HELPLIB.HLB  —  ROBOT  Connectivity  HSxnn Controller
   When connecting a media robot to an HSJnn or HSDnn controller, you
   must associate the loader name with an internal passthrough name.
   After installing the media robot hardware, and connecting the
   cables between host, controller, and media robot, you can make the
   association at the controller console terminal.

   1.  Add the loader to the controller by identifying the loader
   name and SCSI port, target ID, and LUN.

   CLI> ADD LOADER loader_name p t l

   2.  Add the passthrough name to the controller, relating it to the
   loader name.

   CLI> ADD PASSTHROUGH pass_name loader_name

   3.  Add the unit name, relating it to the passthrough name.

   CLI> ADD UNIT unit_name pass_name

   This example shows the commands for connecting a TL810 Automated
   Tape Library system loader.  The SCSI Port is 5, Target ID is 4,
   and LUN is 0.

   CLI> ADD LOADER TL810A 5 4 0


   CLI> ADD UNIT D810 P810A

   After establishing this connection, the OpenVMS system will show
   the device DUA810 with its allocation class.  The MRU ROBOT name
   will be the OpenVMS allocation class name $1$DUA810.
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