NCLHELP.HLB  —  create  hdlc  link
    Creates an instance of an HDLC link entity, which is associated with
    a port of the supporting physical layer module.  It contains
    attributes common to local HDLC operations for all logical stations
    on that line.

    create [node node-id] hdlc -
       link link-name [linktype link-type] [,profile latin1string]

    Link-name is a simplename that identifies this HDLC link instance.
    The Linktype and Profile arguments are optional.


    create hdlc link hdlc-0

    Select logical_station for information on creating hdlc link
    logical station subentities.

1  –  linktype

    The optional Linktype argument specifies the operational mode of
    the HDLC link, determining how the logical station operates. This
    value is negotiated with the remote station. This argument
    determines the value of the link type characteristic.

    balanced   The logical station operates in asynchronous response
               balanced mode. This is the default value of the

    primary    The logical station is the primary and operates in
               normal response mode.

    secondary  The logical station is a secondary and operates in
               normal response mode.


    create hdlc link hdlc-0 linktype primary

2  –  profile

    The optional Profile argument specifies a string of information
    that can be used when the HDLC protocol is dependent on network
    subscription time commitments pertinent to the Data Link layer.
    When specified, the values of some link characteristics may be
    overridden. This argument determines the value of the profile
    characteristic. The default value of this argument is a null
    string, meaning that no profile is used.

3  –  logical_station

    Creates an instance of the HDLC link logical station entity,
    which controls the characteristics of an HDLC logical station.

    create  [node node-id] hdlc link link-name -
            logical station station-name

    There is one station for each remote termination of a line
    associated with the HDLC link.  The station-name is a
    simplename that identifies this HDLC link logical station


    create hdlc link hdlc-0 logical station hdlc-0
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