NCLHELP.HLB  —  Directory Module, DSA  Directives  UPDATE
 Use the UPDATE directive to initiate replication. On issuing
 this directive, the DSA specified in the SUPPLIER argument
 provides copies of one or more naming contexts (see the
 Naming Context entity) to this DSA.  You can only use the
 UPDATE directive when the DSA is in state ON.


 Refer to Arguments for details of <supplier>.

 You should only need to use the UPDATE DSA directive when you implement
 replication for the first time. Once replication has been established,
 the DSAs continue to replicate automatically according to a 12 hour
 schedule. This assumes you follow HP's recommendations, as
 documented in HP Enterprise Directory  - Management.

1  –  Arguments

 The UPDATE directive has one argument: SUPPLIER.  The SUPPLIER
 argument specifies either the AE title or the presentation address
 of the DSA which will supply copies of naming contexts.

 If you use the AE title argument, the directive only succeeds if
 a directory entry of the same name is accessible to this DSA and
 contains a valid presentation address for the supplier DSA.

 Specify the argument as follows:

 	UPDATE DSA SUPPLIER '<ae title>'
         UPDATE DSA SUPPLIER '<presentation address>'

 Refer to DSA Common_Datatypes for information on how
 to specify an AE title or a presentation address.

2  –  Errors

 The UPDATE directive can return one of the following errors:

 REASON:         Wrong State
 DESCRIPTION:    The DSA entity is not in the correct state.

                 The error indicates what state the DSA is in.
                 The DSA must be in state ON when you use the
                 UPDATE DSA directive.

 REASON:         Invalid Address
 DESCRIPTION:    The Supplier argument is not a valid presentation

                 Check the presentation address of the DSA that is
                 to be the supplier DSA, and specify that address

 REASON:         Invalid Supplier Name
 DESCRIPTION:    The Supplier argument is not a valid directory name.

                 Check the AE title of the DSA that is to be the
                 supplier DSA, and specify that AE title correctly.

 REASON:         Supplier Unavailable
 DESCRIPTION:    The Supplier DSA is unavailable.

                 This error usually means that the supplier DSA
                 cannot verify the identity of the consumer DSA.
                 Refer to HP Enterprise Directory
                 - Management for details of replication, and its
                 prerequisite tasks.

                 The error can also mean that the supplier DSA  is
                 unavailable temporarily, and a later attempt to
                 replicate will succeed.

                 The error can also mean that the supplier DSA has
                 insufficient diskspace to write the shadow
                 information  to disk before sending it to the
                 consumer DSA. Check  the events generated on the
                 supplier DSA to see  whether they explain the
                 failure of replication.

 REASON:         Schema Incompatible
 DESCRIPTION:    Supplied update incompatible with the DSA.

                 The two DSAs have different schema, and the
                 information in the supplied naming context does not
                 conform to the schema of this  DSA.

                 The consumer DSA needs schema that supports all of
                 the attribute types, syntaxes, and structure rules
                 used in the shadowed naming context. HP
                 recommends that all of your DSAs have identical
                 schema files.

 REASON:         DIT Incompatible
 DESCRIPTION     Supplied update incompatible with the DSA.

                 The consumer naming context clashes with the DIT
                 of the consumer DSA. For example, the consumer
                 DSA might have a naming context that overlaps
                 with the consumed naming context.

                 This indicates that you have a problem with your
                 DSA configuration, and you should check all DSAs
                 to ensure that they have a consistent understanding
                 of the division of your DIT.

 REASON:         Update Incompatible
 DESCRIPTION:    Supplied update incompatible with the DSA.

                 The supplied naming context contains information
                 that is incompatible with this DSA.

 REASON:         Insufficient Resources
 DESCRIPTION:    There are insufficient resources to perform the

                 This usually means that the consumer DSA has
                 insufficient diskspace to write the shadow
                 information to disk before applying it to its
                 database. It can also mean that the consumer DSA
                 has insufficient memory to add the shadow
                 information to whatever information it already

 REASON:         Insufficient Resources DSA Deleted
 DESCRIPTION:    Failed in performing the Update due to insufficient
                 resources. DSA deleted.

                 This is similar to the Insufficient Resources
                 problem, but the DSA has already made changes to
                 its database. It therefore deletes itself to
                 prevent corruption of its existing data. When you
                 recreate the DSA, it recovers the data that it
                 held prior to the failed update.

 REASON:         No Address
 DESCRIPTION:    Cannot read address for specified DSA.

                 You specified an AE title for the supplier DSA.
                 The consumer DSA looked the AE title up in the
                 directory, but found that the entry representing
                 the supplier DSA does not have a  presentation
                 address attribute, or that it could not read the
                 presentation address attribute.

                 Check that the entry representing the supplier DSA
                 has a presentation address attribute, and that it
                 is accessible to the consumer DSA. Otherwise
                 specify the presentation address of the supplier
                 DSA on the UPDATE command, so that a lookup is not

 REASON:         Bad Update
 DESCRIPTION:    Invalid data received from Supplier.

                 This means that there is a problem with the
                 protocol passed between the supplier DSA and
                 consumer DSA. The consumer DSA therefore does not
                 apply any changes to its database.  Try the update
                 again, to see whether the error recurs. If so,
                 report this error to HP.

 REASON:         Bad Update DSA Deleted
 DESCRIPTION:    Invalid data received from Supplier. DSA deleted.

                 This is similar to the Bad Update error. However,
                 the consumer DSA has already started applying
                 changes to its database before detecting the
                 error. It therefore deletes itself to prevent
                 corruption of its data. When you recreate the
                 consumer DSA, it recovers the database that it
                 held prior to the failed update.

 REASON:         Unexpected Failure
 DESCRIPTION:    Unexpected failure.

                 Check the events generated by the supplier DSA and
                 the consumer DSA to see whether they explain the

 REASON:         Comms Failure
 DESCRIPTION:    The update failed due to a communications problem.

                 See HP Enterprise Directory - Problem Solving for
                 information about fixing communications problems.
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