NCLHELP.HLB  —  SNA Peer Server Module, LLC2
   The LLC2 entity represents the LLC2 protocol on the Peer Server
   and its accessibility by client applications. The LLC2 module
   controls the operation of the LLC Type 2 data link protocol for local
   area networks (LANs). The Peer Server supports a single instance of
   the LLC2 entity. The subordinate entities of the LLC2 entity are the
   Port and the SAP (service access point). The Port subentity exists
   when an LLC2 connection is established to an adjacent link station.
   Ports are dynamically created and deleted as connections are made and
   broken. An instance of the SAP subentity must exist for each LLC2 port.
   The SAP subentity is the access point to the underlying LAN station.
   There is one SAP for each protocol on the LAN adapter. The SAP entity
   has the Link subentity, which represents a remote LAN station and its
   associated SAP.

1  –  create

   create llc2

   The create llc2 command creates an LLC2 entity, which provides support
   for LLC Type 2 data link protocol for local area networks. There is
   only one instance for each node.

   Ex,   ncl> create llc2

2  –  delete

   delete llc2

   The delete llc2 command deletes the single LLC2 entity. You cannot
   delete the entity while subentities (Ports and SAPs) exist.

   Ex,   ncl> delete llc2

3  –  show

   show llc2

   The show llc2 command displays the attributes of the LLC2 entity.

   Ex,   ncl> show llc2 all

3.1  –  Characteristic

   version           Displays the version number of the SNA LLC2
                     software that is executing.

4  –  SAP subentity

   An instance of the SAP subentity must exist for each LLC2 port.
   The SAP (service access point) subentity is the access point to the
   underlying LAN station. There is one SAP for each protocol on the
   LAN adapter.

4.1  –  create

   create llc2 sap

   The create llc2 sap command creates an instance of the LLC2 SAP
   subentity for each protocol that LLC2 uses. The create command also
   allocates resources for the subentity and sets its characteristics
   to their default values.

   Ex,   ncl> create llc2 sap sna-0

4.2  –  delete

   delete llc2 sap

   The delete llc2 sap command deletes a named LLC2 SAP instance.
   You can delete a SAP instance only when it has no active Link
   subentities and it is disabled.

   Ex,   ncl> delete llc2 sap sna-0

4.3  –  disable

   disable llc2 sap

   The disable llc2 sap command disables a named LLC2 SAP instance.

   Ex,   ncl> disable llc2 sap sna-0

4.4  –  enable

   enable llc2 sap

   The enable llc2 sap command enables a named LLC2 SAP instance.

   Ex,   ncl> enable llc2 sap sna-0

4.5  –  set

   set llc2 sap

   The set llc2 sap command lets you set the attributes for the
   LLC2 SAP subentity.

   Ex,   ncl> set llc2 sap sna-0 lan station token ring station trn-0

4.5.1  –  Characteristics

   LAN Station     Local entity    Specifies the name of the LAN station
                                   entity used by the name SAP. You must
                                   specify this value before trying to
                                   enable the SAP.

   Local LSAP      2 characters    Specifies the local link service
   Address         (hexadecimal)   access point (LSAP) to be
                                   used. The address must be unique.

                                   For use with the Peer Server, this
                                   value is normally set to 04.

4.6  –  show

   show llc2 sap

   The show llc2 sap command displays the attributes for the LLC2 SAP

   Ex,   ncl> show llc2 sap sna-0 all

4.6.1  –  Identifier

   Name          Displays the simplename assigned when the LLC2 SAP was

4.6.2  –  Status

   State         Displays the entity state of the LLC2 SAP entity.
                 Possible values are:

         off     The SAP is disabled.

         on      The SAP is enabled.

   LAN Port      Displays the name of the LAN Port that is
                 opened and enabled when this SAP is successfully
                 enabled.  The status has a null value if the SAP
                 is not enabled.

   Maximum PDU   Displays the largest frame size, in octets, that
   Size          can be used to send or receive data on this SAP.

   UID           Displays the entity's unique identifier that was
                 assigned when the entity was created.

4.6.3  –  Characteristics

   LAN Station     Local entity    Displays the name of the LAN station
                                   entity used by the name SAP. You must
                                   specify this value before trying to
                                   enable the SAP.

   Local LSAP      2 characters    Displays the local link service
   Address         (hexadecimal)   access point (LSAP) to be used.

