of DTE addresses to which a call may be directed in order
    to reach an address that matches the address prefix of this
    reachable address.

    This characteristic is supported if the node is a level 2 router,
    where the owning circuit's characteristic type is one of the X.25
    circuit types, and the reachable address's characteristic type
    is outbound. It is also supported by end nodes operating over an
    x25 da circuit. You can modify this characteristic only when the
    entity is disabled.

    set [node node-id] routing circuit circuit-name reachable -
        address simplename dte address {dte-address[dte-address...]}


    set routing circuit x25_circuit-1 reachable address ughh_v -
        dte address { 2267643 }

44.28.5  –  ISDN address

    Support: L1,L2
    Default: { }			Value: Set of ISDN addresses

    A full set of E.164 ISDN network addresses that a call may be
    directed in order to reach a network number that matches the
    address prefix of the parent reachable address entity. Associated
    with each ISDN network address, but not visible to Network
    Management, is a variable last failure of type binary absolute
    time. This attribute is supported only if access type is ISDN DA.

44.28.6  –  LAN address

    Support: L2,End
    Default: 00-00-00-00-00-00 	 Value: ID

    A single LAN address to which an NPDU can be directed in order
    to reach an address that matches the address prefix of the parent
    reachable address entity. This attribute is supported only if the
    type characteristic is set to outbound on broadcast circuits only.
    A valid address is required here.

    You can modify this characteristic only when the entity is

    set [node node-id] routing circuit circuit-name reachable -
        address simplename lan address aa-00-04-00-xx-xx


    set routing circuit csmacd-1 reachable address to-area4 -
        lan address aa-00-04-00-12-34

44.28.7  –  mapping

    Support: End,L2
    Default: X.121         	Value: Manual or X.121

    Type of mapping used to determine the SNPA address to which a
    call should be placed for this address prefix. You can modify
    this characteristic only when the entity is disabled. If the
    circuit is a broadcast circuit, this attribute must have the
    value manual.

    manual  The mapping uses the set of addresses in the
            characteristic dte addresses or the address in the
            characteristic LAN address.

    X.121   The mapping uses the X.121 address extraction algorithm.

    This characteristic is supported only if either of the following
    conditions is satisfied:

    o  The node is a level 2 router or an end node, and the owning
       circuit's characteristic type is one of the X.25 circuit
       types; or

    o  The node is a level 2 router, the owning circuit's
       characteristic type is csma-cd, and the reachable address's
       characteristic type is outbound.

    set [node node-id] routing circuit circuit-name reachable -
        address simplename mapping manual_or_x.121


    set routing circuit csmacd-1 reachable address to-area4 -
        mapping manual

44.28.8  –  metric_type

    Support: L2
    Default: Internal		Value: Internal, external

    The metric type of the cost metric for the circuits. If internal,
    the I/E bit for the metric in the Prefix Neighbors option of
    L2 LSPs is set to 0, otherwise (external) is set to 1.

44.28.9  –  modem_addresses

    Support: L1,L2
    Default: { }			Value: Set of modem addresses

    A set of full dial sequence that contains the address (PSTN or
    ISDN) to which a call may be directed in order to reach a
    network number that matches the address prefix of the parent
    reachable address) entity. Associated with each modem address,
    but not visible to Network Management, is a variable last
    failure of type binary absolute time. This is valid only if
    mapping is manual and the parent circuit entity's access time
    is Modem DA.

44.28.10  –  modem_address_prefix

    Support: L1,L2
    Default: L1,L2             Value: Address string

    The address that is to be inserted to the beginning of the address
    extracted from the NSAP address. This is valid only if mapping is
    not manual and the parent circuit entity's access type is Modem
    DA. It is used in conjunction with modem access suffix to form the
    complete dial sequence.

44.28.11  –  modem_address_suffix

    Support: L1,L2
    Default: L1,L2             Value: Address string

    The address that is to be inserted to the end of the address
    extracted from the NSAP address. This is valid only if mapping
    is not manual and the parent circuit entity's access type is
    Modem DA. It is used in conjunction with modem access prefix
    to form the complete dial sequencence.

