NCLHELP.HLB  —  Directory Module, DSA  Directives  CREATE
 Use this directive to create a DSA. On completion of this directive,
 the state of the DSA is OFF. You can then create subentities
 of the DSA entity, and manage the attributes of the DSA entity and
 its subentities.


 When the DSA is being created, it reads its database into memory.
 If the DSA does not have a database yet, it creates a new one

 DSAs on Tru64 UNIX systems use memory image files instead
 of the snapshot files since V3.0.  The DSA can read and write memory
 image files much faster, especially for large databases.  By default,
 the DSA always reads a memory image file, if a valid one is
 available. If not, it reads a snapshot file, if one is available, or
 creates a new database if not.

 You can use arguments to the CREATE DSA command to specify
 which type of database file you want the DSA to read during
 creation. If you use these arguments, the DSA only attempts to
 read the specified type of database file, and does not fallback
 to the other type or create a new database. See the Arguments
 topic for further details.

 After you have created the DSA for the first time, using the
 CREATE DSA command with no arguments, you must set values for
 the AE Title and Presentation Address attributes of the
 DSA entity. You cannot enable a DSA that does not have these two
 attributes set. This version provides a DSA configuration utility
 that simplifies the setting of these attributes.

 After creation for the first time you are also advised to set the
 Volatile Modifications attribute to TRUE. Refer to the help for
 this characteristic attribute for further details.

 During subsequent DSA creations, the DSA refers to its own database
 and configures itself automatically.

1  –  Arguments

 DSAs on Tru64 UNIX systems support arguments to the CREATE DSA
 directive.  The arguments are as follows:



 If you use the FROM MEMORY IMAGE argument, the DSA attempts to
 read a memory image file, and returns a DSA Information Tree
 Corrupt error if none is available. The DSA does not attempt
 to read a snapshot file or create a new database. If the DSA
 can find a valid memory image file, it returns a message
 indicating that is has successfully read the memory image file.

 The memory image file contains a copy of the schema. This means
 that the DSA does not read the schema during creation. However,
 the DSA displays a warning message if its copy of the schema
 is not the same as the schema file. If the schema has been
 changed, use the following commands to force the DSA to read it:


 If you use the FROM SNAPSHOT argument, the DSA attempts to read
 a snapshot file, as in previous versions, and returns a DSA
 Information Tree Corrupt error if none is available. The DSA does
 not attempt to read a memory image file or create a new database.
 If the DSA can find a valid snapshot file, it returns a message
 indicating that is has successfully read the snapshot file.

 Do not use the FROM SNAPSHOT argument unless a management
 tasks specifically requires it. A snapshot file is
 significantly less efficient than a memory image file, and if
 you create a snapshot file that is more recent than a memory
 image file, you invalidate the memory image file. The FROM
 SNAPSHOT argument is supported for a small number of management
 tasks only. Forcing the DSA to read a new schema is one of those

2  –  Responses

 The CREATE DSA directive can return one of the following

 New DSA database created. Configure the DSA.

    This means that the DSA has been created for the first time.
    Use the DSA configuration utility to give the DSA a basic

 DSA created successfully from memory image file.

    This means that the DSA has been created from a valid memory
    image file.

 DSA created successfully from memory image file.
 Schema Warning: The memory image file does not use
 the current schema.

    This means that the DSA has been created from a valid memory
    image file. However, the DSA detected that the copy of the
    schema in its memory image file is not the same as the one
    in /var/dxd. If the schema has been customized, you should
    force the DSA to read the new schema. Use the following


    This forces the DSA to read the schema during creation.

 DSA created successfully from snapshot file.

    This means that the DSA has been created from a valid
    snapshot file. On Tru64 UNIX systems, you should only
    use a snapshot file for management tasks that specifically
    require it. On the first occasion that you start the DSA
    after an upgrade, the DSA reads the existing snapshot file.
    After the first DIT check interval, or when you delete the
    DSA, the DSA creates a memory image file. It then reads
    and writes memory image files unless specifically instructed
    to read or write a snapshot file.

3  –  Errors

 The CREATE directive can return one of the following errors:

 REASON:         Already Exists
 DESCRIPTION:    The DSA entity already exists.

 REASON:         Communication Failure
 DESCRIPTION:    There has been a failure in communication.

                 This means that communication has not been successful.
 		The response gives more information about the failure.

 REASON:         DSA Information Tree Corrupt
 DESCRIPTION:    The DSA Information Tree is corrupt.

                 The copy of the DSA database stored on disk
                 is corrupt and consequently not loaded into memory.
                 On Tru64 UNIX systems, this error is also used
                 if you specify the FROM MEMORY IMAGE or FROM
                 SNAPSHOT argument on the CREATE DSA command, but
                 there is no memory image or snapshot file available.
                 If this is the case, repeat the command without
                 the argument.

 REASON:         DSA Information Tree Incompatible
 DESCRIPTION:    The DSA Information Tree is incompatible with
                 this version of the DSA.

                 This can only happen after an upgrade of the
                 Enterprise Directory software.

 REASON:         DSA Information Tree Schema Incompatible
 DESCRIPTION:    The DSA Information Tree and Schema are incompatible.

                 The DSA Information Tree contains information that
                 is not defined in the schema. The missing definition
                 is identified in a supplementary message.

 REASON:         License Check Failed
 DESCRIPTION:    The license check has failed for this product.

                 A valid HP X.500 Directory Server license has not
                 been installed.

 REASON:         Schema Corrupt
 DESCRIPTION:    The schema file is unreadable. Recompile the schema.

 REASON:         Schema Incompatible
 DESCRIPTION:    The schema file is of a different version from the
                 DSA. Recompile the schema.

 REASON:         Database Loading
 DESCRIPTION:    The DSA is currently being created.

                 Two CREATE directives have been issued in quick
                 succession. No action is necessary.
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