NCLHELP.HLB  —  Network Management, Tools

1  –  Console Carrier

    The console carrier provides access to the remote console
    subsystem (ASCII console) of a network server on a LAN.
    The console carrier interface does not use NCL. Instead,
    you can enter commands at the operating system to use the
    console carrier.

1.1  –  OpenVMS

    The Phase IV NCP CONNECT NODE and NCP CONNECT VIA commands
    have no Phase V equivalent.  Instead, use SET HOST to use
    the console carrier function of MOP on Phase V:


    Either the NET$MANAGE or the NET$DIAGNOSE rights
    identifiers or BYPASS privilege is required to use the
    Console Carrier on OpenVMS.

    For further information about the console carrier on
    OpenVMS systems, refer to the DECnet-Plus Network
    Management book, Appendix I.

1.2  –  Tru64 UNIX

    For further information about the console carrier on Tru64
    UNIX systems, see the ccr command in the DECnet-Plus for
    Network Management book, Appendix K.

2  –  GUI (Graphical User Interface)

    NCL can be accessed through either a command line interface
    or a Graphical User Interface (GUI). The GUI allows network
    managers to view the status of network components and control
    those components from a Motif-based window interface.

    This utility provides a hierarchical graphical approach to
    the management of DECnet-Plus.  The manageable components of
    DECnet-Plus (modules, entities and subentities) are
    represented in a tree-like structure below the icon that
    represents the node you are managing.  This provides an easy
    way to familiarize yourself with the organization of these
    manageable entities (the entity hierarchy).  Another way to
    view the entity hierarchy is to use this help facility --

    For further information regarding the network management GUI,
    refer to the DECnet-Plus Network Management book.

2.1  –  Invoking

    On Tru64 UNIX, the GUI is located at dna_mgmt.

    On OpenVMS, you can invoke the NCL GUI by:

    $ run sys$system:net$mgmt

    The same OpenVMS rights required to run NCL on are also
    required to run this utility.  Refer to HELP
    information about rights identifiers.

2.2  –  Displaying NCL Commands

    You may choose to enable the displaying of NCL commands in
    order to see what NCL commands are being issued on your behalf
    by the GUI.  Do so by pulling down the Options menu, selecting
    the Default Actions menu item, and enabling Display NCL Commands
    in the dialog box.  The NCL commands will appear in the window
    from which you started the GUI.  Viewing these commands will
    help familiarize you with NCL syntax.

2.3  –  Tasks

    The NCL GUI can also perform task-oriented functions which
    involve many NCL commands or are complex in some way.  The
    currently supported NCL GUI tasks are:

    o show known links
    o show known node counters
    o check transports

    You can invoke these tasks by pulling down the Tasks menu
    and selecting the appropriate task.

3  –  Decnet Migrate

    Using the decnet_migrate utility, you can:

    - Convert NCP commands to NCL commands (where equivalents exist)

    - Collect information about your network configuration

    - Set up routing between Phase IV and Phase V areas.

    For further information on the use of the decnet_migrate, you may
    either Invoke the utility and access help, as in:

    $ run sys$update:decnet_migrate

    Or refer to the DECnet-Plus Network Management book.

4  –  Decnet Register

    With decnet_register, you can manage the node names and addressing
    information in both the Local namespace and the DECdns namespace,
    using either the command-line or forms-driven version of the tool.

    On OpenVMS, invoke decnet_register as follows.  By default,
    decnet_register starts in forms mode from a video terminal and in
    command mode from a hardcopy terminal.

    $ run sys$system:decnet_register

    You can define the following logical before invoking
    decnet_register if you want to force command mode:

    $ define decnet_register_commands 1

    Some examples using the command line interface are provided here.
    To obtain further help regarding the decnet_register utility, either
    invoke the utility and enter "?" at the Option prompt, or refer to
    the DECnet-Plus Network Management book.

4.1  –  Examples

    The following example demonstrates how to modify a pre-existing
    LOCAL registration using decnet_register's command line interface:

    $ define decnet_register_commands 1
    $ run sys$system:decnet_register
    modify node LOCAL:.logic directory_service LOCAL -
    towers {SC3/NSP/24.6,SC3/TP4/24.6}
    show node LOCAL:.logic directory_service LOCAL full

    The following example shows how to register a Phase V
    node in the LOCAL namespace, explicitly specifying
    session control Version 3 for NSP.  If the session
    version is not specified, NSP towers will still
    default to SC2, and OSI towers will default to SC3:

    $ define decnet_register_commands 1
    $ run sys$system:decnet_register
    register node LOCAL:.newno1 directory_service LOCAL -
    towers {SC3/NSP/24.224,TP4/24.224} synonym newno1
    show node LOCAL:.newno1 directory_service LOCAL full

    This example shows how to use decnet_register from
    an OpenVMS node to register a Phase V node in the
    WINTER namespace.  The node being registered is
    an OpenVMS node that is configured to run NSP,
    OSI Transport Class 4, and OSI Transport Class 2 for
    DECnet over IP:

    $ define decnet_register_commands 1
    $ run sys$system:decnet_register
    register node WINTER:.xpr.newno1 directory_service DECdns -
    towers {SC3/NSP/24.224,TP4/24.224,TP2/IP=} -
    synonym newno1
    show node Winter:.xpr.newno1 directory_service DECdns full

    Note that only decnet_register on OpenVMS accepts IP
    tower registrations, and those registrations must be
    made in the DECdns directory service.  IP towers cannot
    be registered in the LOCAL namespace.  Furthermore,
    decnet_register does not handle Domain (Bind) registrations.

