HELPLIB.HLB  —  PASCAL  /CONSTANT=(name=value,...) D=none
  Creates a Pascal constant with the specified  value.   The  name
  can  be  any legal VSI Pascal identifier.  The value can be:  an
  integer-literal; a negative-integer-literal; TRUE  or  FALSE;  a
  double-quoted string literal, or a single-quoted string literal.

  For example,


  Inserting  double-quote  characters   and   inserting   adjacent
  single-quote  characters  can  be  accomplished  by  using the \
  escape character allowed  in  VSI  Pascal  double-quoted  string

  By using the \' single-quote escape character,  you  can  insert
  adjacent  single-quotes  without DCL interpreting it as a symbol

    $ PASCAL/CONSTANT=MSG="String with 2 \'\' single quote characters"

  Do not use \" to insert a double-quote character into the string
  literal as DCL will interpret the double-quote as the end of the
  string.  Instead use the \x22 character literal  (16#22  is  the
  ASCII   code   for  the  double-quote  character)  to  insert  a
  double-quote character  into  the  string  literal  without  DCL
  interpreting it as the end of the string.

    $ PASCAL/CONSTANT=MSG="String with a \x22 double-quote character"

  The /CONSTANT qualifier is designed to  be  used  with  the  VSI
  Pascal conditional compilation syntax, but the constants defined
  can be used in any Pascal expression just like normal  constants
  defined in the CONST section.
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