NCLHELP.HLB  —  remove  x25 relay (Alpha), client

1  –  filters

    Modifies the Filters attribute of a given X25 Relay Client
    instance to remove the specified filter name or names.

    remove  [node  node-id] x25 relay client client-name -
          filters {simplename[,simplename...]}


    Default: No filters    Value: Set of simple names

    Set of filters that are listened to by this client. Each name
    is the name of an x25 access filter entity. For the add and set
    commands, the x25 relay client entity must be in the Off state
    before the filters attribute can be modified.

2  –  rights_identifiers

    Modifies the Rights Identifiers attribute of an X25 Relay
    Client instance to remove the specified rights identifier
    or identifers.

    remove  [node  node-id] x25 relay client client-name -
          rights identifiers {simplename[,simplename...]}

    Rights Identifiers

    Default: No rights     Value: Set of simple names

    Set of rights identifiers that this client possesses. It is used
    when placing the outgoing call.
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