HELPLIB.HLB  —  PASCAL  Predeclared Routines, Char Strng, PAD
  The PAD  function  returns  a  character-string  value,  of  the
  specified  size,  that  contains  padded  fill  characters.  The
  return value is compatible with all other string types.


     PAD( str,fill,size )

  The parameter 'str' is a character-string value  to  be  padded;
  the  parameter  fill  is  a value of type CHAR to be used as the
  fill character; and, the parameter 'size' is  an  integer  value
  indicating the size of the final string.

  This string is composed of the original string followed  by  the
  fill  character, which is repeated as many times as is necessary
  to extend the string to its specified size.  The final size must
  be  greater  than  or  equal  to  the length of the string to be
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