HELPLIB.HLB  —  MRD Library, mrd_ready, Example
     *   This is an example of using mrd_move_medium directly to move
     *   a cartridge from one slot to another.  To simplify the
     *   example, it only supports slot to slot moves, but it shows
     *   how the absolute element addresses are calcuated.  For each
     *   additional destination address given, the previous (successful)
     *   destination address is used as the source.
     *   Usage:
     *      mrd_ready robot port [ port... ]
    #ifndef   lint
    static   char   SccsId[] = "@(#)mrd_ready.c   1.2 3/5/97" ;

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <mrd_common.h>
    #include <mrd_message.h>

    main(int argc, char *argv[])
       int      pc ;      /* counter */
       int      port ;      /* Port number */
       int      address ;   /* Port address */
       int      status ;   /* return status */
       char      *robot ;   /* Robot to open */
       robot_info_t   robot_info ;   /* Robot data */
       dev_status_t   dev_status ;   /* Device status */
       char      log_info[MRD_MAX_LOG_STRING+1] ;

        *   Check that there are enough arguments.
       if( argc < 3 ) {
          printf("usage: %s robot port [ port... ]\n", argv[0]) ;
          exit(1) ;
          robot  = argv[1] ;

        *   Initialize the channel field of the robot_info, so
        *   mrd_startup(3mrd) will actually open the robot.
        */ = BAD_CHANNEL ;

       status = mrd_startup(robot, &robot_info, log_info) ;

       if( status != MRD_STATUS_SUCCESS ) {
          printf("Startup failed on %s: %s.\n", robot,
             mrd_strstatus(status)) ;

          exit(1) ;

        *   For each destination address on the command line,
        *   move the the cartridge in the source to the
        *   destination.  After each (successful) move, replace
        *   the previous source with this destination.
       for(pc = 2; pc < argc; pc++) {
           *   Get the port number.
          port = atoi(argv[pc]) ;

           *   Now the absolute address.
          address = port + robot_info.port_start ;

           *   Print an audit as we go.  Since we know these
           *   are slots, convert back to relative addresses
           *   for the audit.
          printf("Ready Inport #%d of %s\n", port, robot) ;

          status = mrd_ready(&robot_info, address, &dev_status) ;

          if( status != MRD_STATUS_SUCCESS ) {
             printf("Ready Inport failed on %s: %s.\n", robot,
                mrd_strstatus(status)) ;

              *   Since the cartridge didn't move, don't
              *   reset the source, by skipping the remainder
              *   of the loop.
             continue ;

       (void)mrd_shutdown(&robot_info) ;

       return 0 ;
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