44.28.12  –  permitted LAN address

    Support: End
    Default: { }               Value: Set of LAN addresses

    The set of LAN addresses corresponding to routers that are
    permitted to be used for forwarding to this prefix. This
    attribute is supported only if the type characteristic is
    set to filter on broadcast circuits only. The default is
    an empty set, and at least one LAN address is required.

    set [node node-id] routing circuit circuit-name -
        reachable address simplename -
        permitted lan address {lan-address[,lan-address...]}


    set routing circuit csmacd-1 reachable address to-area4 -
        type filter, -
        permitted lan address {aa-00-04-00-23-45,aa-00-04-00-BC-DE}

44.28.13  –  type

    Support: L2,End
    Default: Outbound      	Value: Inbound, outbound, or filter

    Type of the reachable address. You can modify this characteristic
    only when the entity is disabled.

    inbound    For L2 only, the address prefix corresponds to a
      	      Phase IV area that is reachable through this node
               and circuit by inbound traffic.

    outbound   The address prefix is in an external domain
               that is reachable over this circuit by outbound

    filter     The address prefix defines a set of addresses that
               should be reached via the set of routers listed in
               the permitted LAN address characteristic.

    set [node node-id] routing circuit circuit-name -
        reachable address simplename -
        type reachable-addr-type


    set routing circuit csmacd-1 -
        reachable address to-area4 type filter

45  –  egp_group

    set  [node node-id] routing egp group group-name ...

    Modifies the attributes of a routing egp group entity, which
    defines a set of systems in the same autonomous system with which
    this system may exchange EGP messages.  The modifiable attributes
    and their data types [in brackets] are:

    autonomous system number [integer]
    external routes [set of send,receive]
    maximum active neighbors [integer]
    receive metric class [internal or external]
    send local metric [integer]
    send metric classes [set of external,internal]
    send replacement metric [integer]

45.1  –  autonomous_system_number

    Support: L2,IP
    Default: 0             Value: 0-65535

    The autonomous system number common to members of this group. You
    can modify this characteristic only when the entity is disabled.
    This attribute is supported only if the node is a level 2 router,
    and if the system supports dual routing (both DECnet and IP

45.2  –  external_routes

    Support: L2,IP
    Default: Receive       Value: Set of send,receive

    If the set includes receive, external gateway routes are accepted
    from neighbors in the group; if the set does not include receive,
    external gateway routes are discarded. If the set includes send,
    external gateway routes will be sent to neighbors in this group;
    if the set does not include send, external gateway routes are not
    sent. You can modify this characteristic only when the entity is

45.3  –  maximum_active_neighbors

    Support: L2,IP
    Default: 1             Value: 0-255

    The maximum number of neighbor systems in the group that this
    system will attempt to acquire and maintain in the Up state at
    any given time. You can modify this characteristic only when the
    entity is disabled.

45.4  –  receive_metric_class

    Support: L2,IP
    Default: External      Value: Internal or external

    The class to be associated with routes received from EGP
    neighbors in this group (unless overridden by a routing receive
    route entity). You can modify this characteristic only when the
    entity is disabled.

45.5  –  send_local_metric

    Support: L2,IP
    Default: 1             Value: 0-255

    The metric value to be used when announcing routes derived from
    local information (unless overridden by a routing send route
    entity). You can modify this characteristic only when the entity
    is disabled.

45.6  –  send_metric_classes

    Support: L2,IP
    Default: Internal      Value: Set of external,internal

    Routes received through routing protocols other than EGP with
    metric classes in this set are candidates for announcement
    in EGP messages sent to neighbors in this group, subject to
    route propagation policy. Routes with metric classes not
    specified in this set will not be announced. You can modify this
    characteristic only when the entity is disabled.

45.7  –  send_replacement_metric

    Support: L2,IP
    Default: 1             Value: 0-255

    Specifies the metric value to be used when announcing routes
    derived from non-EGP routing protocols (unless overridden by a
    routing send route entity). You can modify this characteristic
    only when the entity is disabled.

46  –  permitted_neighbor

    set  [node node-id] routing permitted neighbor neighbor-name -
         verifier hex-string

46.1  –  verifier

    Support: All
    Default: No verifier           Value: hex-string, length 0-38

    Verifier to be checked from this neighbor.  You may change this
    characteristic at any time; however, the change will not take
    effect until the circuit is next initialized.  You cannot
    display this characteristic.

    If the verifier is not set, then a connection to the neighboring
    node whose ID matches the ID in this entry is allowed.  If the
    verifier is set, the connection is allowed only if the verifier
    sent by the remote node matches the one in this entry.


    create routing permitted neighbor nashua_decnet-osi -
           id 08-00-2b-12-34-56
    set routing permitted neighbor nashua_decnet-osi -
           verifier %x1234

    create routing permitted neighbor nashua_phase_iv -
           id aa-00-04-00-12-34
    set routing permitted neighbor nashua_phase_iv -
           verifier %x1234
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