5  –  Configuration Monitor

    The LAN configuration monitor listens for system id messages on
    the LAN and records the results.  HP-supplied LAN stations
    transmit a system id message every 10 minutes on average.
    Therefore, by listening to these messages the configuration
    monitor builds a database containing details about most systems
    that are operational.

    To use the Configuration Monitor, MOP must be started on the
    system, refer to HELP MOP for information on how to configure
    and start MOP.  If a mop circuit has already been created, you
    may start the configuration monitor by enabling that function
    on that MOP circuit, as in:

    ncl> enable mop circuit csmacd-1 function {configuration monitor}

    The configuration monitor then stores the data it collects as a
    set of station subentities, one for each address from which a
    system id is received.  The name of a station entity is
    constructed from a LAN address.  Use the show command to view
    the contents of this database, as in:

    ncl> show mop circuit csmacd-1 station * all

    To discontinue operation of the configuration monitor and delete
    the contents of the database, you may disable that function, as

    ncl> disable mop circuit csmacd-1 function {configuration monitor}

6  –  NCP Emulator (OpenVMS)

    Using the NCP Emulator, you can manage remote Phase IV nodes
    with the "tell" and "set executor node" commands.  Before you
    invoke the NCP Emulator, make sure the NET$MOP process is
    running.  To invoke the NCP Emulator, enter:

    $ run sys$system:ncp

    The following example modifies the cost on circuit sva-0 on
    boston, a remote Phase IV node:

    NCP> tell boston"bostonaccount bostonpwd" -
    _NCP> set circuit sva-0 cost 4

    The NCP Emulator was designed to facilitate software
    installations on DECnet Phase V systems; it was not intended
    as a replacement for NCL.  For more information on the NCP
    Emulator and the limited set of NCP commands it supports,
    refer to the Network Management manual.

7  –  DNS$Control

    With dns$control you can manage the components of DECdns and the
    contents of the DECdns namespace.

    To invoke dns$control on OpenVMS, enter:

    $ run sys$system:dns$control

    For more information about dns$control, you may either invoke the
    utility and enter "help" at the DNS> prompt, or refer to the
    DECnet-Plus DECdns Management manual.

8  –  NET$Configure (OpenVMS)

    This procedure is used to configure your DECnet-Plus system.  The
    net$configure options are: FAST, BASIC, or ADVANCED.  For help in
    determining which option to use and how to invoke that option,
    refer to the option descriptions below.

8.1  –  FAST

    This option will be invoked the first time you configure a
    Phase V node by:

    $ @sys$manager:net$configure

    Choose to continue with this FAST default configuration if:

    -  You are upgrading from a DECnet Phase IV node and you
       plan to use the existing Phase IV configuration.

    -  The node is not in a cluster.

    -  You are not running and do not plan to run this as a DNS

    After the FAST configuration has been run once on your system,
    the configuration option defaults to BASIC.  For more
    information about the FAST configuration option, refer to the
    Installation and Basic Configuration manual.

8.2  –  BASIC

    Choose this option if...

    -  The node is in a cluster.

    -  You are upgrading or reconfiguring DECnet-Plus.

    -  You need to access a DECdns server for network addresses.

    -  You want to run DECnet over TCP/IP (RFC 1859) and/or
       OSI applications over TCP/IP (RFC 1006).

    -  You only have one communications device, or you have
       multiple devices, all of which will be used for
       DECnet-Plus communications.

    -  You want to use the default names for all devices and
       routing circuits (for example, default csmacd-0, rather
       than sva-0).

    -  You want to autoconfigure your network addresses only.

    -  You want to configure both the NSP and OSI transports
       and only want to create default OSI templates.  You want
       to enable both DECnet over TCP/IP or OSI applications
       over TCP/IP.

    -  You do not want to enable FDDI large packet support
       (if you have an FDDI-type circuit).

    -  You want to set the routing characteristic DNS Address
       Format to TRUE (this attribute controls the
       interpretation of address structuring).

    -  You want to use integrated mode routing.

    To invoke net$configure using the BASIC option, enter:

    $ @sys$manager:net$configure

    For more information about the BASIC configuration, refer
    to the Installation and Basic Configuration manual.

8.3  –  ADVANCED

    Choose the ADVANCED option if...

    -  Your configuration is complex.

    -  You need to customize your network's configuration.

    -  Your system has multiple communication devices, and you
       want them to run a mix of protocols.

    -  You want to configure a cluster with both DECnet Phase IV
       and DECnet Phase V nodes.

    -  You want the option to give specific names to all devices
       and routing circuits.  You also want the option of not
       configuring all your devices for DECnet-Plus.

    -  You want the option of manually entering your network

    -  You want to configure either the NSP transport or the OSI
       transport (or both).  You want the option to create
       additional OSI templates.  You want the option of
       enabling/disabling DECnet over TCP/IP or OSI applications
       over TCP/IP.

    -  You want the option of enabling FDDI large packet support
       (if you have an FDDI-type circuit).

    -  You want the option of setting the routing characteristic
       DNA Address Format to TRUE or FALSE (to control the
       interpretation of address structuring).

    -  You want the option of using either intregated mode
       routing or segregated mode routing.

    -  You want the option to provide default accounts for FAL.

    To invoke net$configure using the ADVANCED option, enter:

    $ @sys$manager:net$configure advanced

    For more information about the ADVANCED configuration,
    refer to the Applications Installation and Advanced
    Configuration manual.
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