4.6.4  –  Counters

   Creation        Displays the time that the entity was created.

   Times SAP       Displays the number of times the SAP state has
   State Changed   changed from on to off, or from off to on.

5  –  SAP Link subentity

   The Link subentity of the SAP represents a remote LAN station and
   its associated SAP.

5.1  –  create

   create llc2 sap link

   The create llc2 sap link command creates a link to a remote LAN
   station that operates over a particular service access point (SAP).

   Ex,   ncl> create llc2 sap sna-0 link link-2

5.2  –  delete

   delete llc2 sap link

   The delete llc2 sap link command deletes a named LLC2 SAP Link
   instance. You can delete a SAP Link instance only when it is disabled
   and the transmission group that uses it is disabled.

   Ex,   ncl> delete llc2 sap sna-0 link link-2

5.3  –  disable

   disable llc2 sap link

   The disable llc2 sap link command disables a named LLC2 SAP Link

   Ex,   ncl> disable llc2 sap sna-0 link link-2

5.4  –  enable

   enable llc2 sap link

   The enable llc2 sap link command makes a named LLC2 SAP Link
   instance available for connections.

   Ex,   ncl> enable llc2 sap sna-0 link link-2

5.5  –  set

   set llc2 sap link

   The set llc2 sap link command lets you set the attributes for
   the LLC2 SAP Link subentity.

   Ex, ncl> set llc2 sap sna-0 link link-2 acknowledge timer = 2000

5.5.1  –  Characteristics

   Acknowledge     (1-60000)     Specifies the time (in milliseconds)
   Timer                         that the link waits for an
                                 acknowledgment before initiating
                                 recovery action. The default is 1000.

   Holdback Timer  (0-60000)     Specifies the delay (in milliseconds)
                                 before an acknowldgment must be sent.
                                 The default is 500.

   Maximum         (1-65531)     Specifies the largest frame size (in
   Data Size                     octets) that the link can use to send
                                 or receive data. This value does not
                                 include the size of the frame header.
                                 The default is 1028.

   Local Receive   (1-127)       Specifies the size of the window used
   Window Size                   by the link for receiving frames. The
                                 default is 127.

   Retry Maximum   (1-255)       Specifies the maximum number of times
                                 that the link retransmits a frame
                                 before assuming a fatal error and
                                 taking more drastic recovery action.
                                 The default is 10.

   Remote Mac      LAN           Specifies the unique destination MAC
   Address         address       address to be used by the link. The
                                 default is 00-00-00-00-00-00.

   Remote LSAP     2 character   Specifies the unique address of the
   Address         (hexa-        destination LSAP (local service
                    decimal)     access point) to be used by the link.
                                 For use with the Peer Server, this
                                 value is normally set to 04.

5.6  –  show

   show llc2 sap link

   The show llc2 sap link command displays the attributes for a link
   that operates over a particular service access point (SAP).

   Ex,   ncl>  show llc2 sap sna-0 link link-2 all

5.6.1  –  Identifier

   Name          Displays the Simplename assigned to the link when it
                 was created.

5.6.2  –  Status

   Active Maximum        Displays the negotiated maximum frame size
   Data Size             (excluding the header) that can be sent and
                         received on this link. The value is the
                         smallest maximum data size of the Link, the
                         SAP, and the adjacent link.

   State                 Displays the entity state of the llc2 link.
                         Possible values are:

         off             The link is disabled.

         on              The link is enabled.

   Protocol              Displays the state of the LLC2 protocol with
   State                 respect to the remote station.  Possible
                         states are:

         error           The protocol is in a recognized error state.

         disconnecting   The protocol is being disconnected.

         halted          The protocol has halted.

         initializing    The protocol is being initialized.

         inoperative     The protocol cannot be started because the LAN
                         station cannot provide a connection to a remote

         resetting       The protocol is being reset.

         running         The protocol is running normally.

   Remote LLC Class      Displays the class of the remote LLC.
                         Possible classes are:

         1               Class 1 LLC.  Only type 1 operation is

         2               Class 2 LLC.  Both type 1 and type 2
                         operations are supported.

         unknown         The class has not yet been established. The
                         class is established during XID exchange
                         between the local and remote LLC

   Remote Receive        Displays the window size used by the remote
   Window Size           station for receiving frames. The local
                         station uses this value as its window for
                         transmitting frames.

