NCLHELP.HLB  —  delete  xot (OpenVMS Alpha), sap
    Deletes a disabled Service Access Point (SAP) entity.  Sap-name
    is a simple name that uniquely identifies a particular SAP

    delete  [node node-id] xot sap sap-name

    Before a SAP can be deleted, all of its associated LINK entities
    must be disabled and deleted.


    show xot sap * -
         local ip addr, state  ! Identifies the sap to delete.
    show xot sap sap-0 link *  ! There can be no link subentities
    disable xot sap sap-0      !   and SAP must be disabled
    delete xot sap sap-0       !   before the SAP can be deleted.

1  –  link

    Deletes a previously disabled LINK entity, which represents a
    remote system with which XOT is allowed to communicate.  The
    sap-name and link-name are simple names which uniquely
    identify particular SAP and LINK instances.

    delete  [node node-id] xot sap sap-name link link-name


    show xot sap sap-0 link * -        ! Finds link to delete.
       remote ip address, state
    disable xot sap sap-0 link link-0  ! LINK must be disabled
    delete xot sap sap-0 link link-0   !   before deletion.

1.1  –  Exception messages

 o  wrong state

    The XOT SAP LINK entity must be disabled before it can
    be deleted.

2  –  Exception Messages

 o  wrong state

    The XOT SAP entity must be disabled before it can be deleted.

 o  has children

    The XOT SAP entity cannot be deleted when it has LINK subentities.
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