HELPLIB.HLB  —  PMDF  DB  Advanced Mailing Lists, Named Parameters
    Named-parameters are used to associate options with a mailing
    list. There can be zero or more of named parameters, each
    separated by commas, and they must appear before any positional
    parameters. The general syntax of a named-parameter is:

    [name] value

    Here NAME is the name of the parameter and VALUE is its
    corresponding value. The square brackets are a mandatory part
    of the syntax: they do not indicate an optional field.

    The available named parameters are:


    AUTH_LIST is used to specify a list of addresses that are allowed
    to post to the mailing list. The VALUE item must be the full file
    path specification for a world readable file containing the list
    of addresses allowed to post to the list. When someone attempts
    to post a message to the mailing list, PMDF will attempt to match
    their address against the addresses in the list; if no match
    occurs, the attempted posting will be sent to the owner of the

    CANT_LIST has the opposite effect as AUTH_LIST: it supplies the
    full file path specification of a world readable file containing
    a list of addresses which cannot post to the list.

    One common use of this facility is to restrict a list so that
    only list members can post. This can be done by specifying the
    same file as both the mailing list file and the AUTH_LIST file.
    For example, assuming that the mailing list is named foo-list and
    the associated file is D1:[SUE]SAMPLE.DIS, the alias declaration
    would be

 db> add foo-list "<d1:[sue]sample.dis, [auth_list] d1:[sue]sample.dis"


    The BLOCKLIMIT and LINELIMIT parameters can be used to limit
    the size of messages that can be posted to the list. The VALUE
    item must be an integer number of PMDF blocks, for [BLOCKLIMIT],
    or an integer number of lines, for [LINELIMIT]. The size of a
    PMDF block is normally 1024 bytes. The default value for these
    parameters is 0, meaning that no limit is imposed on the size of
    message that can be posted to the list (apart, that is, from any
    system wide limits).


    The DELAY_NOTIFICATIONS named parameter requests that NOTARY
    delay notifications be sent for mailing list postings; the
    NODELAY_NOTIFICATIONS named parameter requests that NOTARY delay
    notifications not be sent for mailing list postings. The VALUE
    specification is currently ignored and should always be NONE.


    HEADER_ADDITION can be used to specify a file of headers to
    be added to posted messages. The argument must be a full file
    specification for the file containing headers to be added.

    In particular this facility can be used to add the standard
    mailing list headers defined in RFC 2369. For instance, a
    user that has set up a public list named
    listname might use a header addition file along the lines of
    the following:

 List-Help: <>
 List-Subscribe: <>
 List-Unsubscribe: <>
 List-Post: <>
 List-Owner: <>
 List-Archive: <>


    parameters are used to generate respective headers on messages
    posted to the list; the VALUE specification is inserted on the
    respective header line.


    The MODERATOR_ named parameters are used to establish a moderated
    mailing list. All postings to the list not originating from a
    moderator are sent to the list's moderator. The address of the
    moderator must be specified with the MODERATOR_ADDRESS named
    parameter. The moderator address determines where moderator mail
    is sent when someone other than the moderator posts. The value of
    that named parameter is the moderator's address. For example,

 db> add test-list "<d1:[bob]test.dis, [MODERATOR_ADDRESS]"

    When there can be multiple moderator addresses (for instance,
    both and use MODERATOR_
    LIST to specify all addresses from which postings should be
    passed directly to the list and not sent to the list's moderator.
    MODERATOR_LIST specifies the name of a file containing a list of
    moderator addresses.

    If a MODERATOR_LIST parameter is used, thereby specifying who
    can post directly to the list, then a MODERATOR_ADDRESS parameter
    should also be present to specify the address to which to send
    postings not from any moderator.

    The use of the MODERATOR_ADDRESS parameter alone, without the
    MODERATOR_LIST parameter, is equivalent to using MODERATOR_
    ADDRESS and a MODERATOR_LIST consisting of just the one moderator

    Note that one use of MODERATOR_ADDRESS and MODERATOR_LIST is to
    set up a list wherein anyone on the list can post directly, but
    attempts to post by addresses not subscribed to the list will be
    referred to a moderator. For instance,

 db> add mem-list "<d1:[bob]mem-list.dis,
 [MODERATOR_LIST] d1:[bob]mem-list.dis"


    The SEQUENCE_PREFIX and SEQUENCE_SUFFIX named parameters request
    that a sequence number be prepended or appended to the Subject:
    lines of messages posted to the list. The VALUE item gives the
    full file path specification of a sequence number file. This file
    is read, incremented, and updated each time a message is posted
    to the list. The number read from the file is prepended, in the
    case of SEQUENCE_PREFIX, or appended, in the case of SEQUENCE_
    SUFFIX, to the message's Subject: header line. This mechanism
    provides a way of uniquely sequencing each message posted to
    a list so that recipients can more easily track postings and
    determine whether or not they have missed any.

    By default, a response to a previously posted message (with a
    previous sequence number) retains the previous sequence number
    as well as adding a new sequence number to the subject line; the
    build up of sequence numbers shows the entire "thread" of the
    message in question. However, the SEQUENCE_STRIP named parameter
    can be used to request that only the highest numbered, i.e.,
    most recent, sequence number be retained on the subject line. The
    VALUE item is currently ignored and should always be NONE.

                              IMPORTANT NOTE

       To ensure that sequence numbers are only incremented for
       successful postings, a SEQUENCE_PREFIX or SEQUENCE_SUFFIX
       named parameter should always appear as the last named
       parameter; that is, if other named parameters are also being
       used, the SEQUENCE_ named parameter should appear at the end
       of the list of named parameters.

    Sequence number files are binary files and must have the proper
    file attributes and access permissions in order to function
    correctly. In particular, sequence number files must be writeable
    from the perspective of the PMDF user account. A PMDF user
    account must exist for sequence number files in personal alias
    databases to work properly. If your system administrators have
    not created a PMDF user account, then you will not be able to use
    this sequence numbering facility.

    To create the file SEQ-FILE-SPEC with the proper attributes and
    access permissions for use as a sequence number file, issue the

    $ CREATE/FDL=PMDF_COM:sequence_number.fdl seq-file-spec


    The TAG named parameter can be used to prefix specified text to
    the Subject: header of posted messages. The VALUE item should be
    the string to be added.


    The USERNAME named parameter can be used to set the "username"
    that PMDF will consider to "own" these mailing list messages.
    For instance, the PMDF QM utility will allow that username to
    inspect and bounce messages in the queue resulting from expansion
    of this mailing list. The VALUE item should be the username of
    the account to "own" the mailing list postings. Note that the
    username specified will be forced to uppercase.
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