   UID                   Displays the unique identifier of the entity,
                         which is generated when the entity is created.

5.6.3  –  Characteristics

   Acknowledge     (1-60000)     Displays the time (in milliseconds)
   Timer                         that the link waits for an
                                 acknowledgment before initiating
                                 recovery action.

   Holdback Timer  (0-60000)     Displays the delay (in milliseconds)
                                 before an acknowledgment must be sent.

   Maximum         (1-65531)     Displays the largest frame size (in
   Data Size                     octets) that the link can use to send
                                 or receive data. This value does not
                                 include the size of the frame header.

   Local Receive   (1-127)       Displays the size of the window used
   Window Size                   by the link for receiving frames.

   Retry Maximum   (1-255)       Displays the maximum number of times
                                 that the link retransmits a frame
                                 before assuming a fatal error and
                                 taking more drastic recovery action.

   Remote MAC      LAN           Displays the unique destination MAC
   Address         address       address to be used by the link.

   Remote LSAP     2 characters  Displays the unique address of the
   Address         (hexa-        destination LSAP (local service
                   decimal)      access point) to be used by the link.

5.6.4  –  Counters

   Data Octets       Displays the number of data octets received in
   Received          I-frames and UI-frames from the remote end of the
                     link. This value does not include retransmissions.

   Data Octets       Displays the number of data octets sent in
   Sent              I-frames and UI-frames to the remote end of the
                     link. This value does not include retransmissions.

   Data PDUs         Displays the number of I-frames and UI-frames
   Received          received from the remote end of the link. This
                     value does not include retransmissions.

   Data PDUs         Displays the number of I-frames and UI-frames sent
   Sent              to the remote end of the link. This value does
                     not include retransmissions.

   REJs Received     Displays the number of REJ (reject) frames

   REJs Sent         Displays the number of REJ (reject) frames

   RNRs Received     Displays the number of RNR (receive not ready)
                     frames received.

   RNRs Sent         Displays the number of RNR (receive not ready)
                     frames transmitted.

   XIDs Received     Displays the number of XID frames received.

   XIDs Sent         Displays the nubmer of XID framed transmitted.

   FRMRs Received    Displays the number of FRMR (frame reject) frames

   FRMRs Sent        Displays the number of FRMR (frame reject) frames
                     generated as a result of invalid incoming frames.

   Polls Received    Displays the number of command frames received
                     with the P-bit set.

   Times Acknowledge  Displays the number of times the local acknowledge
   Timer Expired      timer has expired.

   Times Poll        Displays the number of times the local poll timer
   Timer Expired     has expired.

   Times Reject      Displays the number of times the local reject
   Timer Expired     timer has expired.

   Times Busy        Displays the number of times the local busy timer
   Timer Expired     has expired.

   Times Link        Displays the number of times the link's state
   State Changed     changed from on to off, or from off to on.

   Times Link        Displays the number of times the link's protocol
   Running           state status attribute was set to running. When
                     the link enters the running state, the protocol
                     has been successfully initialized or reset.

   Times Link        Displays the number of times the link's protocol
   Initializing      state status attribute was set to initializing.

   Times Link        Displays the number of times the link's protocol
   Resetting         state status attribute was set to resetting.

   Times Link        Displays the number of times the link's protocol
   Halted            state status attribute was set to halted.

   Times Link        Displays the number of times the link's protocol
   Inoperative       state status attribute was set to inoperative.

   Times Link        Displays the number of times the LLC2 fails to
   Setup Failed      initialize correctly after the maximum number of

   Creation Time     Displays the time at which the entity was created.

6  –  Port subentity

   The Port subentity exists when an LLC2 connection is established
   to an adjacent link station. Ports are dynamically created and deleted
   as connections are made and broken.

6.1  –  show

   show llc2 port

   The show llc2 port command displays the attributes of the LLC2 Port

   Ex,   ncl> show llc2 port llc2-port-000 all

6.1.1  –  Identifier

   name               A unique value assigned to the Port by the LLC2
                      entity. The value is in the form LLC2-port-nnn,
                      where nnn is an unsigned integer.

6.1.2  –  Status

   Client             Displays the name of the client that opened the

   Link               Displays the name of the SAP Link entity
                      associated with this port.

   State              Displays the entity state of the port. Possible
                      state values are:

     open            The port is assigned to a client and is enabled.

     open disabled   The port is assigned to a client but is disabled.
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